Dynamically Create A Webpage According To Database Definition?

Jun 18, 2010

Is it possible to dynamically create a web page according to database definition and that page can post data back from dynamically created controls?

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************* Code *******************


****************** Contents of text file appended below ***********************


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I have 5 link buttons in my asp page, i want to change the text property of the each of the link button to the data retrieved from my database table in th page load. To be more specific i want to display 5 latest film news headings in my home page and if the user clicks on a particular news heading i want to show that news details in a separate page with all the details related to that news.

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CS1061: 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter' does not contain a definition for 'Rows' and no extension method 'Rows' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter' could be found.

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I would like to find out if there is anyone who would know how to read from a database then returns the same number of records that a stored procedure returns and display those records on the webpage there after pass the ID of the record to a variable to another stored procedure that displays the data related to the record that was clicked, I tried doing this in a asp.net repeater but I can't seem to be able to reference the controls inside the repeater.

<Repeater HTML Code>
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="OpenLogs.aspx.cs" Inherits="OpenLogs" EnableEventValidation="false" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">


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Apr 1, 2011

what the "correct" method is for adding HTML content to an ASP.NET page dynamically?

I am aware of the following declarative method.

<%= MyMethodCall() %>
//And in the code behind.
protected String MyMethodCall()
return "Test Value";

Is there a better or best practice way?

EDIT: I am building a Galleriffic photo gallery dynamically depending on the images located in a specific folder.

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C# - Dynamically Changing The Component Of Webpage?

Jun 15, 2010

I am working for a project on disaster management sponsered by World Bank, under this project i have assigned work on CMS. and my senior has asked me to make a ASP.NET webpage where those logged with administrator privilege will be able to edit the page.


<div id="mydiv"><pre>+++++++MY CONTENT+++++++++++++++++++</pre></div>

now if if the admin clicks on mydiv he should be able to edit the pre contents.

for this i got many options such as WYSIWYG editors (but they work on textboxs only and further more they cant save the data back to server replacing the previous content) then I came to know about Webparts , but its editing capabilities was so low that my plan for implementing a WYSIWYG editor went in vain.

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Aug 18, 2010

I've never had to dynamically change the head of a webpage before and can't quite seem to get it. As mentioned in the title, the webpage is the child of a very simple master page. Here's what i've got:


I've tried :

Ctype(Me.Header.FindControl("head"), ContentPlaceHolder).InnerHtml
+= "<script type = 'text/javascript' src='" & Me.Master.get_root_rel() & "Sections/SectionJSFiles/EditFunctions.js' /></script>"

as well as

Me.Master.Head.InnerHtml += (same as above)

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C# - How To Load A User Control Dynamically In A Webpage

Nov 29, 2010

How to load a user control dynamically in a page?

I have a page that contains radioButtons. Each click on a radio button loads a user control (.ascx) in the page.

What I am doing is loading all controls at the same time, but set their visibility to false. When a user clicks a radiobutton I set the visibility of the specific user control to true.

As a result I am loading all the user controls on each postback.

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Load FlowPlayer Video Dynamically Into Webpage?

Sep 2, 2010

I tried passing in the name of the file via querstrying but it looks like flowplayer wants to load it before the Request.Querstring["videoName"] value is retrieved.

How can I do this?

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Feb 18, 2011

I'm currently in the process of creating a webshop. This webshop supports theming, but I also want customers to choose a lay-out. I can create multiple masterpages and create a handler to dynamically set the correct master page. But some components, like the shopping cart, are controls which have to be present in the master page and are also used in the aspx pages. The shopping cart control for instance, has an Update method which is called whenever the user adds a product to their cart. So the question is: can I somehow create a default masterpage which has all the components on it, but still be able to create multiple lay-outs. And how should I reference that master page from the aspx pages? I also thought of creating an Interface class which defines the masterpage and it's public components, but I don't know if I can reference an interface from aspx pages.

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Web Forms :: Placing Label In Panel Dynamically On Webpage?

Aug 13, 2010

What I am trying to do here is I want to add the dynamically created labels in the Panel on the Webpage and not directly on the Webpage. My panel has scroll bars and thus when I scroll horizontally or vertically only the background moves whereas the labels are static to the page. And some labels are even visible on the panel borders on scrollbars (some on the page outside the panel) which are suppose to be placed inside the Panel. So when I scroll either of the ways even the labels should move along with the background image. So how can I make these labels stick to the Panel and not the Page? How do I do it?

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Web Forms :: How To Find A Dynamically Built Control In Webpage

Feb 18, 2011

In my one asp.net web page by VS 2008 I dynamically creates a set of RadioButtonList and TextBox by objects


The current issue is I can load the web page with a set of RadioButtonLists and TextBoxs but can't find the these dynamically built controls by Me.FindControl("rdoTask" & ID) in aspx.vb file to save info assigned to these controls.

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Web Forms :: How To Load User Control Dynamically On Webpage

Mar 29, 2010

how to load user control dynamically on asp.net page? I am loading user control in my page_Init() event under if(!IsPostBack) but when user post the with any button click then my user control is disapper?

If i am loading control without if(!IsPostBAck) then its fine, but each time a page is posted loading of control is not good because it will slow my web site?

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