Dynamic Creation Of Button OK But Its Event Handler NOT Executed?

Apr 1, 2011

I have following simple controls on a page


<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">
<br />
<asp:Label ID="lblContent" runat="server" ></asp:Label>

Some code behind in WebForm1.aspx.cs :


When running the WebApp now and clicking on btnCreateDynamically, btnTest is created but when I click on btnTest its event handler is NOT invoked ?

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Using Dynamically Link Button Creation And Event Handler

Jul 4, 2010

The below shown Tree view are dynamically created link buttons.

These link buttons should be created DYNAMICALLY.

I tried to create dynamically and its working fine for 1 and 2 case.

But I am not able to get 3 case dynamically when i clickon from 2 case.

If I click on Products Link Button it'll display all sub products(i.e, computers, mobiles,...) and

if I click on computers and then only it should display all other sub products like Keyboard, Mouse,...

lly, if I click on Mobiles and then only it should display all other sub products like Nokia, Samsung ,...



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Web Forms :: Page Does Postback, Refresh But Event Handler Method Is Not Executed

Apr 6, 2010

I have problem with user control: MyCollection : UserControl

MyCollection contains:


Works fine unless I register event for some button:

button1.Click += ...

When click on button, nothing happens - page does postback, refresh but event handler method is not executed. Generated HTML is bit strange. Every page control has correctly generated ClientID including parent container ID.

Button in this collection MyCollection has odd ClientID - itemsAddresses$button1

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Load Dynamic Control From A Dropdownlist Event Handler - How To Preserve The Control After Button Event

Mar 10, 2011

I understand I need to load my dynmaic control on every postback and preferrably in Page_Init(). But my dyanmic controls are loaded from a dropdownlist selectedindexchanged event handler. Now after any postback, my dynamic controls are gone. How would I force it to load on every postback ?

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Event Handler In VB Not Responding To Click Event

Oct 23, 2010

This event handler is not responding at all to the click event. On click, the pagination numbers disappear and I'm not able to trace it in the debugger because the event handle doesn't even fire so I have no idea what's going on.


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Add Event Handler To Dynamic Dropdownlist?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a page that contains dynamically generated Dropdown List controls and I want thant the dynamic dropdown list perform an AutoPostback to fill some other field using the value selected. This is the code I'm using to create dynamically the control:


Control is correctly filled and rendered on ASP page but, after selecting a value, the page is reloaded (AutoPostBack is called) but the control is not diplayed and the sub is not called. I put a breakpoint into the ChangeValue sub but anything happens.

I read on some post that handler for the first DropDownList is not necessary but, how is it possible to tell DropDownList to call my sub after changevalue?

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Web Forms :: How To Add Event Handler To Dynamic Control

Mar 8, 2010

The code below creating a button control on my page dynamicly.

I would like to add to the control's Click event a new event handler.

How should I do it?

i'm creating the control on Click-event of one of the pre-defined buttons( btnSubmit) on my the page and
not at the Load event of the page:


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Dynamic Event Handler Lost After Postback?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a asp.net page with a button, the event the button needs to perform on it's click event needs to vary, dependant on what options are selected further up the page. The button itself is included in the master page, and it's actions are affected by selections made in the child page.

To do this, I have a method in the master page, that is called by the child page, when a users presses a button, that passes the Eventhandler to be used by that button, that is then assigned to masterpage eventhandler for that button:

public void assignEvent( EventHandler saveEvent)
this.SaveButtonEvent+= saveEvent

Then, when the save button on the master page, it calls that eventhandler

protected void save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.SaveButtonEvent != null)
this.SaveButtonEvent(this, e);

The event handler is assigned ok in the first section of code, however because pressing the save button causes a postback, the SaveButtonEvent event handler is set back to being null, and so nothing happens.

How can I preserve the contents of SaveButtonEvent Event Handler during postback, or is there a better way to be doing this?


