Deploy Third Party Plug In The Web Page?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a java applet, how can I deploy this java applet in the page, so I can use the java applet in the web page?, I hope that one expert can give me a good walk through.

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Web Forms :: Accessing COM Components Or Other Third Party Controls On Web Page

Jun 14, 2010

I have a requirement of accessing Microsoft word Document on web page. It should be opened in page only. And one should be able to write anything in it. I knw the reference to Microsoft office object library need to be added. that way we can save a word doc or can append any doc on machine. But to allow it to be visible to all on browser ,we should follow the procedure as for activeX controls. by creating Object tag in page source section.

<object id="MS" classid="CLSID:0002034C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046">

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VS 2010 - Master / Child Page Layout - Embed Third Party Website As Child Page

Aug 29, 2011

I have a web application that uses the master/child page layout you get by default (at least in a VS2010 web project). The Masterpage has a NavigationMenu, each item on that NavigationMenu has a NavigateUrl that looks like "~/Pages/MyPage.aspx". This automatically opens 'MyPage' in the Content of the Masterpage, so that the master page with menu and header etc stays visible.

Now, the client has a guestbook on her old website (I'm basically rebuilding her website, adding the ability for her to upload new content in her browser), and she wants to keep it. This guestbook is from a 'free guestbook' third party website, over which I have no control. It's simply a website in the form [URL] .... which shows the guestbook for a user 'Username'.

In her old website, I was using frames, so the menu on the left side was in a different frame, and I would simply open the third party website in the center frame. That would create the illusion that the guestbook was on her site, while it was actually a completely different website in a separate frame.

In my new website I'm no longer using frames, but the master/child layout as explained. Is it still possible to 'host' or 'embed' this third party website as a 'child' of the master page?

I tried just putting the url to the guestbook in the NavigateUrl of a NavigationMenu item, but that doesn't work, it just navigates to the third party website and doesn't embed it in any way.

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JQuery :: Get DatePicker Plug In?

Oct 10, 2010

Is there an easy way to get the datePicker plugin? Currently, I include the following jquery in a web page: [Code]....

At the jquery site, the download for datePicker has a bunch of files. And I am confused by the instructions. Went to another site for datePicker, and I get "object not supported" errors.Is there a simple "jquery-latest-UI.js" file I can include in the web page?

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Architecture :: Create A Plug In For Other Website?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a website, i have a page, based on the query string, i grab certain information from database and display the image.

I need create a javascript to put in the javascript in otherwebsite, and then this image will display in that website.

The functionality is same as good ads something like below.

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "......";
/* Ad for AdSelector */
google_ad_slot = "....";
google_ad_width = 1;
google_ad_height = 2;
<script type="text/javascript"

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JQuery :: Difference Between JavaScript - How To Create Plug-ins

Oct 8, 2010

May I know what is the exact difference between jQuery and JavaScript at root level.

Most of the post /blogs says It is light weight javascript?What does it mean?

I have used Jquery plugins in my project so my project doesn't get the effect if I don't use the Pugins .Why do I need Pugins?

Can I create my plugins if yes How should I create my own plugins

I don't want to be dependant on somebody else 's plugin

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C# - Plug Dependency Property Framework To Winform Or .NET ?

Dec 18, 2010

The dependency property framework is a general UI Framework that can be needed outside WPF. So is there a way to use it for Winforms or ASP.NET UI for example ?

Update: I mean can I declare a few namespaces and use dependency property framework in winforms and ?

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C# - Define A Region In Google Maps Jquery Plug In?

Feb 9, 2010

i put this plug in into my website, how i do define a region and restrict visitors to can not going out of ?

I don't have access [URL] for political reasons.

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Is There A Tool In Visual Studio Or Plug-in To Automate Creating Buddy Class Validation

Dec 18, 2010

I am walked by Scott Hanselman's book through how to create NerdDinner MVC application.To validate the entity type Dinner that is generated by Entity Data Model Wizard, he extended the entity Dinner first by using partial class trick and then made a buddy class to be associated with Dinner.

namespace NerdDinner.Models
public partial class Dinner { }
public class DinnerValidation
Required(ErrorMessage = "Title is required")]
[StringLength(50, ErrorMessage = "Title may not be longer than 50 characters")]
public string Title { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Description is required")]

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Deploy MVC 2 To IIS 7 Windows 2008 Rc2 Not Showing Views Only Empty Master Page

Jan 24, 2011

I have made a mvc 2 application on a development server 2008 R2. The site works fine with IIS 7 and windows 2008 R2 on the development server... When I deploy the app to a remote accept. server, routing seems to be broken and only the master page with no contentplaceholders are rendered. I only see a empty Master page. It looks like the accountcontroller is not fired and no View is returned.

