Databases :: How To Fill A Dataset From Multiple Foxpro Database
Aug 6, 2010
Well I Am Working On A Client Project Who Was Earlier Using A Software Developed On Foxpro database And Now I Am Developing Advanced Reporting Based On Same Data Of Existing Database
I Am Prohibited To Create New Database, I Have To Use Existing Database Now Problem is That There Is A Report Which Require data from multiple database
database are related Like This
Database (a) 1 Column is Common in Common In Database (b)
database(b) 1 column is common in database (c)
like that
what i am doing is that, I First Filled A Dataset With Required Value Then I loped This Dataset Row For Value On Which I Have To Get Data From Another Database Again I Stored new data in another dataset and After Looping, I Merged It With Previous One.
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Private Sub btn_Ok_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles btn_Ok.Click
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I am asking for your help in trying figure out my logic.
Should I use the connectionString builder in conjunction with a loop to Connect, read a record into a dataset Until therer are no more records to be read from my databse table with the database name/paths tables ?
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d00 d04 WinMain
d00 d04 lpCmdLine: '/UNREGSERVER'
d00 d04 Run
d00 d04
d00 d04 nCmdShow: 10
d00 d04 leaving WinMain
If i use the multi delimited than error shows.How to use the multi delimited.If i run the code to to load the text file given in above show the bellow error
Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table.
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Mar 31, 2010
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My question is, should I use only one database for all the websites, or sould I create a new database (same model) for every new website?I'm now using a single database (with SiteIDs in some tables) but I have a big security concern, I can't just backup/restore the database for ONE website if something goes wrong (e.g. somebody erase all the products on ONE website) and it's an important requirment of the application.
So I was wondering what are the good practices in that case? Is there big cons if splitting dbs?(I would have to make changes to several database instead of one in case of structural changes, but i guess i can make a db version/update system).How the existing CRMs are dealing with that?Is it a performance problem if a database server host a lot of different DataBases? A complex backup/restore tool would be better?
Subquestion:To make a website replication easy, I can also split the pure CMS data (Pages, Texts, ...) in one DB and the e-commerce data (products/categories/orders in another). It can be achieved by some select/insert functions but it would be easier by just copying a database of course.
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I'd like to cache some of the commonly used data from the database(s) in the application, such as "settings", and am looking for a best practice to use with the SqlCacheDependency class or a related database cache dependent solution (not opposed to a custom implementation of SQL notification or polling; notification is preferred over polling).
So far, I'm thinking of using a collection of SqlCacheDependency objects (one for each database) that can be referenced by connection string name or related key. So when the connection is changed to a different database, the cache can be requested/populated by a key of <databasekey>+<datakey> and use the appropriate SqlCacheDependency object (probably handled by a cache-managing wrapper).Or is it just better to take the hit and always go to the database?
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Aug 20, 2010
I trying to fill dataset using LINQ for past 2 days, I could not able to make it.
This is my query.
How can i fill the dataset,make use of above query.
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Nov 28, 2010
i run this and i want to fill textbox txtFname with data - but it dont do nothing
using (Conn = new SqlConnection(Conect))
SQL = "SELECT * FROM MEN where id = '" + txtBAR.Text.Trim() + "'";
dsView = new DataSet();
adp = new SqlDataAdapter(SQL, Conn);
adp.Fill(dsView, "MEN");
txtFname.Text = dsView.Tables[0].Rows[3][0].ToString();
how to do it ?
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May 14, 2010
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I have attached the excel file (Pic1).
In Pic2,I have attached the snapshot of dataset that is filled.
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Mar 20, 2011
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Mar 3, 2010
I have the following DATASET:
I have some data on it.
Lets say for example i fill a dropdownlist with the articles, and the selectedValue is the Articles.Id .
I want to get for example, the Title of an article, that has ID=2, for example and fill a textbox with that data.
How should i do ?
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May 1, 2010
to get limited records using this method? i.e. by filling dataset using adapter and providing min and max record limit?I wish to do custom pagination using this method.
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Sep 13, 2010
This issue has stumped me for a while. Hopefully someone here can give me some insight.
When my site runs the following code it works just fine 99% of the time.
The command is calling a SQL Server 2005 stored procedure that takes 20 parameters and returns 6 tables of about 5-50 rows each. The paramters are all NVARCHAR, INT, or BIT data types. Only one of the parameters is Input/Output. There is a total of about 100 rows returned. Normally this takes a fraction of a second, but for some queries, it times out after 30 seconds.
When I run the exact same query in the Management Studio query window it takes 1 second.
what I can do to get the same performance from .Net as I am getting from Management Studio?
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I am using ASP.NET 4 (Visual Web Developer 2010 Express with MVC), however I think I should ask here as this will be a general MySQL 5 data access problem. I have other MySQL data access to other table with NO problem but this one.:
Here's my test SQL statement in a method:
public DataSet GetAll()
return ExecuteDataSet( "SELECT co.BookingID, co.BookingNo ,co.ClientID, co.AgencyID " +
"FROM clientorder co " +
"ORDER BY co.BookingNo");
protected DataSet ExecuteDataSet(string query)
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Feb 1, 2011
Should i use dataset in code behind or SqlDataSource on the form designer to fill or bind a DropDownList in my page I am currently using SqlDatasource on the form and i bind the control to MySqlDatasource because i find it is very easy and to much faster but somebody told me to use dataset from code behind because of security and performance
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Jan 18, 2010
when my website allow user many connectionstring by text to connect database anh retrieve data. But when user define very may wrong connectionstring. So Method in DAL dataset.Fill() takes a longtime to throw exception.So mywebsite will be die.
I want to method dataset.Fill() throws exception immediately when a connectionstring wrong. How can i do that?
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