I can get this to work by saving the EventHandler to the session, but this doesn't seem like a great idea.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Call A Button Click Event On From An Event Handler

Sep 29, 2010

I got an event handler like this, in this event, i wanted to call another button click event. How can I do that?


if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)

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Web Forms :: Frame Event Handler / Call An Event From The Second One After Clicking A Button In The First One?

Jan 26, 2010

i have two frames in a page. the fist one contains buttons the second one the form. i want to call an event from the second one after clicking a button in the first one ,

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How To Create Event Handler For Dynamic Drop Down List In C# .net

Sep 6, 2010

I have created a dynamic grid view using Itemplate .now i have also created a dynamic drop down list in the grid . how to create a event handler for on selectedindexchange .

i created a slectedindexchange event but it didnt work .the control never passes to the event ?

what to do create a event handler


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VS 2010 - Dynamic List Of Delete Buttons / Event Handler

Oct 14, 2011

Creating a list of users with a "Delete" linkbutton next to each". Seems I got it all wrong (again..away from webforms a long time).

Here's what I do:

Building a list of users with delete buttons:

foreach (var user in users)
var usr = user as UserInfo;
var row = new TableRow();
var cell = new TableCell();

[Code] ....

The "Delete""event handler:

protected void btnRemoveModUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var button = sender as LinkButton;
var userController = new UserController();
var user = userController.GetUser(PortalId, int.Parse(button.CommandArgument));
RemoveUserFromRole(Enums.KnowledgebaseRole.KB_Moderators, user);

I got a hunch though it's because of the when/where I'm loading that list of users. I call the function (getting a list of all users, clearing the table and populate it again):

In the page load, if not a postback.
Every time the "Add user" function have been called (that works fine).
Every time the "Delete user" function are called.

The last will not delete the user (still in database) but reload the ^&* form without any users.

I just found that the delete handler does not get called at all, but the button post back the form, so my list of user's don't get loaded.

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C#: Calling A Button Event Handler Method Without Actually Clicking The Button?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a button in my aspx file called btnTest. The .cs file has a function which is called when the button is clicked.

btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

How can I call this function from within my code (i.e. without actually clicking the button)?

View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic GridView RowUpdating Event Handler Will Not Run?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm creating a GridView in code. I can successfully attach handlers for Editing, and CancelEditing. RowUpdating never runs, however. Instead, if the GridView is in a Panel, the Edit handler is called when Update is clicked (and this is the command name I get back on the Update click, too). If the GridView is not in a panel, then the Cancel handler is called when Update is clicked (again, this is the command name I get back from clicking Update). I've searched high and low for a reason why the RowUpdating event is not getting called, and I can't find one. Does anyone out there haveHere is my code (My actual code is much more involved than this, but for testing purposes, I extracted the following code and stuck it in a new project to isolate my problem):

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)


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Web Forms :: Pass Additional Argument For Dynamic TextBox TextChanged Event Handler

Nov 27, 2013

At page load, I created a textbox as shown below.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
for(i=0;i<5;i++) {
Textbox tbox = new Textbox();
tbox.AutoPostBack =true;
tbox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(tboxevent);
//Here I need to pass 'i' value to the tboxevent
} }
protected void tboxevent(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Label1.Text = "i value";

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Difference Between Adding Code In The PreLoad Event Handler And At The Top Of The Load Event Handler?

Oct 3, 2010

Is there a technical reason for the existence of Page.PreLoad or is this just convenience to have a place where you can neatly place code that always have to be executed before the Load code? Is there a difference between adding code in the PreLoad event handler and adding code at the top of the Load event handler? And what would be a typical scenario where you use PreLoad?

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Forms Data Controls :: Button Click Handler In Dynamic Gridview?

Jan 25, 2010

I have page (inheriting from master page) in which I have a dynamic Grid view (columns are not defined at design time), but gird is binded from xml at run time.

From code behind, I am adding a LinkButton into a single column in Gridview as


But when I click on the link button, it does a post back, but the Click Handler is not called? Also in the same page i have an asp:button, from javascript I am doing document.getElementByID('someid').click(), this also causes a postback but the button click handler on server is not invoked?

