Display Correct Date In .net Website?

Feb 22, 2010

[Code]....Display correct date in asp.net website

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Similar Messages:

Can Show Correct Last Login Date Time In Website

May 4, 2010

I have created a asp.net website, that we are going to deploy at India. All client of this website would be from SWEDEN.

This site have option (last login date time) at user's dashboard after successfull login.

Now my problem is that if application is deploy at India and user loggedin from SWEDEN then user is able to show only server date time which is of India.

My Steps are as following

1. User logged into site first time at 10 AM(server time), surfing starts...
2. Logged out at 10:30 (server time)
3. Application store server datetime in database.
4. Next time user come, application will store same date and time from database as last loggin datetime.

How can i store SWEDEN date time in database when user logged out from site, it will in future grow to other country also.

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Output The Date In The Correct Format?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a date that is entered into the database in dd/MM/yyyy format via a form.

It is then outputted on another page in a sort of calendar style, ie MMM and dd.

When this form is filled in in the UK, and the date is for example the 3rd April, everything is ok. However if filled out in the US, when outputted the date shows as 4th March.

So my question is how do I ensure, when outputting the date, it's read as dd/MM/yyyy and not MM/dd/yyyy ?

Is it a problem that should be addressed when the data is added, or when it is printed?

For reference:

When the date is added:


And when it is printed:

<span class="month">@row.EntryDate.ToString("MMM")</span>
<span class="day">@row.EntryDate.ToString("dd")</span>

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Fixing MaskedEditExtender To Prefix Date With Correct Century?

Jun 22, 2010

I am using a MaskedEditExtender on a textbox to verify a date. MaskType="Date" Mask="99/99/9999". Users of the system are used to typing just the last two digits of the year (i.e. 22/06/10) so I am trying to make this possible.

I have tried using Century="2000" but this option does not seem to function at all (still results in 22/06/0010).

A response in another forum suggests modifying the MaskedEditBehavior.js file to fix this behaviour - see here.

My question is, how should I go about modifying the MaskedEditBehavior.js file (as suggested in the link above), and how do I ensure that this modification is distributed with my application? I cannot even find this file to modify.

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Datetime - All Date In Database Is Not Correct For Time Zone?

Feb 23, 2011

My Application hosted at server in time zone which differs from mine. All date in database is not correct for my time zone. How can I set my time zone for Application or how I can convert date to my time zone on output

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Web Forms :: RegularExpressionValidator Does Not Clear Once Put Date In Correct Format?

Jan 12, 2011

I have a RegularExpressionValidator to type in a date on a form. When I type in the incorrect format the RegularExpressionValidator comes up fine but when I type in the correct format the RegularExpressionValidator stays and doesn't clear. So I can't click my Insert button on the form. What do I need to do to get the RegularExpressionValidator to clear.


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SQL Server :: Correct Syntax For A Select Statement With A Date In VB.net 2008 Web Developer

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What is the correct syntax in VB.net 2008 web developer in SQL to do a WHERE clause where the data is >= to the current date? I can't figure out how you pass now into the SQL statement.

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Web Forms :: Inserting Date In SQL Database - Input String Was Not In Correct Format

May 7, 2015

I am getting error while inserting date in sql database :

My SQL Table Structure is 

Column Name | DB TYPEID ---- INT -----Autogenerated -- PKey

Proj_StartDate  ---- Date

In Application i have created a class for holding variable properties then linking this class to another class where my insert method is residing :

public class ProjectMaker { 
public string Proj_StartDate { get; set; }

Now the Class in which i am linking above Class Property is :

 public class ProjectMaker_DB { public static void InsertRecord(ProjectMaker model) {
var cmd = new SqlCommand {
CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure,
CommandText = "[dbo].[sproc_INSERT_d_project_p]"

[Code] ....

That was my Class library project , Now here's my Coding for button click event in startup project : 

protected void SubmitProject_OnServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (SubmitProject.InnerHtml.Contains("Submit")) {
#region Submit Section
try {
var rec = new ABC_Library.ProjectMaker()

[Code] ....

I am getting start date from Ajax calendar extender toolkit's Selected Date .

After clicking Submit Button it gives me error : "Input string was not in a correct format" ...

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Sep 17, 2010

1) How can i display the date only till current date in ajax calendar extender ?

2)How to validate the date in one TextBox with the Date in another TextBox ?

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Web Forms :: How To Display Full Month Name With Date And Year In Date Format

Aug 5, 2013

I want to display the current month name,date and time like this "August 5, 2013 06:30:58 pm" using ajax. 

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Select Date From JQuery Calendar And Display The Date In A Textbox?

Sep 1, 2010

I'd like to use the jquery calendar control to populate a date into an asp.net textbox.

When the user selects a date I want the date populated in the textbox to be only Saturday dates. So if the day they select is not a Saturday I want the date of the next Saturday after the date the selected.

