Flip Image In JQuery?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a collection of small images (bellow "Some examples" in the left column ) I would like to flip one at the time. I imagine that they flip and a new image is shown (like flipping a card).

Is there a jQuery plug in for this, or can I do it with ordinary jQuery?

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Web Forms :: Flip An Image Vertically In C#

Aug 14, 2010

I wonder how it can be possible to "Flip" an image vertically and set it to a control. The code compiles fine but no image is set to the control, setImage1b ?


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VS 2010 - How To Add (Flip Counter) To Website

Aug 23, 2012

I tried to add the filp Counter To My WebSite To Count The Number Of Visitors Using (Css,Jquery,Js)...

This Is The Link Of Tutorial [URL] ....

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Using Javascript To Flip Flop A Textbox's Readonly Flag?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a frame with several radio buttons where the user is supposed to select the "Category" that his Occupation falls into and then unconditionally also specify his occupation.If the user selects "Retired", the requirement is to prefill "Retired" in the "Specify Occupation" text box and to disable it to prevent it from being changed. The Specify Occupation text box should also no longer be a tab stop. If the user selects a radio button other than Retired the Specify Occupation text box should be enabled and once again and the Specify Occupation text box should once again be in the normal tab sequence.

Originally, I was setting and clearing the disabled property on the Specify occupation textbox, then I found out that, upon submitting the form, disabled fields are excluded from the submit and the REQUIRED validator on the Specify Occupation textbox was being raised because the textbox was being blanked out.What is the best way to solve this? My approach below was to mimic a disabled text box by setting/resetting the readonly attribute on the text box and changing the background color to make it appear disabled. (I suppose I should be changing the forecolor instead of teh background color). Nevertheless, my code to make the textbox readonly and to reset it doesn't appear to be working.

function OccupationOnClick(sender) {
var optOccupationRetired = document.getElementById("<%= optOccupationRetired.ClientId %>");


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AJAX :: PopupControlExtender DynamicServiceMethod Not Showing Any Content On Gridview Page Flip?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a 20 PopupControlExtenders for 18 columns in a GridView. Every popup is has different content: HtmlSelect, HtmlAnchor, HtmlButton CheckBox etc. etc. -depending on the cell it is clicked on.

I'm using combination of DynamicContextKey, DynamicControlID and DynamicServiceMethod to populate these popups.

The problem is, when the grid is first loaded, all popups in all columns populate correctly. Problem arises when I flip a page in the gird. On the new page, the popup comes up, but there is no content. And NO error (like 500 or something). Now when I go back to the first page, no popup shows content here either. What am I doing wrong? Here is a sample ItemTemplate:


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JQuery :: JQuery Image Rotation On Mouse Events?

Dec 20, 2010

I am having an issue in Jquery rotate below is my HTML code

<div id="frame" style="height:100;width:100;" >
<img alt="" id="Img1" runat="server" src="~/Images/pdfcar.png"

The below code is working fine, J


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JQuery, Copy Image To HTML Image

Feb 24, 2011

I've got an ASP.Net app that uses Jquery ajax to get dynamic html an insert into a certain div on the screen. This works but one of the tags is an image tag and no image is being displayed, just the "X" since image is on the server. The path of the image is on the server, ~/Images/user2.png.

I'm thinking about having a server side image, , hold the image i need that is not visible and somehow using jquery, "copy" that image to the real html image tag after it is appended.

But I can't think of how to copy it.

The thing to remember is the html image tag doesn't exist until the ajax data is loaded and appended to the destination tag.

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JQuery :: How To Enlarge The Image

Nov 19, 2010

iam using this jquery for displaying the image....but it displays the image as very small image though image is big...how to enlarge the image..within this code

var newImage = $('<img />');
newImage.attr('src', '<%= ResolveUrl("../../Content/Images/" )%>' + optionData.Image);

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Display An Ashx Image Using JQuery?

Dec 30, 2010

I've been trying to use the jQuery plugin Colorbox to display images I have in my DB through an ashx file. Unfortunately it just spits a bunch of gibberish at the top of the page and no image. Can this be done? Here is what I have so far:

function ()
<a rel="cbImg" href="HuntImage.ashx?id=15">Click to see image</a>


My ashx file is writing the binary out:

context.Response.ContentType = "image/bmp";

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How To Show Image Loading Gif Using Jquery

Jun 22, 2010

can ny one suggest how to do show image loading gif when image is loading in runtime using jquery.

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JQuery :: Looking For Image Carousel / Slideshow

Jan 19, 2011

im looking for an image carousel similar to this one here but in javascript.So far i havent had any luck, the closest being Galleria.

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Replace Part Of An Image URL Using JQuery

Jun 29, 2010

I have a script which translates an image url to a path and works fine for an image fade on primary node navigation. The script below gives me:


Once I navigate one node deeper it adds the application path to the url and the function fails:




find the part of the code which I change to accommodate for the sitemap navigation? My site will only ever go three levels deep.

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C# - Download Image Using Javascript / JQuery?

Jan 28, 2010

We are using asp.net and c#3.5 implementing a website using quite a lot of jQuery. We would like to download an img from the browser window, but (and here's the trick) in a button click (in addition to right click save as)...

