DataSource Controls :: Retrieve Username And Passwords From A Database?
Apr 20, 2010
I would like my website to fetch the data for username and password from a database in SQL server and authenticate that. I have used a login control in the website.
Presently I can assign username and passwords using the 'login control' from the website administration tool.
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<%= Page.User.Identity.Name %>
<%= Membership.GetUser().UserName %>
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Have found this:
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Feb 28, 2010
SELECT DISTINCT TblSections.SectionID, TblSections.Description
UMG.Users ON TblSections.SectionID = UMG.Users.SectionID
WHERE (TblSections.Description IS NOT NULL) AND (dbo.Users.LoginName = [@Session(UserName)])
ORDER BY TblSections.Description
I have problem in using Session name in the above BOLD WHERE clause.
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But why does this not work?
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