Efficient Ways To Convert DataSets To GenericCollection (Of ObjectType)?

Feb 24, 2010

I currently have a function that gets some data from the database and puts it into a dataset. The return type on my function is GenericCollection (Of CustomerDetails)

If I do this:

Dim dataset As DataSet = Read(strSQL.ToString) 'Gets Data from DB

What's the most efficient way to map the dataset results to an collection of objects. More importantly, since I'm using GenericCollection, is there a way to do this in which I can call a function from the ObjectType class (CustomerDetails) that would have a means to converting that specific object.

Or is there a way in which I can use a function that would handle all types?

Is there a way to do something like:

Return returnedResults.TransformDataSet(dataset)

In which returnedResults is an object collection Of CustomerDetails, or would it simply be easier to have TransformDataSet return an object collection Of CustomerDetails by itself?

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public int Id { get; set; }
public string ItemName { get; set; }
public int Next { get; set; }[code]....

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// 1. Store questions and answers in class
List<submittedAnswers> answeredQuestions = new List<submittedAnswers>();
// 2. From POST pull answered question IDs and answer IDs (which correspond to the question primary key and answer choice number both stored in the list)
// 3. Loop through each question is list, if question was given, test if correct/incorrect
using (SPWeb myWeb = mySite.OpenWeb())
SPList answerList = myWeb.Lists[questionList];
foreach (SPListItem quizEntry in answerList.Items)
int pullAnswerId = int.Parse(quizEntry["Answer"].ToString()); // Pull answer number from list
int pullQuestionId = int.Parse(quizEntry["ID"].ToString()); // Pull primary key of question
submittedAnswers result = answeredQuestions.Find(delegate(submittedAnswers e) { return e.questionId == int.Parse(quizEntry["ID"].ToString()); });
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if (result.responseId != pullAnswerId) // If the response was different from the answer
// C# quiz grading magic here....

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DataSets are sub-par amateur solutions to code your Data layer...Stop Using Them and learn to CODE! :)

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SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.ServiceTBLTableAdapter sta = new SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.ServiceTBLTableAdapter();
SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.RoutesTBLTableAdapter rta = new SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.RoutesTBLTableAdapter();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Mar 7, 2011

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ADO.NET :: Manually Building Datasets?

Feb 16, 2011

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What Is A Quick And Efficient Way To Perform Listbox Search

Aug 2, 2010

I have a listbox on my site that is populated with data. I then have a textbox that is used to enter a search phrase and with each letter that is added the listbox is narrowed down or repopulated using javascript. I use one listbox to store all the items and a secondary showing the listing results. This makes it east to check against all items and then populate the second listbox with all the results according to the search.

Currently this process can cause a delay in updating the listbox (eg when the textbox is emptied all the items need to be repopulated from the listbox with all the data).

What is a quick and efficient way to perform this listbox search?

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