DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Data From Database On Every Seconds?

Feb 4, 2010

I'm developing a web application with and Sql Server 2005.

How i can retrive data from database on every seconds basis?

For your information , I have a Server application which will update hardware status (every seconds) into database and

my web client need to retrieve and display out the latest status (every seconds)

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Images From Database??

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DataSource Controls :: Get Profiles From Timestamp - 20 Seconds?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a issue im trying to get though where my site while up useing a ajax timer ever 15 seconds to update there time stamp to say there still online and active. Its the best way i could think of to handle the are they online/did they just leave issue i was having. Any ways i dont know how to query the database with linq to sql so i guess i will do psudeo code like stuff and hopefully some one can offer some advice.


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I use a SqlDataReader to get fron sqlServer a row af a table. This table have a text field where I store a Xml configuration. In one case this Xml grow up to 650Kb. When I get the field from the datareader it cost amost 2 seconds:

INFO 2010-04-16 09:46:40,559 [12] Cms.dataContenido - readed
INFO 2010-04-16 09:46:42,356 [12] Cms.dataContenido - XMLContent

This is my code:


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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Data From SqlDataSource

Mar 31, 2010

I want to retreive some data from an SqlDataSource using it's Selected event I've tried

DataView dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)

but here it's going into in infinite loop and then it gives me an StackOverflowException error in ASP.Net Development Server (my dev machine) and if I publish to IIS it requires me an user name and password to connect to server and gives an InternetExplorer error "Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException. An unknown error ... status code returned was 400. The SqlDataSource is in an UpdatePanel. Maybe this is why I get this.

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Data From Sql Server?

Feb 17, 2010

retrieve data from sql server without using details or grid view.

i have a table in the SQL server called NewsTable which inculde the following fields: "titlename","bywho","datetime"."news"

anyway i need to retrieve the data from this table to my web page to appear this way ==> i am using C# by the way

posted by bywho on datetime

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Part Of A Data Field?

May 16, 2010

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For example, the MS Customize CreateUserWizard walkthrough [URL] adds the ability to save the users preference for subscribing to a newsletter and allowing their info to be shared as 1 value in the comment column of the membership database. The result ofaspnet_Membership.Comment is Subscribe=TRUE&ShareInfo=FALSE.

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Jul 7, 2010

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Jul 30, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Data Based On Years?

Jul 8, 2010

I need to retrieve data based on 3 different selections(current year, 5 years, 10 years). If the user select current year, then I need to pull data with the most up to date year, if the user selects 5 years, then I need to pull data for 5 years from the most up to date year in database. I am trying to accomplish this in sql due to using object DataTables in 3.5. I am able to do this with separate queries but I need to accomplish this with one query. I was going to use CASE statements but not really sure if I am approaching this correctly.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Sqldatasource Row From Database?

Apr 5, 2010

I want to retrieve sqldatasource row from database and if = 1/0 set checkbox to checked or not

I am using the sqldatasource and formview. The sqldatasource is bringing in 1 database item via querystring id

I want to read the row entitled 'IsCharacter' which is either 1 or 0 value. If it is 1 I want the checkbox in my formview to be checked. If it is 0, I want it to not be checked.

I could do this with a dropdownlist with value of 1 or 0 which would be easier for me, however, I don't think it would be as user friendly as a checkbox.

Perhaps a radiobuttonlist would be better?

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Images From Database?

Dec 18, 2010

i have a table that containt two fields.

1. ProjectID


in ImageAddress field i have stored physically address of my images and each project has more than one image. how could i show all images that belongs to a project in a GridView?

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Record From The Database ?

Feb 5, 2011

I want to be able to retrieve a record from the database and change it than update the record in the database with changes.

what's I am doing

1- select the record for the data base

2- on loading the form set the content of each component woth data (eg: textbox1.text = "content")

when I edit the value and submit the form

3- I get the changed text (changed = textbox1.text )

but it get the old text not the changed one

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DataSource Controls :: Method To Retrieve Random Data From Dataset?

Apr 15, 2010

Is there any method by which we can retrieve random data from a dataset or rather directly from a table.

For example, I have around 30 questions in my table, I just wanted to display 20 among them and that too in a random order without the same item repeating. Can we achieve this using SP or through some Dataset manipulation?

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Data From SqlDataSource And Pass To A Variable?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a page in my website where there is very little code-behind. I only have two lines of code in Page_Load() and the rest of the code is declarative ASP.NET code. I have a FormView control which uses a SqlDataSource to get some order information. The SqlDataSource calls a stored procedure called usp_GetOrderDetails, here's the code for the SqlDataSource:



What I want is to grab the screenshotId from the SqlDataSource when the usp_GetOrderDetails stored proc gets called and populate it into a field on the page called screenshotId. I then want to use this screenshotId to get an image from the database based on Id. populating the screenshotId field. How do I do this - do I need to have something like OnDataBound or something like that?

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DataSource Controls :: Unable To Retrieve Data From Two Tables While Using Inner Join?

May 25, 2010

I need to retirve data from two tables...when i click a value in dropdown list, i need to retrieve values from two tables based on that id( which i have selected in dropdown) when i have written query ( "Select assign_issue.issue_assigned_to, assign_issue.created_on,assign_issue.last_Date,
issue_register.issue_desc,issue_register.issue_Priority from assign_issue INNER JOIN Issue_register ON assign_Issue.Issue_ID = issue_register.Issue_ID where issue_register = '" + ddlissueid.selecteditem.text + "'")..query is executing ..when it comes to dr = cmd.executereader()..Dr is unable to is showing false when i trace..unable to read into while loop.

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Data Controls :: Retrieve GridView DataSource To Generate Reports?

Dec 21, 2012

object og = GridView_EmployeeTimeSheet.DataSource;
System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
dt = (System.Data.DataTable)og;

But getting null in og(object) and at run time Gridview is showing its required data...

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Data From SQL Server Based On Login Username (session Data)

Oct 12, 2010

I'm trying to make a dropdown list with data available based on the users login name. Heres what I have as my SQL Query in the SQLDataSource:

SELECT Client_Name, Client_ID FROM Client WHERE (Client_Name LIKE '%@Client_Name%')

So say if the login username is "User1" but the database client name is "User1 Steel" I want the dropdownlist to pull "User1 Steel" as the display and Client_ID as the value from the dropdown list.

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Data From Data Base And Display A Field Based On The Dropdown?

Jul 6, 2010

I am in need to retrieve data from data base and display a field based on the drop down is selected

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