ASP C# | Importing CSV With DataSets & DataTableAdapters?

Aug 26, 2010

I have imports.aspx with an ASP:FileUpload function.In my code-behind I have this:

SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.ServiceTBLTableAdapter sta = new SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.ServiceTBLTableAdapter();
SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.RoutesTBLTableAdapter rta = new SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.RoutesTBLTableAdapter();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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DataSets are sub-par amateur solutions to code your Data layer...Stop Using Them and learn to CODE! :)

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class foo
[DataMember] int productId
[DataMember] string productName
double price; //not used in json.. yet

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I was just thinking if there was a way to programmatically open and close connections to the database via the dataset classes we've added into the project.

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The opening and closing of the connection is done internally. I kind of want to override this, and close the connection upon a page unload event which (I'd manually register it with the datadapter class somehow).

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I have a website and it was running great but wanted to move my business logic/datasets over to its own project.

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Do I have to make classes that access all those tableadapters or am I missing some reference I need to add?

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VS 2010 Changing From DataAdapters/DataSets To DataSources

Nov 13, 2010

How do you control database server access when you use datasources in VB 2010?How do you access multiple tables from a store procedure using datasources?

Explanation:My experience is with VB.NET for the most part. I've written a lot of apps drawing data through dataadapters into datasets and processing them to provide reports in aspx.

I'm starting to work in VB 2010 and those elements are no longer available. What appears to be the weapon of choice is the datasource.What I'm not seeing: 2 important things that I can't work without:

1. Control over when the database server is hit with a connection request; daMyQuery.Fill (MyDataSet) was an explicit command that I could use to collect my data on demand. From that point on, I could use the dataset as I wished to populate whatever controls or structures I wished - the database server was no longer needed and wasn't hit by my apps until another pageload.

2. Multiple Tables in a query result; This must be there, I just can't find the method by which to reference different tables in my SQL output. Previous, I would have a dataadapter which would use a stored procedure to deliver a dataset of multiple - sometimes many - tables for use in the application. I can't find the equivalent on a datasource.

So my two big-ticket needs - requests for assistance, really - are listed above: How do you get at multiple tables returned from a stored procedure;and;How do you keep datasources for hitting the dbserver whenever you use it if there is no equivalent to a 'fill' method?

I guess another - how would you walk through the rows of a dataset?

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Dynamically Creating Database Connection In Datasets?

May 4, 2010

I am currently using datasets for my data access layer. I currently store the connection string in the web.config file. I need the ability to change the connection to another database before any queries are processed. Is there an event that is triggered or a base class that can be modified that intercepts the process of retrieving the connection string from the web.config file? Is there any way to handle multiple database connections using the same code base and also take advantage of the connection pooling? I understand the best method is to get rid of datasets and use custom data objects.

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Mar 22, 2010

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1- Create Dataset and fill its rows with data.
2- Create an XML according to an XML schema rules.
3- Fill said XML file with data from Dataset such that data is taken from the Dataset while structure of the XML file is taken from the XML schema.

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Web Forms :: Using Datasets As Part Of Web Application Architecture?

Feb 18, 2010

i am using datasets as part of my web application architecture.

i have one dataset which has two tables which are populated from database . everything works fine but when i have change in stored procedure. i change structure of datatable in dataset file after that compilation errors start to throw up. when i check cs file of dataset it shows multiple classes with different names.

cant get into it. since im using datasets for first time. its getting frustating.

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C# - Compare Two Datasets And Place Values In A New Dataset

Jan 6, 2011

I m working on ASP.NET using C#, i need to compare the data from two DataSets with a "ID" which is in both the DataSets and then add all the matching rows to a New dataset.

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Differences From Two Datasets (same Schema) And Write Out To XML Or 3rd Dataset?

Feb 9, 2011

I have two datasets, one is populated from a SQL Database on my server, the other is populated from an XML file passed from the client server.Both datasets are identical in structure (and potentially the same in data as well)hat I need to be able to do is as follows:-Compare Dataset1 against Dataset2 and record which rows are missing from Dataset2 (based on 2 primary fields)Compare Dataset2 against Dataset1 and record which rows are missing from Dataset1 (based on 2 primary fields)Compare Dataset1 against Dataset2 and record any rows which are different ((based on 2 primary fields always being the same and 3 fields being potentially different)

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Architecture :: Using DataSets Alongside Linq To SQL Classes?

Feb 22, 2010

I am updating a project I wrote some time ago. At the time my preference was for DataSets and DataSetTableAdapters, but I've now moved on to use Linq to SQL DataClasses. I would like to convert the project to Linq to SQL, but I am tight on time and it's a big job. My question is, is there any reasons I can't develop new modules using Linq to SQL DataClasses along side DataSets and convert the DataSets overtime?

Apart from the obvious confusion it will cause, are there any technical problems I should be aware of i.e. will there be any performance problems using the two methods?

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WCF / ASMX :: Using Strongly Typed Datasets With Web Services?

Apr 5, 2010

I have developed a web site that uses strongly typed datasets to access SQL. This has worked well: I have found that this is easy and robust, so that if I make changes to the data structure invariably I am either protected from this and my code continuesto work correctly, or there are compile errors that are obvious and easily fixed. Thus I am a fan of typed datasets.I am now starting to learn how to use web services, as I need to use the site's database with Windows programs. I have a web service with the following code, passing back a datatable: -

<WebMethod()> _
Public Function GDBSearch(arguments) As DataTable
Dim tbGDBSearch As DataTable = taGDBSearch.GetData(arguments)


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Visual Studio :: Windows 7 Not Saving Datasets Files

Jan 24, 2010

I installed Windows 7 a few days ago and everything seemed to install fine. I opened up a rather large project I've been working on and opened up my dataset file. I created a new table in SQL Server 2005 and so in turn I created a new tableadapter. It went through the steps to create the tableadapter fine but when I tried to finish it, it took FOREVER to finally refresh. The table is small, about 6 fields with no data, and I waited 20 minutes at least for Visual Studio to finally respond again. Now I've tried to save my work and it's hung up again. I've been waiting another 20 minutes at least just for VS to save the file. Is there some known issue with datasets and Windows 7? This didn't happen in XP and I simply can't be waiting for an hour to simply add a table adapter and save the file.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Merge Two Datasets Into One Grid

Mar 19, 2010

I have two datasets called ds and ds1 that I want to merge into a grid. I get data from the first dataset to display in the grid but the second dataset where I want to display a count I don't get any data from it. I am trying a ds.Merge(ds1). here is the code i have for the sub. What am I doing incorrectly?


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DataSource Controls :: How To Merge Two DataSets Into A Single DataGrid

Mar 27, 2010

I've tried:


I've also tried:


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