Dynamically Add JS To A Page And Get Results From The JS?

Jan 10, 2011

Client(s) give me separate JS files which will run a check of some sort on the user's system (Browser type, are cookies enabled?, etc.) and a list of acceptable values to be returned from this check.

I want to run through each JS file when a user visits the site and compare the results to the list of acceptable values, then alert the user if they pass these requirements or not.

I'm currently using RegisterClientScriptBlock() to add the JS to the client's page, so it's being run, but I'm having issues getting the result value from the JS back to ASP.NET in order to do the comparison.

I've tried using hidden fields that the JS will dump the value to and ASP.NET will read from, but I'm having difficulty generating the hidden fields on demand (since I have no idea how many Js files the client could have) and have them work in the ASP.NET code.

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MVC :: Dynamically Constructing A Table Of Results?

Sep 6, 2010

I need to implement a search page where a user will be able to specify some search criteria and perform a search. It's a requirement that the results are displayed on the same page, beneath the search criteria.

Here's the code for the controller class:


For simplicity, the table string above is hard coded but would be constructed dynamically in the real code.
I also have the following form defined In the body of my html:


Finally, I'm using JQuery to hijack the submission of the form and to request the html for the table:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("form[action$='GetTableData']").submit(function() {
$.post($(this).attr("action"), $(this).serialize(), function(response) {
return false;

I'm fairly new to ASP.NET and MVC but the thing that slightly bothers me is that the html is generated in the code-behind for the view.

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Web Forms :: How To Display Sql Query Results Dynamically

Jan 26, 2010

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C# - Display Search Results Dynamically As Typing?

Jul 8, 2010

I am trying to build a SharePoint 2007 web part in Visual Studio. This web part should search a sharepoint list and display the results.

What I want to accomplish is to display the results as soon as the user stops typing, so no clicking button involved.

Probably, a combination of text_changed event and onkeydown javascript?

This sharepoint site is "Ajax-enabled", btw.

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Sql - Dynamically Generating Buttons Based On Query Results

Dec 20, 2010

I am trying to add some filters to a gridview that I am working on, and I'm wondering if it is possible to generate links or buttons above the gridview based on the years returned in the dataset. For example, if my dataset contains dates from 2001, 2009, and 2031 in my date column, I would like to be able to take that data from my SQL query (getting a distinct list of years is not an issue), and generate the buttons. From there, I would filter the data in the gridview based on the user clicking the buttons.

Is dynamic generation of buttons possible in ASP.NET? I do have some other ideas of how to accomplish the same functionality, but I would prefer to do it this way.

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Dynamically Generating The Nodes In Treeview Control And Displaying The Results On Selecting The Node

Mar 29, 2011

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How To Dynamically Create A Fully Functional Gridview In Javascript With The Results Returned From A Script Service

Jan 8, 2010

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The grid should allow user to sort and page the data.

could any body drive me to the proper technology or a useful link.

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Getting Mixed Results With Page Validation And Modal Popup Usage On A Page?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a page that works great until now that they wanted to add a ModalPopup based on a field value. Before the addition of this modal popup, i had a button event that would do the inserting of the data, it caused the page to validate and as long as the page passed then it would insert and move on to the next page. Now i have a ModalPopup displaying IF a certain field is empty. If they answer Yes to the modalpopup question, it takes them back to the page and sets the focus on that field. Works fine, but if they select No then i need the page to validate and insert the record and move on.I have a customvalidator for the field i need to check. I then have my insert on the main button that causes the validation. The "Yes" and "No" buttons within the modalpopup have the following setup.

My Main submit button has the following:

If i select NO it just goes back to the page and doesnt move forward. If i select YES and enter something the page pops up the modal again and again because i've clicked in the field and keeps asking even though there is now a value in the field. But since there is a value, i can continue on to the next page.

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MVC :: Build A Search Page And A Results Page For An MVC3 App

Feb 1, 2011

I need to build a search page and a results page for an MVC3 app.

