How To Fill DataSet By Store Procedure And Fill DataGrid From That DataSet
Jul 4, 2010
I am VB.Net Windows Application Developer Now i am going an ASP.Net Application. So, the Problem is that in Windows Application i Code this Project like given Below Actually i am Using SQL Server as DataBase and Store Procedure as Query.Becuase i had tried to control the ASP.Net Data Grid with Loop and i Failed to Control it with this method
Private Sub btn_Ok_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles btn_Ok.Click
Fill_dataset("Sel_MovNames", "Tbl_MovNames", Convert.toint32(cmb_MovID.SelectedValue))
i run this and i want to fill textbox txtFname with data - but it dont do nothing
using (Conn = new SqlConnection(Conect)) { Conn.Open(); SQL = "SELECT * FROM MEN where id = '" + txtBAR.Text.Trim() + "'"; dsView = new DataSet(); adp = new SqlDataAdapter(SQL, Conn); adp.Fill(dsView, "MEN"); adp.Dispose(); txtFname.Text = dsView.Tables[0].Rows[3][0].ToString(); txtFname.DataBind(); Conn.Close(); }
I have excel file.I want to fill dataset from that excel file & Have to fill the database. I m able to read the excel file,but there is one problem with column whose datatype is Date.
I have attached the excel file (Pic1).
In Pic2,I have attached the snapshot of dataset that is filled.
I want to develop some reports using RDLC and for that i am trying to make a DATASET using a sqlserver stored procedure which is based on dynamic SQL. and ends the procedure like this.
As you can see at the end its executing a sql at the end so my dataset is not coming up with the columns this procedure is returning.. populate these dynamic columns in dataset so i can build a report based on it.
then use the following code, there is nothing to see after running. is it need to add field object into crytsl report corresponding to the field in data set. But i do not know how to add in this situation which is not connected through crystal report.
Lets say for example i fill a dropdownlist with the articles, and the selectedValue is the Articles.Id . I want to get for example, the Title of an article, that has ID=2, for example and fill a textbox with that data.
to get limited records using this method? i.e. by filling dataset using adapter and providing min and max record limit?I wish to do custom pagination using this method.
Well I Am Working On A Client Project Who Was Earlier Using A Software Developed On Foxpro database And Now I Am Developing Advanced Reporting Based On Same Data Of Existing Database
I Am Prohibited To Create New Database, I Have To Use Existing Database Now Problem is That There Is A Report Which Require data from multiple database
database are related Like This
Database (a) 1 Column is Common in Common In Database (b)
database(b) 1 column is common in database (c)
like that
what i am doing is that, I First Filled A Dataset With Required Value Then I loped This Dataset Row For Value On Which I Have To Get Data From Another Database Again I Stored new data in another dataset and After Looping, I Merged It With Previous One.
I am using a Strored procedure which inserts data in to global temporary table and returns the result sets to Client. when i execute procedure from SQL Plus its working.where whene dataadapter.fill command is executed Invalid ROWID exception Is thrown.
This issue has stumped me for a while. Hopefully someone here can give me some insight.
When my site runs the following code it works just fine 99% of the time.
The command is calling a SQL Server 2005 stored procedure that takes 20 parameters and returns 6 tables of about 5-50 rows each. The paramters are all NVARCHAR, INT, or BIT data types. Only one of the parameters is Input/Output. There is a total of about 100 rows returned. Normally this takes a fraction of a second, but for some queries, it times out after 30 seconds.
When I run the exact same query in the Management Studio query window it takes 1 second.
what I can do to get the same performance from .Net as I am getting from Management Studio?
Should i use dataset in code behind or SqlDataSource on the form designer to fill or bind a DropDownList in my page I am currently using SqlDatasource on the form and i bind the control to MySqlDatasource because i find it is very easy and to much faster but somebody told me to use dataset from code behind because of security and performance
when my website allow user many connectionstring by text to connect database anh retrieve data. But when user define very may wrong connectionstring. So Method in DAL dataset.Fill() takes a longtime to throw exception.So mywebsite will be die.
I want to method dataset.Fill() throws exception immediately when a connectionstring wrong. How can i do that?
I'm new with programming. I have a GridView that have the specific user data. When the user log in I retrieve the data for that specific user. All I need is; How do I make the gridview get the data of the logged user using a datatable that has a query. Just bind it with the datatable.This is some code that other programmer made, I continue his work.
If i use the multi delimited than error shows.How to use the multi delimited.If i run the code to to load the text file given in above show the bellow error
Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table.
Till now I used to design RDLC file before and assigned typed dataset table columns.Report processing mode is local. But now my stored procedure returns different columns based on condition i.e columns are not fixed every time. Now I need to add that columns to typed dataset and dataset is assigned to RDLC file. So dataset and RDLC files are create dynamically based on stored procedure result set columns.
I have an ASP.Net website, that uses a MySQL database. First of all, because the Connect/Net of MySQL doesn't install on PC (reason unknown, no error, it just doesn't work) I'm using ODBC for the connection. I've written some nice wrapper classes for using the database, and it's all working ok.
But now I'm adding a little Silverlight application to my website (first thing I'm making with WCF/Silverlight, without actually reading any tutorial, so let's hope for the best).
Now this application won't be anything fancy, it's only for the administrators, to read the logs, and change some configuration settings, etc, nothing fancy at all. But what it has to do is retrieve data from the services.
What I've done is a setup a service reference, and it works like a blessing, but now I'm trying to read the logs from the service, and I'm getting in trouble, because my class was never built to serialize to XML, first issue. And secondly I wouldn't know how to bind the retrieved data at the client to the datagrid.
I'm going to parse the recordset at the server so that I'll be sending a class containing an array of columns, and a multi-dimensional with the data to the client, now that's not much of a problem, I'm just mentioning it so that you can either improve or keep in mind what the data will look like.
My question: How would I bind that retrieved data to a plain <sdk:DataGrid>?
I have datagrid with paging enabled that can have 10 rows per page. Also I have DataTable with 16 rows. I want to fill the datagrid dynamically with 'for' loop to go over all the DataTable and fill the DataGrid.I understand that there is a problem when the counter will hit row 11. Do I need to change the page of the datagrid when counter will be 11? Because it doesnt let me add more than 10 rows in the datagrid.
'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I couldnt find one for linq related questions.I have the following problem. I have four tables, One with users, one with projects, one with the users and the projects they are in (joinProjectTable) and on table where the users can fill in there worked hours for a certain project. These hours are filled in on a daily base. Now every month there is going to be created a report on the workedHours table so there is visible which user has entered how many hours for a certain project. On this report there is gonna be a billing for the company where for the hours are worked. This is the easy part, the hard part is the following.
companies also want to have a list of users that didn't entered any hours for that particular month for a particular project. So I have to write a linq query that would look in the joinprojecttable to see which users are joined to which projects, and than with that join it should look if that particular combination (user+project) is in anyway entered in the workedhourstable for that particular month. If not this has to be shown in the datagrid, for every user that isnt in the workedhourstable for that month. So it should be a certain NOT query, but I can't seem to figure it out.does anyone have any idea to accomplisch this in Linq2Sql? I'm using VB instead of C#.
My app has file upload capability, I need to store uploaded files (ie. .tar, .zip, .doc, tif .. etc) into a dataset before they being stored into mysql db..