Firefox Version Wrong With Request.Browser.Version?

Sep 26, 2010

I'm try to get my site to detect what browser someone is using to ensure they're using one that is compliant with our site. Everything works, except Firefox seems to post the wrong version in the Request.Browser variables.I'm on Firefox 3.6.10, but Request.Browser shows Mozilla It's correct in the HTTP_USER_AGENT string:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 YFF35 Firefox/3.6.10 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Is there a way to detect it better without having to parse through the HTTP_USER_AGENT string?

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Wrong Version And Unhandled Exceptions Error / How To Fix It

Jun 11, 2010

I didn't want to post anything before i search and upgrade to the latest ajax3.5I copied the zip extracted it in a location and then on vs2008 i added a toolbox and i imported the jaxcontroltoolkit.dll(the very first on the folder).

I got the controls and all is fine until then.

The problem (i previous had with the beta version) stayed.

I did not handle an exception and vs prompted me for the location of accordioncontrol.cs (i don't clearly remember the control), saying there is no source code and i should provide one.I clicked cancel (there is clearly no accordion .cs control on the zip) and the program got the exception on the web page.Ok.

Now everytime i put a breakpoint on the page and it reaches the last end sub it prompts me this "There is no source code available for the current location."I can hit F5 and pass this, however if i hit F11(next statement) it prompts me for the location of the picture i include here. I remember finding the cs somewhere for the beta and included it and it prompted me for wrong version or something on the unhandled exceptions so i have forgotten the error (because i usually handle all my exceptions so i didn't have any for a while).

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Crystal Reports Objects Within Visual Studio The Full Version Or Is It A Trial Version

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Configuration :: How To Update The Licence For Dundas From Evaluation Version To The Licensed Version

Feb 25, 2011

We have an application that is already deployed in the production environment. And currently it is using Dundas evaluation version. We tried updating it to the licensed version by simply pasting the dll file. but we got the error message as "The file has not been pre-compiled and cannot be requested".

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C# - FormsAuthenticationTicket.Version Returns Invalid Version Number

Mar 8, 2011

Is there any limit on the size/numbers in the version number of the FormsAuthenticationTicket.

I tried to create an ASP.NET cookie using forms authentication, with a large version number(ex: 1234567 need this number for identification purposes). But when I decrypt the cookie I get 135 as the version number.

Initially the old forms authentication cookie was removed, in order to add new information.


Following is the code I used to create the FormsAuthentication cookie.

FormsAuthenticationTicket newAuthTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1234567, un, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddHours(5F), false, user_data);
HttpCookie newauthCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(newAuthTicket));

After retrieving the cookie, the version number I got was 135. This number varies with different version numbers.

string cookieName = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName;
HttpCookie authCookie = Context.Request.Cookies[cookieName];

if (authCookie == null)
FormsAuthenticationTicket authTkt = null;
authTkt = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
if (authTkt == null)
int versionID = authTkt.Version;

Can someone let me know if it's a bad idea to use such big version numbers, or am I missing something in this.

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DataSource Controls :: Version 661. This Server Supports Version 655

May 22, 2010

I have Visual Studio 2008 installed on this workstation with SQL 2000, 2005 Express, 2008 Express and I think 2008 R2 (not sure if that is a version itselve or not)

I will call that workstation HOME

I created some tables in SQLEXPRESS through VS2008.

I worked on this project on another workstation that I just installed VS2008 annd SQLEXPRESS 2008 and I know that was R2

Installed Visual Studio 2010 trial edition between the thiem I made the tables on HOME and tonight for the first time since that install

I am now getting the "cannot be opened becuase it is version Version 661. This Server supports version 655..."

What to do now?

I can opened SQLExpress 2008 management studio and it is running.

So is my SQL 2000. The problem seems to be that after the VS2010 install neither VS2008 or VS2010 can connect to the SQLExpress 2008

What do I do now?

I can't remove sql 2000 because it is tied to several 3+ gig databases that will not work in Express.

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C# - How To Upgrade Ajaxcontroltoolkit Version From 3.0.20820.0 To Version 3.5.40412.2

Jan 5, 2011

i am working in webapplication in using c#.I have a problem that currently i am using ajaxcontroltoolkit version 3.0.20820.0 but in this toolkit i don't have Editor Ajax control so i want to upgrade it with new version ajaxcontroltoolkit version 3.5.40412.2

When i upgrade it then my old ajax control is not working like validatorcalloutextender and requiredfieldvalidator etc.

so please tell me how can i upgrade ajaxcontroltoolkit version from 3.0.20820.0 to version 3.5.40412.2

i also use in web.config file but not successfull.

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Web Forms :: Getting Browser Info / Get The Browser Version, Type Of The User

Apr 25, 2010

i need to get the Browser version, type of the user. i need the short name not the long one.

at the monent i have this:

browser = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") that retuens this:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/532.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/4.1.249

i need only (Chrome/4.1.249), (MSIE 8.0)...............

plus i would like to get the operating system too

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How To Check Browser Version

Jun 8, 2010

I have a website that I want to restrict only to Internet Explorer, how do I do that? Code is

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C# - Check Version Of Browser?

Jun 8, 2010

How can i find what version of browser a user is using and ask him to upgrade it

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AJAX :: The Requested Script Resource 'Common.Common.js' Requires Version 'ControlToolkit, Version=4?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a solution I'm working on in VS2010 Professional, using ASP.NET 4.0 with the AJAX Toolkit.This has been working fine, but when I started it up today, I got the runtime exception shown above. This exception occurs on any page with a control from the toolkit.Sometimes when I load a page, I get an exception "Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows, Version=, Culture=neutral, ublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified." If I then reload the page (without making any changes), I then get the exception shown in the subject line.I tried dragging an AJAX Toolkit control from the toolbox onto a page, and then deleting it, and that worked - once. The next time I tried the page (or any other), I got the exception again. Dragging a control out didn't help this time.