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Creating Search Page And Displaying Results On Different Page?

Apr 1, 2010

I have created a search page using Visual Web Developer and Access as the database. Instead of displaying the results from the search in Gridview on the same page what would be the coding to pass the results to a new page titled "Search Results".

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How To Output Results In Color To A Web Page

Feb 17, 2011

I am converting an old script from ASP to ASP.NET and would like some advice. The original ASP script used Response.Write to output information about what happened during execution. I have rewritten the entire thing in ASP.NET but it is new to me as an old-school C programmer. The job requirements include using the VB flavor of ASP.NET, btw.

I originally put up a TextBox and edited the text property to dump my final report. Now they want different colors for different message importance and I find that the TextBox can only do one color for all lines. I fell back to the old standby R.W but I get a message that it's not declared and from looking around I see that it's an issue because I'm calling it from the code behind and that is 'out of scope' from the HTML elements of the page itself.

My question is what is the best way to output information to the web page with different lines being different colors from a page's code-behind? Secondary question - if I have misunderstood anything feel free to correct my thinking. :)

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Code Behind And Page Results Are Mismatched

Mar 18, 2011

I am developing a website using VS2010. I have started receiving an issue today which is text boxes on my pages are not populated every time while code behind shows the text is changed.

I have a text box to input an ID and on validation the record is fetched and details are shown in other text boxes. There are certain IDs on which the code behind (while debugging) shows the Text property of all text boxes are changed to reflect the fetched record but after completion of the event, text boxes are shown with previous texts, their texts are not those which were shown in the code behind.

I tried both VS2010 and VS2008. I have dual core machine. "Set Affinity" didn't work.

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C# - Get Updated Query Results On Page?

Aug 2, 2010

I have an asp.net intranet site hosted on IIS on my computer.

On one page you can enter two user id's and get a side by side comparison of their roles in our (custom app) system.

I often use it to add roles when I'm setting up new users. After running the query, if i change a role and run the query again it will not show updated results. It's being cached somehow. I have to go to another page and come back and them run the query to get updated results.

How can avoid having to navigate away to get the updated query results displayed.n


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Using WebParts Results In Blank Page?

Jun 1, 2010

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<WebParts:ExtendedWebPartManager ID="WebPartsManager" runat="server"></WebParts:ExtendedWebPartManager>
<WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone WebPartProperty="WebPartZone1" runat="server" ID="WebPartZone1" PartChromeType="None" AllowLayoutChange="false" Padding="0" PartChromePadding="0" Width="100%"></WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone>
<WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone WebPartProperty="WebPartZone2" runat="server" ID="WebPartZone2" PartChromeType="None" AllowLayoutChange="false" Padding="0" PartChromePadding="0" Width="100%"></WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone>
<WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone WebPartProperty="WebPartZone3" runat="server" ID="WebPartZone3" PartChromeType="None" AllowLayoutChange="false" Padding="0" PartChromePadding="0" Width="100%"></WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone>
<WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone WebPartProperty="WebPartZone4" runat="server" ID="WebPartZone4" PartChromeType="None" AllowLayoutChange="false" Padding="0" PartChromePadding="0" Width="100%"></WebParts:ExtendedWebPartZone>

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Web Forms :: Showing Search Results In Another Page?

Feb 19, 2010

I am creating a website for my final year project and I create a search based on this tutorial:


I would like to show the results from the search in another page. How do I show the results of the search in another page when the user press the button?

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MVC :: How To Implement Search And Displaying Results On Same Page

Dec 23, 2010

Anyone can help providing some code/suggestion on how to implement Search and displaying results on same page using MVC and simple way to implement paging with Ajax.

Below are the search parameters(search Page looks like below) i need to pass to db to get results. We are using MVC2 with entity framework.

