C# - Plug Dependency Property Framework To Winform Or .NET ?

Dec 18, 2010

The dependency property framework is a general UI Framework that can be needed outside WPF. So is there a way to use it for Winforms or ASP.NET UI for example ?

Update: I mean can I declare a few namespaces and use dependency property framework in winforms and asp.net ?

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C# - Is There Equivalent Of WPF OriginalSource Event Property In Winform?

Jan 23, 2011



The OriginalSource property of the object identifies the original object that received/initiated the event. Consider a custom control (called CustomControl1 in this example) that is composed of a TextBlock. When a MouseDown event is raised on the TextBlock, the OriginalSource property will be the TextBlock, but in CustomControl1's handler, the Source will be changed to the CustomControl1 object so that other elements along the event's route will know that CustomControl1 received a MouseDown.

Is there equivalent of WPF OriginalSource event property in Winform and ASP.NET ? If not how to emulate this ?

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C# - What Dependency Injection Framework With WebForms

Nov 27, 2010

I have been looking at learning dependency injections (i think i have now grasped the basics) and am looking to implement it into a webform application. My question is, what dependency injection framework should i use for a webforms project, or is it a question of what works best for you?

I Have currently looked at Spring.Net, Ninject, Unity and StructureMap, i tend to have no preference in the configuration, whether its XML or fluent interfaces. However is XML configuration becoming less favourable?

Most of the information i come across relates to dependency injection whilst in a MVC environment. And have also read that some frameworks such as Structure Map only work with webforms using version 2.0 or earlier. So the kind of things i need to consider are whether webforms will be continuous support, and the ease of configuration for someone relatively new to the pattern.

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ADO.NET :: Entities Framework 4.0 Dependency Injection, WebForms?

Feb 21, 2011

I am sort of new to Entities Framework however I have successfully built a complete CMS website with the Entities Framework 4.0 in MVC 2.0 following the design patterns and examples laid out in nerddinner and MusicStore.

I am now building another application in ASP.NET webforms however would still like to flex the ORM capabilities of ADO.Net Entity Framework 4.0 however found that it seems like I am always forced to use Entity ObjectDataSource to bind to a GridView etc...

I know I might sound silly to some however I need a few pointers on creating this ASP.NET web application to use Entity Framework and use something like the design pattern of Dependency Injection etc... and still able to bind to GridViews programmatically in code behind.

I like the seperation of using a ntiers design but also would like to have full code control and not be forced to use ObjectDataSources in my aspx page.

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Entity Framework ObjectContext With Dependency Injection?

Jan 6, 2011

Here's what I want to do:

UI layer: An ASP.NET webforms website.

BLL: Business logic layer which calls the repositories on DAL.

DAL: .EDMX file (Entity Model) and ObjectContext with Repository classes which abstract the CRUD operations for each entity.

Entities: The POCO Entities. Persistence Ignorant. Generated by Microsoft's ADO.Net POCO Entity Generator.

I'd like to create an obejctcontext per HttpContext in my repositories to prevent performance/thread [un]safety issues.

public MyDBEntities ctx
string ocKey = "ctx_" + HttpContext.Current.GetHashCode().ToString("x");
if (!HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(ocKey))
HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(ocKey, new MyDBEntities ());
return HttpContext.Current.Items[ocKey] as MyDBEntities ;

I don't want to access HttpContext in my DAL (Where the repositories are located). But I have to somehow pass HttpContext to DAL. based on the answer to my question here, I have to use IoC pattern.

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C# - Entity Framework - How To Use Navigation Property

Feb 2, 2011

I use EF 4 and C #.

I need populate a Pure Junction Table (containing only FK to other tables) when an EntityDataSource _Inserted event is raised.

I have 3 Tables in my Database:


Here a useful resource:

But I am not able to implment it:


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C# - Adding A Custom Property To Entity Framework?

Oct 19, 2010

I am using the Entity Framework for the first time and want to know if the following is possible - I have generated my classes from the DB, and have one called Category.

