Databases :: SQL Joins - Getting Duplicate Contact ID
Jun 24, 2010
This query should not fetch duplicate contactID(i.e Same ContactID).but when i execute the query i get duplicated ContactID.I know it is a problem with Joins. Could anyone tell me what is wrong with my Query,
Here is my query
select ContactTracking.Contact_ID
ContactTracking ContactTracking
LEFT OUTER JOIN Issues Issues ON ContactTracking.Issue_ID = Issues.Issue_ID
LEFT OUTER JOIN HRA hra ON hra.HcnID = ContactTracking.HcnID
INNER JOIN HPS_COMMON.dbo.wrk_user wrk_User ON ContactTracking.UserID = wrk_User.id_User
INNER JOIN HPS_COMMON.dbo.def_Usertype def_Usertype ON wrk_User.id_UserType = def_Usertype.id_UserType
AND ContactTracking.Call_end_time is not null
AND Contact_ID in ('122734','122738')
And here is the ContactId result i get,
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SELECT * FROM TableA WHERE ([ControlA] IN (SELECT [ControlA] FROM TableA GROUP BY [ControlA] HAVING (COUNT [ControlA]) > 1)))
ID ControlA PIN# FaceValue Date
delete 76637 128232 1234 5 6/4/2006
delete 72722 128232 1234 5 6/4/2006
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delete 72723 234567 2345 10 7/3/2006
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private void OptionalJoin(string phrase)
from t in db.Table
// (if phrase != string.Empty then) join t2 in db.Table2 on t.Id equals t2.Id
select t
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var points = (from p in linq.Coupons
join g in on p.couponID equals g.couponID
where g.username == username && g.couponID == p.couponID
select (int);
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Mar 22, 2010
I have one question regarding how to make the below mentioned type of query more optimized so that mine query perfomace can be increased.
Select a.name1,a.address1,b.field3,c.field4,d.field6,e.field7
from a
inner join b on
inner join c on
inner join d on
iner join e on
union all
Select a1.name1,a1.address1,b1.field3,c.field4,d.field6,e.field7
from a1
inner join b1 on
inner join c on
inner join d on
iner join e on
union all
Select a2.name1,a2.address1,b2.field3,c.field4,d.field6,e.field7
from a2
inner join b2 on
inner join c on
inner join d on
iner join e on
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Is there any way so that this query can be optimized?
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Jan 29, 2011
Inner Join:- Returns a row when there is matching table in both tables. we can use comparison operator like =,<,>,<>
I created two tables
1 1 A
2 6 B
3 7 C
4 10 D
ID Value
1 10
2 30
3 40
5 60
6 70
Basic Inner Join select Type From TableB as a inner join TableA as b on a.ID=b.OID Result Type
If i want only the type which has not match in tableB then i can use not in subquery i get the result if i m using select Type From TableB as a inner join TableA as b on a.ID<>b.OID then i get
18 rows affetected i m suprise
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1. Create an SP
2. Create a temp table and copy all records from the external db
3. Avoid using Left Join as much as possible and use Inner Join
4. Create and use indexes
5. Remove tables/columns that are not necessary
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Mar 21, 2011
I have a web page with a GridView and a table outside the gridview to display more information of the record when it is selected (like record details). I'm using data of five tables for this particularly window. I use one table of the five to bind the gridview the other tables are for the details, but I use like 1 or 2 fields of those tables. I'm binding the page with web services. I need some advice on which is the better way for doing this to make a faster web page.
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How are the maximum table joins I can make? To retrieve the data via web and not get a server time out error. Which is a better way to make a faster page? Make 2 views one for the gridview and one for the details and put each view in a web service; or make one view with all the table joins and one web service. Right now all is working but I have to make other pages that use different tables and joins and I don't know if the server gets me the time out error when the page is fully working.
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Jul 2, 2010
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