Search Criteria- Last Name Course Name Status

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Html - Redirecting Search Results Into .NET Page

Jun 13, 2010

I've an ASP.NET page with a textbox and a option from user of the following choices: Wikipedia, Google, Dictionary.com, Flickr, Google images.The user enters a word(s) in the textbox and selects a choice among the following.

Depending on the choice select by the user I wish to return the following.

Wikipedia: Return the content and link to the page corresponding to the topic about the word.

Google: Return the top 10 results of google search for this word.

Flickr: Return a few images atmost 10 images from flickr search

GoogleImage: Return a few images from google image search.

Dictionary: Return the meaning of the word.

How can I do that?

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C# - Pdf Render To Web Page Results In Static Title?

Nov 22, 2010

having a slight issue where i am rendering a pdf (stored as a byte array) into an asp.net web page, using the code below:

Response.AppendHeader("content-length", document.Length.ToString());
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";

This works with no issues at all, however in order to render this pdf (ie. return the byte array) we are calling a web service by passing a few parameters in the QueryString. This is where the issue comes in. Once the PDF renders, it shows the title as the complete url + query string of the page. obviously, for security reasons we dont want users getting a hold of that information.does anyone know how to set the title of the page once the pdf renders out? i have tried making the header run server side, however it doesnt have any effect. interestingly, if the pdf render fails, or a data method fails before hand it changes the title correctly. its almost like once it hits the pdf rendering it changes the title back to the url/querystring.

in addition to this, i also checked the title of the PDF that was passed back by the web service and the title stored in the PDF properties is completely different to the title rendered on the title bar of the page.

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ADO.NET :: Custom Results Page Using Linq To Entities?

Aug 1, 2010

What is the best way to create a custom results page using Linq to Entities?

Do I pass the values to the result page, and do the query on the result page?


Do I pass the query results to the custom results page?

What is the best way to pass this?

Is there an example of this on the internet?

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How To Have 2 Forms In A Page / Submit Form And Get Results To Display

Jan 31, 2011

I have a simple .net form with two input boxes to choose the event and location. On button click, an xml url is built and this xml file is read using ReadXml, dataset is built and the results are displayed in the same page. I have both the forms to run at server and it says I cannot have it.

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Developing A Search Page That Will Display The Results In A Gridview?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm developing a search page that will display the results in a gridview. The codebehind (in VB.NET) uses a SQL command to fill the gridview.

The gridview does have paging and sorting enabled. Once the search button is clicked the initial results are displayed, if the user clicks on a sorted column or wants to advance a page the gridview disappears. Enable Sorting And Paging Callbacks is set to True. Enable ViewState is also set to True.

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AJAX :: Implement Search And Displaying Results On Same Page?

Mar 19, 2011

how to implement Search and displaying results on same page using ASP.net webform and simple way to implement paging with Ajax. The top of the page should have the search criteria and once button clicked, it should display the result below with checkbox so that user can select and delete any / all of the search result.

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Visual Studio :: VWD - Database Search Results On Different Page

Apr 2, 2010

Using Visual Web Developer I have created a page (Search.aspx) with a Text Box(SourcingIC) and Search Button. I do not want data (Gridview) displayed on the Search.aspx page, just the Text Box and Search Button.

A user inserts name in the text box(SourcingIC), presses the search button and then is directed to a new page (SearchResults.aspx) that displays the records found for SourcingIC. What coding is needed to make this happen? Can you provide me with what actual coding would need to be added?

<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/DST.master" %>

<script runat="server"> [code].....

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C# - Remove Deleted Page From Google Search Results?

Apr 26, 2010

So I have a website that I recently made changes to, and one of the changes was removing a page from the site. I deleted the page, it doesn't exist anymore.

However, when you search for my site, one of the results is the page that I deleted. People are clicking on the page and getting an error.

How do I remove that page from the search results?

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Page Not Returning Any Results / No Msgbox When Clicked Extra

Aug 8, 2012

I am trying to get my first asp.net app running.If I click a button it just refreshes the page returning nothing.

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