Before we get into it, I should state that we know that this is an img tag and from the front end, we can easily download the image using right click save as. The only reason we wish to download the image from a (say) button click is because across the site we have download buttons for downloadable content (like datatable to excel files and pdfs, etc) and we would preferably like to keep the standard across thewebsite.

We are producing graphs using Microsoft Chart Control which renders the graphs to the screen pretty well. This renders an image to the screen as shown below in an example (using Firebug)

<div align="center" style="margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 30px;" id="graph">
<img style="border-width: 0px; height: 500px; width: 465px;" alt="Chart Loading" src="/Telma.UI/ChartImg.axd?i=chart_194e3c04c11240a7b7fba3e3e1d76d39_2.jpeg&g=338b984aaab84b1da9a63db3150211e2" borderdashstyle="Solid" id="ctl00_Chart1">

The img tag is generated from the Chart Control which in the asp is in an <asp:Chart> tag.

Now as an important side note we have in the web.config

<add key="ChartImageHandler" value="storage=session;privateImages=true;timeout=10;deleteAfterServicing=false;WebDevServerUseConfigSettings=true;" />

There is a known bug with MS Chart Control that if you store the image in session variables or memory, that the image is only accessible once and not persisted. Described here

We don't have a physical location for the image when it is created (and most often the Chart Control destorys the image).

What we need is some client side method of downloading this image content from the screen as it is rendered, but without having access to the physical image at the back end. We do not want to use the chart control property:


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JQuery :: Change Image Background After Sometime?

Jan 27, 2011

i need to know if there are a way to change the background image after a specific time like 10 sec or 30 sec...etc. you know like yahoo Login mail "it's changing the background daily!!"

if there is a way using JQuery or CSS or html or any other thing.

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JQuery :: Resizing Image After Jcrop?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm using JCrop, by using Mikes great article at: http://www.mikesdotnetting.com/Article/95/Upload-and-Crop-Images-with-jQuery-JCrop-and-ASP.NET

There are two things I haven't been able to figure out how to do though:

(1) How do I check if the uploaded image is big enough? (i.e. how do I determine width of image is > 200px")

(2) How do I resize the cropped image to 200px in width.

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Setting Image Size Via Css Or Jquery / C#?

Mar 26, 2011

can you set the the image size of this control with css?

<img style="border-width: 0px;" alt="Test image" src="userdata/1/uploadedimage/database%20entry.jpg">

Not sure if theres a way I can assign a certain size to this either by css or by Jquery? Or if I can do it directly in my C# code using something like img.Style?


Just to clarify my css is like so:

div .test
border-top: thin solid #736F6E;


So how would I use the below answers in this combination

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JQuery :: Move The Div Tag Accross The Image?

Dec 15, 2010

I am working on some document management system, in that user need to do comments on the image, i have div tag with textbox control, i want that div tag like mobavle. Also, they want to do singing / stamping over the image.i am planing use draggable div tag with image control.is it possible to move the div accross the image?if scroll bar(vertical & horizontal) comes what will happen? how to get the dragged co-ordinates after the drag?

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Web Forms :: How To Show Image At Div Using JQuery

Jun 29, 2012

I have div like below...

<div id="output"></div>

I bind this like below.

var url = "cars.aspx?id=" + car.Id;$('#output').append('<p><a href="' + url + '">' + car.name + '</a></p>');

now how can i append image here(which store at folder and path send to json data like car.image).

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Use Jquery To Resize A Div Containing A 100% Height/width Image?

Dec 1, 2010

I am trying to use jquery to resize a div containing a 100% height/width image in an asp.net page. I have some code that works fine as a simple html page. Here it is:


Anybody know why it's not working and how to fix it?

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JQuery :: Find Image Tag That Has Not ALT And TITLE Attribute

Dec 26, 2010

iwanna find img tag that has not ALT and TITLE attribute. and then append to img tag alt and title. how i can do that?

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JQuery :: How To Get Images From Database For Image Slider

Nov 30, 2010

I am using jquery image slider on my website, what I want is to get the images from the sql server table, presently the images are included in the project , see below for the code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>

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JQuery :: How To Rotate The Drag / Dropped Image

Feb 10, 2011

I am using the below code to rotate the drag/dropped image.The rotation is working fine,but when i start rotating ,the image moves outside the "div" container .Anything i am missing.

//Moving outside the container for first time.After dragging inside the div,then rotates inside the div


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JQuery :: Simple Hover Effect On Image?

Mar 13, 2011

I have a simple page with 4 thumbs. All I want to do is when the mouse is hovering over a link, the thumb to move up like it's hovering. When the mouse leaves the link, then the the thumb moves down to it's original spot.

I can't seam to find any tutorials on how to create that effect. I tried bing and google but none of them are what I'm trying to do.

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C# - Zoom Image Using Jquery / Looking For Scripts Which Supports With .NET

Sep 25, 2010

I am looking for a jQuery image zoom script with functonality as like in this link.
Has anyone done this before?

I am looking for scripts which supports with ASP.NET.

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JQuery :: Image Flow - Implement Logic

Jan 15, 2011

I need to implement the following logic [URL] but this one you have to pay for to use commerical is there another way of doing the above in jquery or javascript for example?

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