Determine The Height Of A GridView During Data Binding?

Mar 9, 2010

I need to manually page a GridView based report, i.e. add a second page and GridView, when the height of my first GridView exceeds a limit. Is there a way I can determine the height of the GridView while data binding?

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C# - CheckBoxList Binding Needs Second Collection To Determine Checked Status?

Oct 11, 2010

I have a situation where I need to databind a string array to a CheckBoxList. The decision if each item should be checked, or not, needs to be done by using a different string array. Here's a code sample:

string[] supportedTransports = ... ;// "sms,tcp,http,direct"
string[] transports = ... ; // subset of the above, i.e. "sms,http"
// bind supportedTransports to the CheckBoxList
TransportsCheckBoxList.DataSource = supportedTransports;

This binds nicely, but each item is unchecked. I need to query transports, somehow, to determine the checked status. I am wondering if there is an easy way to do this with CheckBoxList or if I have to create some kind of adapter and bind to that?

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Linq - Couldn't Determine Metatable Error Binding List To Datagridview

Dec 25, 2010

List<ThemeObject> themeList = (from theme in database.Themes
join image in database.DBImages on theme.imageID equals image.imageID
into resultSet
from item in resultSet
select new ThemeObject { Name = theme.Name, ImageID = item.imageID}).ToList();
dgvGridView.DataSource = themeList;

The list object populates fine. The datagrid is setup with 2 columns. A textbox column for the "Name" which is bound to "Name" An image column which is bound to the "ImageID" field. When I execute the code I receive the following error on the DataBind() Could not determine a MetaTable. A MetaTable could not be determined for the data source '' and one could not be inferred from the request URL. Make sure that the table is mapped to the dats source, or that the data source is configured with a valid context type and table name, or that the request is part of a registered DynamicDataRoute. I'm not using any dynamicdataroutes as far as I can tell. Has anyone experienced this error before?

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintaining Gridview Row Height?

Nov 4, 2010

while using gridview whenever I go to edit an item it increases the row size - but this is because I have a multiline textbox as one of the edititemtemplates. It also increases the size of every row to the same size as the one that is being edited. Is there any way to keep the rest of the rows the same initial height and have an increased size just for the row being edited?

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Forms Data Controls :: Expand Gridview Row Height When Click In Row

Feb 21, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Determine Control Clicked In Gridview Row?

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Anyone know how to determine which ImageButton was clicked in a gridview when there are multiple Imagebuttons in a row. I am guessing it's gotta be done in SelectedIndexChanged.

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Forms Data Controls :: Export Gridview To Excel But Height Is 'small'?

Jan 23, 2011

I am developing in .Net 4. I got a button to export grid view's data to excel, but one problem I faced is that the excel's rows height is very very 'short', I have to double click the row to expand it?I am not sure how can I set the height's property? I don see there is an option to do this.I got another version in .Net 3.5, same code though, but works perfect.

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Data Controls :: Set Height And Width Of Cells When Exporting GridView To Excel

May 7, 2015

I exported some data from a gridview to an Excel with Images.

I need to give a specified height and width for all the rows and text to be aligned centre.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Export To Excel, To Keep Row Height From Autofitting To Contents?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a 2008 c# application that displays data in a gridview. Two of the columns can contain text up to 500 characters. I have been able to handle these in the gridview by displaying the long text in a scrolling div tag. That works fine in the gridview, but when I export the gridview to excel, the row-height autofits to the large text fields, giving extremely tall rows. Any idea on how I can control the formatting to limit the row-height for the output excel spreadsheet? The approach I use for the export is described in

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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Determine What Type Of Template Field To Put In Each Row In A Gridview?

Aug 11, 2010

I have an application that I would like to be able to allow the user to modify multiple characteristics of each record within a datagrid.

Most characteristics require data to be entered in a text box but some a check box would be more appropriate.

My question is does a gridview column need to have all the same item template controls? or could I read from the database the control type and dynamically alter the template control for each row as it loads?

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Height,width,color In Boundfield Of Gridview On Markup?

Mar 11, 2010

I was hoping this is simple but i have problems.

Basically i was only able to set the string color with itemstyle-Forecolor.

But how do i set the background of a column and also set height,width.Ok height may not work because i have an itemtemplate with predefined height.

Can this be done in a simple boundfield or must i have all my datafields in itemtemplates?

What i do for one column:


View 18 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row Height Get Increased And Color Of The Row Become Red While Clicking On Edit Button?

Jun 3, 2010

I created a grid and successfully done update, delete, filled functionality.

But whenever I m clicking on Gridview row, its hieght get increased and color of the row become red while clicking on edit button. But this problem is occuring in Mozilla,IE7 not in IE6. Project is running good in IE6. What could be the solution for this.

