Web Forms :: Flip An Image Vertically In C#

Aug 14, 2010

I wonder how it can be possible to "Flip" an image vertically and set it to a control. The code compiles fine but no image is set to the control, setImage1b ?


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Flip Image In JQuery?

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I have a collection of small images (bellow "Some examples" in the left column ) I would like to flip one at the time. I imagine that they flip and a new image is shown (like flipping a card).

Is there a jQuery plug in for this, or can I do it with ordinary jQuery?

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Using Javascript To Flip Flop A Textbox's Readonly Flag?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a frame with several radio buttons where the user is supposed to select the "Category" that his Occupation falls into and then unconditionally also specify his occupation.If the user selects "Retired", the requirement is to prefill "Retired" in the "Specify Occupation" text box and to disable it to prevent it from being changed. The Specify Occupation text box should also no longer be a tab stop. If the user selects a radio button other than Retired the Specify Occupation text box should be enabled and once again and the Specify Occupation text box should once again be in the normal tab sequence.

Originally, I was setting and clearing the disabled property on the Specify occupation textbox, then I found out that, upon submitting the form, disabled fields are excluded from the submit and the REQUIRED validator on the Specify Occupation textbox was being raised because the textbox was being blanked out.What is the best way to solve this? My approach below was to mimic a disabled text box by setting/resetting the readonly attribute on the text box and changing the background color to make it appear disabled. (I suppose I should be changing the forecolor instead of teh background color). Nevertheless, my code to make the textbox readonly and to reset it doesn't appear to be working.

function OccupationOnClick(sender) {
var optOccupationRetired = document.getElementById("<%= optOccupationRetired.ClientId %>");


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AJAX :: PopupControlExtender DynamicServiceMethod Not Showing Any Content On Gridview Page Flip?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a 20 PopupControlExtenders for 18 columns in a GridView. Every popup is has different content: HtmlSelect, HtmlAnchor, HtmlButton CheckBox etc. etc. -depending on the cell it is clicked on.

I'm using combination of DynamicContextKey, DynamicControlID and DynamicServiceMethod to populate these popups.

The problem is, when the grid is first loaded, all popups in all columns populate correctly. Problem arises when I flip a page in the gird. On the new page, the popup comes up, but there is no content. And NO error (like 500 or something). Now when I go back to the first page, no popup shows content here either. What am I doing wrong? Here is a sample ItemTemplate:


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Web Forms :: Vertically Align DIV At Middle Of Another DIV

Dec 6, 2012

I have 2 div like below

 <div id="logo">
<div id="logo1">
<asp:Label ID="Lblname" runat="server" CssClass="lbllogo" >

with below css

border:1px solid green;


I want Div id="logo1" in vertical align be at the center of  <div id="logo">.I put  vertical-align:middle;   for  div id="logo1" but it didn't work

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Web Forms :: How To Create A Vertically Scrollable Checkboxlist WITHOUT Using A DIV

Feb 16, 2011

Does anyone know if it is possible to create a vertically scrollable Checkboxlist WITHOUT using a DIV

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Web Forms :: Menu Control To Expand Vertically Downwards?

Mar 18, 2010

Is there a way I can get the same effect from asp.net menu control as the following


Currently the menu flys out to the right on mouse hover over. However, I need a static effect like the one shown above.

I read this post but accordion is not an option in my case and I dont need the dynamic menu either.


I am using sitemap to populate the menu control.

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Web Forms :: Menu Seems To Display Vertically Then Go To Horizontal?

Jun 15, 2010

I am porting an ASP.NET 2.0 project to VS 2010 and ASP.NET 4.0. I have the asp.menu set up to go horizontally across the top of my master page. This works pretty good, but I have a couple of pages that take a long time to load a lot of data (that is another issue though). The problem that I am having is that when these slow pages load the menu is initially vertical and then switches to horizontal. This looks so bad that I had initially thought that it was displaying my sitemap page. I just want it to draw properly (horizontal) to begin with.

Also, the content page has a script manager with CDNenable set to true.

The menu is defined as:

<asp:Menu id="Menu3" runat="server" datasourceid="SiteMapDataSource1"

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Web Forms :: Vertically Center A Control In A Panel?

Jul 8, 2010

I wonder how it would be possible to vertically center this hyperlink in this panel? Is there a property in the panel for this somewhere?


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Web Forms :: Menu Display Vertically Initially, Then Goes To Horizontal?

Mar 14, 2011

I am using VS 2010 and ASP.NET 4.0. I have the ASP:Menu in the top of my master page and it's orientation property is set to horizontally. I have a problem with some pages that take a long time to load data. The problem I am having is that when these slow pages load, the menu is initially vertical and then switches to horizontal after few seconds which doen't look good. I have tried to change Orientation in MenuItemDataBound but no difference.

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Web Forms :: Menu Renders Vertically Briefly Then Horizontally

Jul 20, 2010

The menu control when used on the newly released VS2010 with ASP.Net version 4.0 renders vertically briefly, then renders horizontally. This causes a 1/2 second annoying flash of the menu in vertical form before it disappears and renders horizontally as intended. If you choose to render the menu as a table this problem doesn't happen, but if you choose to render the menu as a list (using <ul><li>) then if happens every time, but is hidden on development systems where response is quick enough such that the rendering vertically is not visible to the naked eye. How can I cause the rendering to be horizontal (without the brief vertical rendering)?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview To Repeat Vertically?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm working with a databound gridview that has two columns: a checkbox and zip code. It works fine but upon rendering, it is a very long and skinny two columns which requires the user to scroll down a lot in their browser. I'd like it to be more user friendly and not require so much scrolling. tried to repeat it vertically by adding additional checkbox and databound column but just ended up with duplicate data, not continuing data from the bottom of databound column 1 to the top of databound column 2.Is there any way to repeat the columns vertically and have the data continue?


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Does anyone know of a data control that displays the columns vertically?

First Name Bill Bob
Last Name Smith Jones
Middle Initial A C

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Mar 12, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Labels On The X-axis To Display Vertically Rather Than Horizontally?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a fairly basic line graph which is bound to a SQLDataSource control. The graph displays perfectly, but I want the labels on the X-axis to display vertically rather than horizontally.

I have used the following code to try and do this but it is having no effect:

<AxisX Title="Patient Safety Submissions" IsLabelAutoFit="True">
<LabelStyle Angle="90" interval="1" />


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Forms Data Controls :: Show Datagrid Vertically - Property Not Working

Jan 10, 2010

i am using datadrid and i want to display it in vertically but it is continiously showing in horizontally style. i have made changes in view , property but still not working.

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Aug 5, 2010

implementing accordions vertically and horizontally using asp.net and ajax..

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C# - Showing Items In GridView Vertically?

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How To Add Images On Page And How To Put Text On The Center Vertically

Feb 26, 2010

I am really having a hard time adding images on my pages. Im using CSS to implement design on my aspx pages. I want to add a background but the codes I am getting are not working.

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Css - Vertically Wrapping A List Generated By A Repeater

Jul 21, 2010

I've got my repeater generating a list of links that need to appear in a certain order. Meaning I need my list to appear like so

-Item1 -Item4
-Item2 -Item5

Every solution I've found involves knowing whats going to be in your list and setting classes where the list should break. My issue is that it could be anywhere from 1 to 18 items. So my question is, is there a good, simple way to vertically wrap a list that's being dynamically generated using an ASP.NET repeater control?

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