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Use Date Picker And Display Date Of Events On Gridview

Feb 4, 2010

Does anyone know of any website i can learn more about using date picker and displaying the events on gridview based on the date. im using visual studios 2005 asp.net to do a match schedule that gets the data by date

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Find Last Date Entered Into SQL Table, Display Next Date?

Jan 19, 2010

This one is probably snap for one for you gurus. I have a SQL table that needs to have every previous date accounted for. The user is not required to submit an entry daily, but is allowed to go back and submit when they have extra time to do so. I would like to display the next day from last date recorded in the SQL Table as a session variable, so when they go to the form to submit, the last necessary date is shown and the user knows where they left off.

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C# - How To Convert Data Downloaded From A Website Into The Correct Encoding

Jan 18, 2011

I've been having issues with data downloaded using a .net WebClient control, in that I seem to have little control over the encoding of the data that I get back from a web server.

The specifics of the question are in the post linked below, but I want to ask the question in a more general sense as the answer is not really helping (not the answerer's fault!).

ASP.NET / C# WebClient.DownloadString() returns string with perculiar characters

The real problem is that supposedly there is no way to detect the encoding of a response from a web server, and the webserver may not respond using the encoding specified in the headers.

If this is true, how do web browsers such as IE, Firefox and Chrome work out how to decode the stream when you use the view source functionality?

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Display Correct Currency Dependent On Browser Culture?

Jan 27, 2010

My website will target UK and US markets, and i need to display a different price/currency for both markets - what is the best way around this?

1) a simple drop down box asking users preference?
2) Using culture class in asp .net to auto detect eg System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview - Display A Image Button To Display Date

Sep 7, 2010

i have a gridview binded with data when i hover mouse to row i want to display a image button to display date ,and when i click the button i want to display calender control for choose date, and next step after i choose date it will be must insert into database. and mean while a hidden label control will display and date shuld be display in it

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Crystal Reports :: How To Display Arabic Data In Correct Format

Nov 3, 2010

How do i display arabic data in correct format?

The following information(fig -1) is displayed correctly in crystal reports viewer but when i export the report in to word or pdf, using the export feature in cr viewer, iam getting a differnt output (fig -2).

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Display System Date On First Time Page Display?

Jan 17, 2010


I have an asp.net web page and i would like to display the system date, on the first time page display?

Can this be done in asp.net or must it be passed from C# or is it a Javascript type thing.

Also can you 'Set InitalValue = "2010-01-01" in the above statement?

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When A Click Is Made On A Radiobutton A Message Appears Saying That It Is Correct Or It Is Not Correct

Feb 10, 2010

I am doing a workshop , it has questions, and answers with radiobuttons, I need that when a click is made on a radiobutton a message appears saying that it is correct or it is not correct, how can a do it,

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Web Forms :: Extract Month From Date Display Date Using Extracted Month?

Oct 11, 2013

How to extract Month from Date and then displaying the date using that extracted month??

I want to display dates according to Month. I have only "Date" column in database table.

I used below queries but it is not working:

string query= "SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) AS Month FROM HolidayTable";
DataSet ds = new DataSet(query)
int month = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]);
string query2 = "select date from HolidayTable where date= '" + month + "' ";

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Web Forms :: Fetch Specific Information(string) From Another Website And Display The Same In Website

Sep 21, 2010

I want design a page where the end user enters information on my page and related information is fetched from the another website on my web page.

For example: Capturing City and state name from USPS.com

End user Task : Enter zipcode and click button 'Fetch'

My page perform few task

1. opens usps site backend

2. Enters the zipcode

3. Captures city name and state as temporary value from the usps

4. Displays the same in labels present in my home page.

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DataSource Controls :: Trying To Get The Correct Info Belonging To The Correct Id?

Mar 6, 2011

I am using 3 tables and are trying to get the correct info belonging to the correct id. Like this: I go to a page and here i want to see the information from the 3 tables using a specific id.

I have written this so far in a query:


My problem is that the last line does not work and i am uncertain how to make this work? How to write it correctly that is.

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Configuration :: Website Within A Website Won't Display On Host's Server?

Feb 19, 2011

I'm trying to run a website (site2) that I've placed inside a folder (dir-site2) of another website (site1). The default file of site2 displays fine in every browser on my local computer, as in when I type http://localhost:45912/www.site1.com/dir-site2/default.aspx. But when I upload everything to my host's server and type this

http://www.site1.com/dir-site2/default.aspx I get a server "can't access" error message. I can't display any file that is inside the subdirectory, dir-site2.

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Web Forms :: Get Date From Table Of Website?

Jun 13, 2010

View code PHP : [URL]

I see it read data from table of other website ! so Asp net C# how do it ?

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VS 2008 Display Only Date In GRDVIEW?

Mar 15, 2010

Im My Gridview ,date is coming along with time.My date is in format dd/mm/yyy - To display only the date in Grdview,I used

<asp:BoundField DataField="EFFECTIVE_DATE" DataFormatString="{0:dd/MM/yyyy}"
HeaderText="Effective Date" />
But this code is reversing my month & date .See in Pic.I want to display only the date??How to do dat??

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