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Web Forms :: List With 1 Or 2, Rows The Row Height Automaticaly Expand To Fill The Height Of The Table?

May 18, 2010

I have the folllowig css:

div.ListDiv {
width: 750px; /* Table width will be 99% of this */
height: 320px; /* Must be greater than tbody */
overflow: auto;
table {
width: 99%; /* 100% of container produces horizontal scroll in Mozilla */
border: none;
table>tbody { /* Child selector syntax which IE6 and older do not support */
overflow: auto;
height: 215px;
overflow-x: hidden;
thead tr {
top: expression(offsetParent.scrollTop); /* For IE5+ only */
thead td {
background-color: #CCCCCC;
font-weight: bold;
td {
color: #000000;
text-align: left;
table tfoot tr {
position: relative;
overflow-x: hidden;
top: expression(parentNode.parentNode.offsetHeight >= offsetParent.offsetHeight ? 0 - parentNode.parentNode.offsetHeight + offsetParent.offsetHeight + offsetParent.scrollTop : 0);
tfoot td {
background-color: #CCCCCC;
td:last-child { /* Prevent Mozilla scrollbar from hiding cell content */
padding-right: 20px;

When I have a list with 1 or 2, rows the row height automaticaly expand to fill the heigt of the table.

How can I avoid this happening, and have fixed height colimns.

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Jul 7, 2010

I have a HyperLink inside a panel.

I wonder if the the HyperLinks height can follow along ´automatically´ as the Panels height is changing as the HyperLinks is nested inside the Panel.

Is there a function for this?


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Nov 2, 2010

If we have more no.of items(suppose 250) in dropdownlist, how to show a minimum extent of height instead of dropdownlist taking complete page height. I have searched all the forums but i didn't get exact answer,

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding DataSet And GridView, Apply Bulk Rows Edit And Update On GridView

Dec 10, 2010

I have a set of dataset with different column retrieved from DB. I need to present the datasets in one GridView (or other ListView etc...) without specifying the column_header. It should present automaticly since the GridView is bind to the DataSet.

In additional, I want this GridView to handle multiple rows edit and update the dataset, idealy, show data in textboxs in initially.How could I set the GridView to edit_model without hardcode column_header and textboxs in 'itemtemplate' or filed.

How could I achieve the bulk edit and update, so that I can assign 'mydataview1.table' to the dataset.

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Binding Xml Data Into Gridview Using C#?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a XML file which contains a list of items/elements:


I can bind the data into a gridview. However, only the attributes are displayed(which is: category and ID). I need the elements to display out too (which is: Name,Description,Latitude and Longtitude).

Would anyone be kind enough to solve this problem for me?

And is it possible to populate a drop down list in using the same XML file? As in populating the category in the drop down list.

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Javascript - Use Min - Height For P To Get Same Height Cross Browsers

Jan 27, 2011

I set p { height: 25px ; min-height 25px;} to get the same line height in a form. I works in fine in most browsers. But when I invisible html tags inside p, the p will keep the blank space (25px) is there an alternative css for min-height, to make it work in IE and other browsers? since p always contains html inputs (label, textbox).

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AJAX :: Data To Gridview Is Not Binding?

Feb 17, 2011

I want to bind gridview at runtime on button click.

I have use AJAX toolkit control, it's reference on that page(also script manager and update panel controls required for AJAX controls). When i remove all these from my page gridview data binds successfully. But when i use these controls and AJAX library reference, data is not binding to grdiview control. But at debug time it shows row count to 2 which is exact count which i wants.

here is my binding sample.

AMCGrid.DataSourceID = "AMCFILLAll"
here AMCFILLAll is my sqlDatasource.

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Binding Data To Gridview Using LinQ?

Feb 12, 2010

i m binding data to Gridview using LinQ i need to sort the Gridview i have no idea how to sort cs i m using LinQ to Bind data with Gridview at Button Click.

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Forms Data Controls :: Row Not Binding To Gridview

Jan 20, 2011

I have a grid in 1st page and one link in it.If i click that link it should open a popup which has a grid and it should bind data according to the row information.In my grid its displaying columns evrything in popup but data is not displayed.

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ADO.NET :: Codebehind Skip First Row Of Data When Binding To Gridview?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm making the switch from to c#, and am just trying to bind some data from a reader in my c # codebehind, but no matter what, the gridview always skips the first row returned from my stored procedure. What am I doing wrong?


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Forms Data Controls :: Binding XML To GridView?

May 11, 2010

I am converting a project to c#. I am trying to bind an xml file to a DataGridView, however DataGridView does not have a DataMember property. How do I set the Datamember in C#?


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