DropDownList In A DetailsView = How To Preserve The Values That Are Already In

Jan 13, 2010

I really have a big problem(stuck) with two dropdownlists inside a detailsview.I have 4 detailsview : DdlRt,DdlRt2,ddlMobv1,ddlMobv2. Basically what happens here is that DdlRt2 gets populated when DdlRt is selected and ddlMobv2 gets populated when a specific value from ddlMobv1 is selected.

In code posted above the detailsview has a "Update" command and the problem is when the update command is executed the data is successfully posted to the db BUT! THE VALUES from DdlRt2 and ddlMobv2 dissapear! And I can't insert any more Items. The only Item that stays in these two dropdownlists is the default "Select Department" item which is't set in codebehind but is set in .aspx.....I can't figure what I'm doing wrong here It must be something with databinding & events.

So my question is "Why can't I insert any more items to these two dropdownlists after the "Update" command on the DetailsView is set or how can I preserve the values that are already in"?

<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="False" DataSourceID="odsRegister"
DefaultMode="Edit" Height="50px" Width="125px" > [code]....

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Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Me.Page.Title = "Editing record"
'Perform dropdown list population operations
Dim myDDL As DropDownList = DetailsView1.FindControl("reqCategoryDropDown")
If Page.IsPostBack = False Then


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'Vb code



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Mar 13, 2010

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(I can't use SqlDatasSource).

How to do that?

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((DropDownList)((DetailsView)sender).FindControl("autor")).DataSource = MethodIveCreate();

on DetailsViewChanging method nut i've got error :/

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Forms Data Controls :: Can't Insert From A Dropdownlist Within A Detailsview?

Oct 18, 2010

I figure that this should be relatively straightforward, but I still can't get it to work. I have a gridview and a detailsview to set up shifts for students and teachers. I would like to be able to insert new shifts using a detailsview. I will limit the students, teachers and location to items that are in a dropdownlist. The problem is that when I handle the iteminserting event. the e.values collection doesn't contain all of the fields I want to populate. How do I add the new fields to the list. This is my codebehind:

Sub On_Inserting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DetailsViewInsertEventArgs)

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Setting Values For Invisible Fields / Properties In DetailsView?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a DetailsView which has two fields - one that is visible, one that is not. The first the user fills out, the second I want to auto-populate. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a way to set the value in this second invisible field. I've tried adding code like this to the Page_Load:

If Not IsPostBack Then
DetailsView1.DefaultMode = DetailsViewMode.Insert
Dim txt1 As TextBox = DirectCast(DetailsView1.FindControl("Type"), TextBox)
txt1.Text = "administrator"
End If

But this returns an error of "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." how to accomplish this - either using the method above or another method? The hoped for end result is that when a new record is inserted via the DetailsView that this record will include the username (entered by the user) as well as the "type" of "administrator"

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