DataSource Controls :: When Add A Object Datasource To Page, It Bring Only Common Layer Classes?

Mar 10, 2011

i have problem white Object datasource. i have a multi-tier Application that include common layer ,DAL Layer,business logic and persantation layerwhen i add a object datasource to my page, it bring me only common layer classes . but i want use bisuiness layer classes what do i do ?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Bring The Particular Result Through Queries

Feb 11, 2010


It may comes any order but (cbhak) is constant. i need to bring this in query, i dont want to use any funtionHow can i acheive this result

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DataSource Controls :: How To Bring The Result Without Using Cursor

May 13, 2010

Tag TableName FieldNameabc wc s_namelbl wc s_deslb2 wc s_prodin above fieldname(s_name,s_des,s_prod) column represent field in wc table.How can i bring this result. is this possible without using cursor. i was struggling past two days. i cant able to bring result for above.

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DataSource Controls :: Common Sqlconnection?

Mar 4, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Access Property Of Object As Session Variable As Declarative Datasource Parameter Value

Oct 27, 2010

I am storing a custom "Organisation" object as a session variable. One of the properties of the Organisation object is "OrganisationID" (integer). I have a DataSource that requires a parameter value to run, and I want to use a SessionParameter to populate this. In a previous version, I stored the OrganisationID directly as a session variable. In that case, I could easily access it like this:


However, how do I now access the OrganisationID property of an "Organisation" type session variable (called "Organisation")? I have tried this, which does not seem to work: <asp:SessionParameter Name="OrganisationID" SessionField="Organisation.OrganisationID" Type="Int32" />

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DataSource Controls :: Setting Common Properties For An ObjectDataSource?

Nov 7, 2010

In my ASP.NET application I am using a lot of ObjectDataSource controls. I want to set the following three properties globally for all ObjectDataSource controls:


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DataSource Controls :: The Name 'Common' Does Not Exist In The Current Context?

May 11, 2010

I get the above error using this code. What am I missing?


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DataSource Controls :: Created LINQ To SQL Classes And Built The Project, Then Created An Aspx Page?

Jun 3, 2010

I have been using LINQ to SQL for quite a while (about two years). Every thing was fine until now. As usual, I created LINQ to SQL classes and built the project, then created an aspx page. However, I cannot see the DataClassesDataContext in the code behind file. It is not listed in the intellisense list.

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DataSource Controls :: Common Connection String In LINq To SQL Files?

Feb 20, 2010

I am using LINQ to SQL files in my class libray since every LINQ to SQL sources file is a seprate file and i have to set database connection string in each class library. Now, i have total 7 class libraires in my project how connection string be passed from web.onfg to LINQ file, so that i don't need to manually change the connection string. lke we did in 2.0 using connection string property in class file library.

How could we pass the same in LINQ's designer file.

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Data With Object Datasource?

Aug 9, 2010

This is the first time I have been working on databases and I am trying to insert data using an object datasource but no data is being inserted and no exception is thrown. I'm not sure where I am going to wrong. I am putting user data into session variables and inserting the session variables into the dataacess class layer and have a try and exception but nothing being thrown. Any help would be really appreciated because I don't know even where to start looking with this or how I can get the error to be thrown. Please see some of my code below to give an idea of what I am doing

Object Access Class
public void InsertCarPolicyHolder(PolicyHolderClass ph, CarInsuranceOptions options)


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DataSource Controls :: Assigning Method To Object Datasource?

Jan 17, 2010

I have a Public Sub listed in a class file that I am using to store Select, Update,etc...methods for an Object Datasource. When I attempt to configure the datasource, the Class appears as a business object, but the sub within the class is not available for method selection. (It does not appear in drop down list in wizard.)

The sub exists, so where is a good place for me to start looking for a fix? I have part of the class file listed below:


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DataSource Controls :: Why Should Use A Data Access Layer (DAL)

May 10, 2010

I'm now reading this article:[URL]But I don't understnad why this is better than just writing code, methods that connects to DB and get from stored procedore what I need.
Why is it better to use so much DataSets for all the tables and more.

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DataSource Controls :: Get Common Columns From Two Intersecting Datatable Inside Dataset?

Mar 18, 2010

How can I get common columns from two intersecting datatable inside dataset?