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Session - Using 3rd Party COM Dll In ASP

Dec 9, 2010

I have an ASP.NET project using a COM dll. When I load the site, I login without a problem and I can browse the site fine as long as I don't go to a page which uses the COM library. When I go to a page which uses the COM library to get data from a database, the page loads fine. The problem comes when I navigate away form this page. For some reason I am sent back to the login page as if the initial session was dropped. If I take away the component on the page which displays the data which the library retrieves, I can navigate away from the page, so it is definitely the call to the library that kills the session. Does anyone have any idea why this could happen?

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Utilize A 3rd Party API In VB.NET?

Mar 17, 2011

I know this may be a simple answer or at least to most people but I'm not getting anywhere when attempting this on my own or through the various resources I have looked up.

Here is my issue:

I am using ASP/VB.NET to build this integration. Visual Studio 2008. I previously had asked a question on API Integration on here and utilized that information to successfully perform the next steps. As this API is written differently I may not be grasping the appropriate functions correctly.

A company has given me several addresses for .ASMX portals. I add these into my service references. I can successfully see objects in my object browser and see all the procedures, etc., but further from here I'm unable to correctly use any objects. I attempted to replicate the integration based on my last API question and advice: Connecting to an API offered by a Company. When I'm attempting to use an object or simply relate a field to something on my script I continually get an error.

For example:

Dim A as New API.AddFunction

A.AccountNo = "123"

When running the page:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Here is only one .ASMX I was given. I cannot release any more, until I receive permission to do so from the provider, I apologize.


Anyhow, the root of my question is really how do I correctly interface with this API? What information do responders require so I can clarify this question more?

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3rd-party UI Libraries For WinForms, WPF, MVC, Etc. Are Best?

Jan 1, 2010

I work with many diverse technologies, and don't possess the time to evaluate every single UI framework, so I'd appreciate hearing other coders' experiences with various frameworks.

The stuff I've worked with so far (and my perceptions):

WinForms: DevExpress (love the looks, hate the API and bloat), Krypton (free!, looks good, but limited), Telerik (don't like the looks)WPF: have only used WPF Themes pack. Asp.Net: Telerik MVC Controls (love it), jQuery UI (looks great)

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How To Add C++ Project With Two 3rd Party Unmanaged DLLs

May 10, 2010

I have two 3rd party unmanaged c++ dll and one C++ project which uses these dlls. In my project i added c++ project as reference but in runtime it fails with that error:

Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E

Visual studio puts c++ project's dll into /bin folder auto. Even if i put other dlls into bin folder, it fails.

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Using 3rd Party Dll In Enterprise Web Based Application?

May 23, 2010

I found a great control with example here for mvc It fulfills all my requirement but the problem is that it uses a js tree dll. Should I go on and used that example in my application? Do you people refrain from using 3rd party free dll in applications? How will I tell that it will not expire or not cause problem later on Forgive me if this is inappropriate question but thx in advance for any appropiate reply on this topic. just trying to get the point of view of you people on this

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Session Gets Expired Using Third Party Dll's For Pdf Publishing

Mar 28, 2011

The Scenario:
I have a situation where I need to pass some session variables to an ASPX page, inside a DNN module. This page is then transferred to Winnovative's PDF publishing component's in the form of a byte array. The component returns a PDF document in the result, furthermore that PDF document is then emailed to the customer.

The Problem:
The session gets expired when the ASPX page is called (hosted as a part of DNN web project on IIS) to pass it to Winnovative. It was noticed that the session expired when ever I request the page (by any means) and a new session on that page is created.

Is there any workaround (without involving a database) that I can access those session variables (it is a dataset) from that particular ASP.NET page?

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Calling Method In Optional 3rd Party DLL In ASP

Jan 17, 2011

I am working on an add-on component that needs to play nice with other similar add-ons. There is a 3rd party component that decided to implement the functionality a little differently than the default. What I am trying to do is call an overload of a method that only the 3rd party component has, like this:

Select Case True
Case TypeOf provider Is 3rdParty.Provider
result = DirectCast(provider, 3rdParty.Provider).GetNames(method, True)
Case Else
result = provider.GetNames(method)
End Select

Unfortunately, the DLL that contains 3rdParty.Provider is optional, so this code will give compile errors if it is not present. How can I accomplish the same thing but make it safe to run whether the 3rdParty.Provider.dll is present or not?