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Mar 9, 2010

How to force Refresh( F5) conditaionally wehn the pages meet new design.

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Jul 7, 2010

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Configuration :: Client Browser Using Cached Files Instead Of Updated Version After Deployment

Oct 6, 2010

We have an ASP.NET web application and it's hosted using IIS 6.0, in the app we have these several javascript and css files located in a folder, and for performance sake (according to YSlow) we set the folder content expiration header to 1 year. Everything worked just fine until recently when we deployed the latest build to the server, in which we had made some changes to those javascript and css files. For some reason after the deployment some of our end users don't see the latest changes when they connected to the app, even after they cleared the cache in IE. We have also restarted the IIS on the server and the problem still remained. When I went into the IE Temporary Internet Files folder on one of these machines I saw the files were still the older version and not the latest one, I had to manually delete the files from the Temporary Internet Files folder then they were able to see the latest changes. I'm baffled by this, how come only some users who couldn't see the changes but some others do (without having to do anything by the way), and how do I make sure that for future releases we won't have to do anything like what did (manually deleting the cached files)? For now I disabled the Content Expiration option in IIS for these files but I would like to know if there is a way that I can enable the content expiration (to help performance) but at the same time making sure when the files are updated, the latest version will be used for the end user (instead of the cached version)?

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C# - Are Conditions For Raising "potentially Dangerous Request.Form Value" Errors Dependent On .NET Configuration And Version?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm testing a Tiny_MCE plugin for BlogEngine.NET extension I wrote earlier and I keep receiving the following error message whenever I use my own extension or the extremely popular SyntaxHighlighter extension which both have similar behaviors and both implement Tiny_MCE plugins:

Url :
Raw Url : /admin/Pages/Add_entry.aspx[code]...

My question is thus: although I receive this error on my local environment (IIS 7.5 ASP.NET 4.0 Integrated App Pool) I receive no error whatsoever on my live environment (IIS 7.5 ASP.NET 3.5 SP1/ 3.0 / 2.0.) Additionally whenever I test the extension using debug mode in Visual Studio 2010 and run the site off of a separate instance I don't receive this error.I'm almost certain that the fact that this issue only occurs on my localhost IIS instance indicates that it's a configuration issue or a behavior specific to ASP.NET 4.0, but I don't know what exactly.

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Web Forms :: Stop Users Users Using The Browser Back Button And Potentially Submitting An Old Version

Mar 25, 2011

I need to stop users users using the browser back button and potentially submitting an old version of a form.

I'm storing a guid in a session variable and also writing the value to a hidden form field and then checking the session value against the hidden field value if a user does try to navigate back and submit an old form.

If the form is submitted and the user wants to complete a new copy of the form then a new guid is generated both to the session and to the hidden form field. Now, if the user decides to hit the back button a few times to get the old form and tries to submit it again, the page checks the current guid in session against the guid stored in the form field and it finds a mismatch and prevents the form being submitted.

This works as expected in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE6, when the user hits the back button to view the old form, the new guid value appears in the hidden field of the old form! This means the user can submit the old form again, which we definitely do not want.

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Which Version Of IIS To Use

Jun 10, 2010

I am currently running an ASP.NET 2.0 application using IIS 6.0. I plan to upgrade to either 3.5 or 4.0 of .NET.

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.Net Version Vs C# Version?

Jun 17, 2010

I am confused between the version used for ASP.Net and C#. So can some one use ASP.Net 2.0 but still use C# 2.0? Also should there be a relation between the two?

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IIS Version For WCF Services?

Mar 8, 2010

Which IIS Lowest Version Can be Use For Creating WCF web Services. and Which IIS Version is most suitable for working in WCF

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VB Version Of PHP's $_GET?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm new to VB code but i know a bit of php. How would I get the same effect as the $_GET function (PHP) in VB.Encase your wondering I want the VB version of the $_GET function to be used like this


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MVC :: MVC 3 RC 2 Version / Getting Error

Dec 20, 2010

I am updating a MVC 3 Beta working project to MVC 3 RC2. I have the following Assemblies:

System.Web.Mvc (3.0.11209.0)
System.Web.Helpers (1.0.11209.379)
System.Web.Razor (1.0.11209.379)
System.Web.WebPages (1.0.11209.379)
System.Web.WebPages.Razor (1.0.11209.379)
Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure (1.0.11209.379)
Microsoft.Web.Mvc (3.0.10714.0)

I got the Microsoft.Web.Mvc from the MvcContrib project which I am already using:

MVCContrib (

When I run my MVC 3 RC2 project I get the following error:


StructureMap configuration failures:

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How To Indicate The 2nd Version Of The Assembly

Apr 4, 2010

I have a shared assembly, in which it has 4 versions and I have placed it in GAC location. I have to Use the 2nd version of the assembly. Please let me know how should i indicate the 2nd version of the assembly? Which one tell to CLR to find exact 2nd version?

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Set The Version Number On A Web App?

May 12, 2010

set the version number on a web app?

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Get The .NET Framework Version?

Jan 5, 2010

I want to get the .NET Framework version that I am working on through the code (C#) . Is there any easy way to do it?

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Put Version Of The Website?

Mar 29, 2011

I am running an website.which is working perfect.

now my boss is asking me to put version of the website.On what scenario i can do this part.

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