Forms Data Controls :: ASPxRadioButtonList Inside ASPxDataView Within Item Template - Pass Parameter To Second SqlDataSource (id) To Fill RadioButtonList Property
Aug 29, 2010
I have ASPxDataView and ASPxRadioButtonList within item template. i also have two SQLDataSource's (first fill ASPxDataView, second ASPxRadioButtonList). They are using other database tables connected with the foreign key. Is there any way to pass parameter to my second sqlDataSource (id) to fill RadioButtonList property ? i mean select * from TABLE2 where id = @id ; (@id is a value from TABLE1 which is a value of column returned by first sqlDataSource)
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DataSource ='<%# getItemList(Convert.ToDecimcal(ddlCategoryFooter.seletectItem))%>'/>
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<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Construction Phase" SortExpression="Phase_Name">
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[Code] ....
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How can I add a item template in the template field I created which is binded in my datasource. Also what event handler should I use to do this.
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Someone know how can I bind a label item template from the datasource. The label item template should be firstname + middlename + lastname.
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The DataBind fails, with the error:
Could not find control 'txtSearchName' in ControlParameter 'username'.
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<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="DomainId"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" Size="4" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="" Name="Domain" Size="16" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="" Name="Description" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="4" Name="OperationType" Type="Byte" />
On running my code using this. I gets an error
Procedure or Function 'spOnlineTest_Domain' expects parameter '@Domain', which was not supplied
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Mar 6, 2011
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<%# Convert.ToString(Eval("Tags"))%>
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Dec 22, 2010
Here is my .aspx page
and here is .cs file
TextBox TB_Fax = (TextBox)RegisterUserWizardStepDetails.FindControl("TB_Fax");
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Mar 27, 2010
I'm using SqlDataSource to update image stored in the database. Everything is working fine using the code below but I don't know how to access the Property Name to get the content type of the image. How can I have the pass the File upload's content type to the parameter @imgType?
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Jan 29, 2010
I am facing a small issue in using a DropDownList that has only two values (AND and OR) which i want to use to configure a SQL Query in a SqlDataSource. How can i use this thing by passing the value in a SqlDataSource Select Query in such a way to Bind the Result to a GridView. I want something like this -
SELECT [somefields] FROM instinvoice WHERE Namen = @Namen @Option InvoiceNo = @invoiceno where @Namen is from a DropDownList and InvoiceNo is from a TextBox
I m having a problem in specifying this @Option parameter from a DropDownList which contains only two list items - AND and OR. On the Basis of the Selected Value from this DropDownList i want to execute query like
SELECT [somefields] FROM instinvoice WHERE Namen = @Namen AND InvoiceNo = @invoiceno
SELECT [somefields] FROM instinvoice WHERE Namen = @Namen OR InvoiceNo = @invoiceno
Using the Query with @Option gives me a Parsing Error. Why is that so. How can I implement this scenario.
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Jan 19, 2011
I have a Stored Proc which uses a field in the database. that ends up being the So, when the page loads, it grabs that name and uses it in the stored proc, which I'm which I'm wanting to designate in the sql datasource. But it only gives me choices of querystring, cookie, session, control, etc. My question is how to reference that variable as the parameter in the datasource?
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