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DataSource Controls :: Deleting Row In Data Access Layer?

Jan 27, 2010

I can use similar code below to select a row in my database when I enter a value (username) in text box and it successfully retrieves.however, I'd also like to delete row from database based on the username i enter in text box. My code runs but no row is code is:


private AdminTableAdapter adminGetUsers;

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DataSource Controls :: Data Access Layer And UI Seperation?

Apr 13, 2010

I keep all of my code in codeLib.cs and use it on various ASP.NET pages. However, I still have to do the databind(); in the code behind page for each aspx file. How can I eliminate all code in the aspx file so I just have the UI in the aspxand the code and databind(); in codeLib.cs.

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DataSource Controls :: Using Web Service With Object Datasource?

Mar 5, 2010

have an object datasource that calls a web method to retrieve a set of data. That web service resides on another remote server with Windows Authentication enforced. How do I pass in the credentials required for the authentication from my web application? My code is as follows:


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DataSource Controls :: Extending LINQ Classes With Different Namespaces?

Apr 6, 2010

Is there anyway I can extend LINQ classes through different namespaces?Typically in my class libraries I have a namespace for each class object and their associated DAO and service classes in a folder of my project, therefore on the front-end I can only use the namespaces associated with the given page and not clutter my intellisense or load in a bunch of excess stuff.

However, I have found that upon adding my .dbml LINQtoSQL file, whatever namespace that is in, whether it's the project root namespace or a custom one, is the only namespace I can use partial class extension in.I have tried even creating a custom workspace (placing the .dbml file in a folder) and then including a using statement to that namespace and I still cannot extend the partial classes.Is there anyway I can do this? Or to have the .dbml file count as being in every namespace? I don't want to remove all namespaces but the root one either.such when I try doing the partial class from a different namespace I get the following error:

Error 1
'Id' is not a member of 'LCFVB.EntityNS.Entity'.
C:Usersshol726.UILAWDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsLCFVBEntityNSEntity.vb
10 7

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Apr 26, 2010

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So instead of having Customer and Order class definitions in one .CS file I'm going to have 2 .CS files: Customer.Designer.CS and Order.Designer.CS

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DataSource Controls :: Access Layer - Northwind Tutorial - Unable To Find The NorthwindTableAdapters.ProductsTableAdapter Class

Mar 31, 2010

I've been attempting to walk through the "Creating a Data Access Layer" tutorial found [URL] I create the DB connection, create the typed dataset and table adapter, specify the sql, etc. When I add the code to the presentation layer (in this case a page called AllProducts.aspx) I am unable to find the NorthwindTableAdapters.ProductsTableAdapter class. I tried to import the NorthwindTableAdapters namespace, but it is not showing up. Looking in the solution explorer Class View confirms that there is a Northwind class, but not the namespace I'm l ooking for. I've tried several online tutorials that all have essentially the same steps, and I'm getting the same results.

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DataSource Controls :: Simple Login Form - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Apr 20, 2010

im tryin to create a login form.

and am receiving the following error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object


and heres my aspx page:


Stored procedure:


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DataSource Controls :: Get Child Properties Using Parent Object Error / Cannot Access A Disposed Object

Feb 17, 2010

On DBML I have two entities as Parent, Child. I am trying to assign Child class properites in a Parent.


I am getting the following Error:

Cannot access a disposed object.

Object name: 'DataContext accessed after Dispose.'.

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DataSource Controls :: Getting Error - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Jul 27, 2010


i'm having trouble because when it has no return value i get the error

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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DataSource Controls :: Error - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Jan 24, 2010

im using a sqldatasource and i want it to query a table chosen from a dropdownlist, so i wrote the following in the .cs file


im recieving this error msg: Object reference not set to an instance of an object (pointing to the line containing the select command)

i don't know what's the problem, i tired a hard-coded statement and it worked fine!

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C# - Common Class - Use Two Classes With Same Code?

Mar 18, 2011

I have following two classes:

public class A : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button

public virtual string X[code]....

As you must be seeing the class A and B have exactly the same code , my question is how can I make a common class for it and use these two classes.

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DataSource Controls :: Request.querystring - "invalid Common Name"

May 13, 2010

My pages work with a SqlDataSource and an Access Database but returns an error when I'm using a SQL Server database.

ERROR [42S22] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'sid'


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