Obviously it has all my fields in the table (ID, CategoryName, SortOrder etc..) but I want to know if I can add a custom property which is not in the table, but is actually the result of a custom method.

I want to add a new property called 'CategoryURL' which is basically the 'CategoryName' property run through a custom method and returns a hyphenated string.

My initial thought is inheriting from the generated Category class and creating something like this inside?

public string CategoryURL
get{ return MyCustomMethod(this.CategoryName) }

Is this the correct approach? And will 'this.CategoryName' work as I think it should? Basically the end result is when I return a list of 'Category' I want this to be part of the class so I can use it in my foreach loop.

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Entity Framework. Updating EntityCollection Using Disconnected Objects Via Navigation Property?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a question, much liket this unanswered one. I'm trying to work with the entity framework, and having a tough time getting my foreign tables to update. I have something basically like this in the DB:

Incident (table):

-other fields

Responses (table):

-other fields

And and entities that match:

Incident (entity)
-Other fields
-Responses (EntityCollection of Responses via navigation property)

Each Incident can have 0 or more responses.

In my Webpage, I have a form to allow the user to enter all the details of an Incident, including a list of responses. I can add everything to the database when a new Incident is created, however I'm having difficulty with editing the Incident.

When the page loads for edit, I populate the form and then store the responses in the viewstate. When the user changes the list of responses (adds one, deletes one or edits one). I store this back into the viewstate. Then when the user clicks the save button, I'd like to save the changes to the Incident and the Responses back to the DB. I cannot figure out how to get the responses from the detached viewstate into the Incident object so that they can be updated together.

Currently when the user clicks save, I'm getting the Incident to edit from the db, making changes to the Incident's fields and then saving it back to the DB. However I can't figure out how to have the detached list of responses from the viewstate attach to the Incident. I have tried the following without success:

Clearning the Incident.Responses collection and adding the ones from the viewstate back in:

for each objResponse in Viewstate("Responses")
Creating an EntityCollection from my list and then assiging that to the Incident.Responses
Incident.Responses = EntityCollectionFromViewstateList
Iterating through the responses in Incident.Response and assigning the corresponding object from viewstate:
for each ObjResponse in Incident.Responses
objResponse = objCorrespondingModifedResonseFromViewState

These all fail, I'd like to be able to merge the changes into the Inicdent object so that when the BLL calls SaveChanges on the changes to both the Incident and Responses will happen at the same time.

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Entity Framework 4 - Check If Navigation Property Collection Is Empty, Without Include() Or Load()?

Sep 28, 2010

In an MVC view, I'm looking for a way to determine if a parent entity's collection of child entities is empty, so I can decide if I need to call a RenderPartial() or not.

For a one-to-one I've been using the following:

<% if (Model.Book.GenreReference.EntityKey != null) %>

but I'm unsure how to do it in a one-to-many scenario, or if it can even be done without the use of Include() or Load().

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JQuery :: Get DatePicker Plug In?

Oct 10, 2010

Is there an easy way to get the datePicker plugin? Currently, I include the following jquery in a web page: [Code]....

At the jquery site, the download for datePicker has a bunch of files. And I am confused by the instructions. Went to another site for datePicker, and I get "object not supported" errors.Is there a simple "jquery-latest-UI.js" file I can include in the web page?

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Deploy Third Party Plug In The Web Page?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a java applet, how can I deploy this java applet in the asp.net page, so I can use the java applet in the web page?, I hope that one expert can give me a good walk through.

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Architecture :: Create A Plug In For Other Website?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a ASP.net website, i have a page, based on the query string, i grab certain information from database and display the image.

I need create a javascript to put in the javascript in otherwebsite, and then this image will display in that website.

The functionality is same as good ads something like below.

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "......";
/* Ad for AdSelector */
google_ad_slot = "....";
google_ad_width = 1;
google_ad_height = 2;
<script type="text/javascript"

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JQuery :: Difference Between JavaScript - How To Create Plug-ins

Oct 8, 2010

May I know what is the exact difference between jQuery and JavaScript at root level.