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Iis 7.5 - Error Loading Third Party Dll From Asp Application

Feb 19, 2011

the situation is quite complex ( and my english very basic) but let's try to explain:

i'm developing a web service calling a method from an external dll. This external dll calls some method from other .net dlls. So we have: WS ----> External.dll ----> other.NEt.Dll(---> other .netdll)

You have to know that the external dll uses a path ( given by an initialize method) to resolve its internal reference. In conclusion i have a web application with an added reference to my External.dll and a fully trusted path ( c:EXTERNAL ) full of all the .net dlls needed by external.dll. Looking around i've found this code to add to the application_START:

Dim path As String = String.Concat(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"), ";", "c:EXTERNAL)
System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", path, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine)

this add my c:EXTERNAL to global environment PATH. With this configuration running from the Visual Studio development server i get no error and it all works correctly. When i publish the application on my local IIS server it gives various errors: At first the result is something like:

Failure reading <Myobject> control of <(static)> type
Unable to create <myobject> object (<C:(WRONGPATH)> assembly)

To resolve this i've tried to add the needed .net dlls to the /bin of my application in wwwroot but the result is something like:

Failure reading <MyType> control of <Myobject> type
Error returned by .NET Framework:
System.ArgumentException: Un oggetto di tipo 'ComNet.BaseControl.LoginDisplayLayout' non può essere convertito nel tipo 'ComNet.BaseControl.LoginDisplayLayout'.
in System.RuntimeType.CheckValue(Object value, Binder binder, CultureInfo culture, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
in System.Reflection.MethodBase.CheckArguments(Object[] parameters, Binder binder, BindingFlags invokeAttr, CultureInfo culture, Signature sig)
in System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
in System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
in System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo.SetValue(Object obj, Object value, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] index, CultureInfo culture)
in System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo.SetValue(Object obj, Object value, Object[] index)
in CDotNetType.bSetProperty(CDotNetType* , Object gcrObj, SByte* pszNom, CSLevel* pclPile, Int32 nDimension, Int32* pnTabDimension, STOperationDotNet* pstOperation)

this time it looks like it's loading the same dll but from different location causing conflicts. Now that's all. Its hard for me to explain this dll-hell but basically i would like to replicate whats happening when the application works well in the visual studio development server. I've also read that IIS does not resolve Added PATH without rebooting so i tried to add c:external manually to the PATH and reboot but same errors appears.

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Asp - C# Code For Converting Into PDF Without Using Third Party Library

Mar 1, 2011

In my present project i have to convert some file formats into PDF.The source file formats may be MSOffice(.doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx) and Images(.jpg,.png,.jpeg,.tiff).We wish not to use any third party library.The code should be in c#.

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Third Party Session State Provider For ASP

Aug 27, 2010

Am looking for a third party tool/provider of session state/caching in an ASP.NET context.

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AJAX :: Add Extender In A Third Party Control?

Feb 1, 2010

There is no "Add extender" attached next to third party control.

How to add Ajax extender in a third party control, such as autocomplete extender?

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JS To Popup Webpage In A Third-party Site?

Feb 18, 2011

I need to popup my webpage from within our customer's websites. My webpage gathers some data in input boxes and then closes --- ie. It's just a basic form and all I need is to display it and give a close button to the user.

What's the best JS tool to do this? I found colorbox and it looks cool, but I am concerned that it will break my customer's site as it requires jQuery (and my customer may be using an older version than colorbox pulls in).

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Web Forms :: Findcontrol With A Third Party Control?

Aug 10, 2010

How do we code "findcontrol" with a third party control? I tried "TextBox" for Namespace="FreeTextBoxControls" Assembly="FreeTextBox" and it threw an error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Here is the offending line:

Dim Body As String = Convert.ToString(CType(lsvBlocks.InsertItem.FindControl("FreeTextBox"), TextBox).Text)

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Security :: Get The Third Party Digital Certificate?

Aug 9, 2010

I want to create a digital signature, for my product, for creating the digital sigmature i want digital certificate. I came to know there are lot of third party available for creating digital signature. If any one know can tell some of third party for this.

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Installation :: Add Third Party Package To Project?

Jul 7, 2010

I am having a silly beginners problem with ASP.Net/Visual Studio 2010. I would like to integrate a number of third party packages into my MVC app (e.g. CKEditor, TinyMCE.) During the prepwork I sooner or later end with instructions to the order of "copy the package into your project/scripts directory". Sounds easy but I still can't figure out how to do it.

For the time being I trick visual studio into adding the package by adding a blank directory, then go to windows exporer to copy files into the directory, then go back to visual studio to add them one by one. That works for a few javascripts but not for a more complex package. Clearly there must be a better way to add a third-party hierarchical structure to a project, right?

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