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Web Forms :: Adding Event Handler For Link Button?

Jan 15, 2010


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MVC :: Button Onclick Event Doesn't Trigger Handler

Jul 16, 2010

Trying to get a helloworld web application up running in Visual Web Developer 2010.

Now I created a new project with Home controller and two default views (index and about).

Then in the index view I added a button and a textbox...double clicking the button creates a handler in the view, but it's never called...what am I missing?

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %>

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Button Click Event Handler Before Page Load?

Jan 12, 2011

I will describe my problem in simple way so it's not exactly what I'm trying to do but the idea is the same.Here is the problem:

I create dynamic buttons from code behind.I get some id from query string,create button with that id ,dynamic add event handler to click event,and add button to placeholder.I store the list of id-s in session and in page load method recreate these buttons and add to placeholder.One of the id-s is CurrentId and it's also stored in session.Buttons click handler do something like this

Button b=(Button)sender; Session["CurrentId"]=Convert.ToInt32(b.ID);

In page load when I create buttons I want to set button text property different from others if id==Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentId"]) when list of id-s are gotten from session.But problem is that click event handler is called after page load,and when I create buttons in page load ,CurrentId in session hasn't been channged by click event handler.Can you suggest any solution to this situation?

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Web Forms :: Add Event Handler To Dynamically Created Button?

Oct 5, 2010

Does anyone have a good vb example of adding an "onClick" event to a button that is dynamically added into a templatefield of a gridview. MSDN just says to use the addhandler statement with no other good info for a 'dynamic' scenario:


View 12 Replies

Adding Radio Button Event Handler At Runtime?

Sep 10, 2010

I am trying to add a radio button click event at runtime.

Radiobutton button = new RadioButton();
button.GroupName = "buttonGroup";
button.OnCheckedChanged = "buttonGroup_OnCheckedChanged"; //I can't do this?

I know I can do this from the markup, but when I try to do this from the code behine, I cant find OnCheckedChanged.

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VS 2010 - Event Handler For A Button Created Programmatically

Jan 25, 2012

I need to generate a button way after the page loads but I can't work out how to deal with the Event handler. If I do this when the page loads as shown bellow it works as intended but if I use the exact same method in a button it fails. (it creates the button but when I click the button it just disappears instead of showing a msgbox."I know I shouldn't use Msgbox in a web form but I only do it as a test then remove it"

Partial Class Default3
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim mybutton As Button
mybutton = New Button
mybutton.Text = "Submit"


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VS 2008 - Event Handler For Dynamically Created Button

Jul 31, 2013

I'm dynamically creating a table on my page with rows and controls. It looks like a gridview but it's not (it should've been, but too late now, seriously). I have a first name, last name, date of birth, etc. I want each row to have a button to add rows underneath it. So I create an event handler each time I create a new row and assign it to the click event of a button contained in the row. But it's not getting called.

Is it correct that the event handler doesn't stay established because the buttons are dynically created and are lost when the page posts back?

ImageButton addDependentButton = new ImageButton();
addDependentButton.ID = ADD_DEPENDENT_BUTTON_ID_BASE + currentSubscriberIDAsString;
addDependentButton.ImageUrl = "/Images/btnAdd.gif";
addDependentButton.Click += new System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventHandler(this.AddDependentButtonByRow_Click);
Control[] addDependentArray = { addDependentButton, addDependentDropDown };
WebControlUtilities.AddMultipleControlCellToRow(currentRow, addDependentArray, Constants.CSS_CLASS_TABLE_TEXT_NORMAL);

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Add Event Handler To A Button At Run Time

May 7, 2015

I made a dynamic TextBox and a Dynamic Button.. I would like to add an event on Dynamic Button to change the textbox text when clicked. What I want is when I made TextBox1 text "1" into "2" the TextBox having "2" will become "1". below is my code for page2. Page 1 is just a CheckBoxList consist of items to be passed on page2 DropDownList.

 .cs Page2
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)


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