Most of the post /blogs says It is light weight javascript?What does it mean?

I have used Jquery plugins in my project so my project doesn't get the effect if I don't use the Pugins .Why do I need Pugins?

Can I create my plugins if yes How should I create my own plugins

I don't want to be dependant on somebody else 's plugin

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C# - Define A Region In Google Maps Jquery Plug In?

Feb 9, 2010

i put this plug in into my website, how i do define a region and restrict visitors to can not going out of ?

I don't have access [URL] for political reasons.

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Is There A Tool In Visual Studio Or Plug-in To Automate Creating Buddy Class Validation

Dec 18, 2010

I am walked by Scott Hanselman's book through how to create NerdDinner MVC application.To validate the entity type Dinner that is generated by Entity Data Model Wizard, he extended the entity Dinner first by using partial class trick and then made a buddy class to be associated with Dinner.

namespace NerdDinner.Models
public partial class Dinner { }
public class DinnerValidation
Required(ErrorMessage = "Title is required")]
[StringLength(50, ErrorMessage = "Title may not be longer than 50 characters")]
public string Title { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Description is required")]

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Winform Versus MVC

Jun 1, 2010

I want to know when to use winform and MVC asp.net

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How To Print A Pdf From Winform Without Opening

Oct 25, 2010

I have pdf file saved on my hard disk. I want to print it without opening it in a single click.

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Convert A WinForm To A WebForm In .NET?

Dec 7, 2010

I didn't think it was possible but I was just talking to a co-worker who said she had done it before. Is she pulling my chain?

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Web Forms :: How To Convert Winform Component

Jan 25, 2010

I have succeeded in capturing image from webcam with window form.

There is a problem, i.e I'd like to apply this application on web page.

I try to convert winform component to webform component

(Winform Component (PictureBox) to Web User Control (asp:Image)), but it fails.

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Architecture :: Integrate .NET Page Into A Winform

Apr 1, 2011

I've an ASP.NET application running for reporting purposes. This is done for the management. The persons on the production floor have

a windows application running. Some of them needs to view the ASP.NET reporting page. To avoid writing twice the same reporting tools

(ASP.NET and Windows application) I want to import the ASP.Net pages into a windows form. I don't want to have the ASP.NET pages running

outside the windows application.

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C# - Trigger On Database Using A Web And Winform Application

May 25, 2010

Situation: I have a web application which shows errors and where you can accept those error messages. I also have a service, which checks errors from a system and sets the error messages in the database. When I accept an error in the web application, i would like the service to know which error message has been accepted, so that it can do some other actions. My guess is that this could be done through some sort of trigger, but i can't figure out how.

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C# - Can Create A PDF Quotation File From Winform

Aug 6, 2010

Assuming i have a winform that has a button called "Create a Quote". Once user clicks it, a PDF File gets created on desktop. The PDF File has a fixed design/structure e.g. the logo is at the top left corner, the headers are fixed, etc. However, the data it self is pulled from a database.

As you see above, Quotation #, Description, Qty, U.P (USD), T.P (USD) records should be fetched from the db and dumped in the pdf template then create the pdf for user.

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How To Determine If The Executing Assembly Is A Web App Or Winform/console

Apr 16, 2010

I would like to write a helper function which build the exception message to write to a log.The code look like:

use HttpContext to get the Request Path and RawUrl [code]....

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Create Global.asax In Winform Application?

May 17, 2010

I'm trying to create Global.asax in a Winform. I could do it in ASP.NET, but i couldn't find a way for Windows Application. I have a singleton class called DataAccessLayer, i need to instantiate it once only, so i can call its method/properties anywhere in the application easily.

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JQuery Application Running From CD - Convert In A WinForm App

Mar 9, 2010

I've developed a very simple ASP.NET (jQuery) application. The RDBMS is MS Sql Server but I could easily convert it in MS Access. My client would like to have it available on a CD, ready to run. I was thinking to convert it in a WinForm app but, still, I have to install the framework on the client. Is there any other "possible" solution?

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