Forms Data Controls :: CS0117, Not Finding _DataBinding Event?

May 25, 2010

I know there are lots of intelligent people out here, so I am looking for a little help here.I'm getting an error on compile-time going onto an ASP.NET 2.0 site hosted on IIS 6 in Windows Server 2003. I get the following error:"CS0117: 'ASP.sku_maintenance_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'GridView1_DataBinding'"My ASP.NET Source Code is Here:


I've looked at the @Page attributes, tried recreating the code from scratch, and yet nothing works. I'm seeing this issue in similar pages, but I feel if I figure it out for one, it'll work for all of them.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding And Inserting Data Into Controls Inside A Gridview

Jan 25, 2010

Im having trouble accessing controls inside the gridview. I have a formview control on a aspx page and inside this formview i have controls that are bound to a datasource. Which works hundred percent. Also inside this formview i have a gridview which i have created my own template. Gridview1 has 3 columns with textboxes in each column.

Column 1 - LogDate
Column 2 - LogBy
Column 3 - Number dialed

Now this is what im trying to do. I have a dial button inside formview1 along with 4 textboxes which has telephone numbers in it. When i click on the dial button i want the time to be populated into Textbox1 which is inside gridview1 and at the same time Textbox2 to be pupulated with the Username as well as the number must be populated into Textbox3 inside gridview1.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Data Type Of BoundField In GridView?

Mar 9, 2011

I am tring to write some custom filters for a gridview and want to base the filters available based on the datatype of the Columns in the GridView. How would I go about determining the datatype of each column?

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Index Of A Value In Dropdown?

Jan 29, 2010

I want to find the index of a given text in the dropdown list. for example if there is text 'USA' showing in the dropdown, how i find its index value

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Index In ListView?

Mar 25, 2011

I have a listview control which is bound to DataTable object. When a user clicks "Add", I am creating a new row in the underlying datasource and refreshing the datatable so that it includes the new row and displaying the listview. My requirement is to "select" the newly added row after listview is refreshed. I have the ID of the newly created row and it is bound as one of the columns in the datatable.Now my question is, how can I get the index of that particular row which was newly created from the Listview so that I can set its SelectedIndex.

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Forms Data Controls :: Findcontrol Not Finding Checkboxes?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a usercontrol include file that has a panel on which I have programatically added checkboxes that equate to the results of a selection via a sql select stmt.

I am now trying to find the results of the checkboxes (ie checked/unchecked) using findcontrol as per


the commented out code is a different attempt

Is this the correct method(s) or should I do something different

View 12 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Highest Value In A Gridview

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to get the highest, lowest and average values from displayed gridview and then highlight the numbers. I had this code working, but now, I don't know what's going on. It does NOT give me the correct values!!! What's wrong? For simplicity I just give the code of getting the highest number. Here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Value Of The Checkbox In Gridview?

May 8, 2010

i need to find out whether the checkbox is true or false in my gridview...

i've written this simple code which works but only works on the row i specify...


however... i need to check the whole gridview and tell me what checkboxes are checked...

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding DropDownList In Gridview?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm struggling in a point for more than two hours even I search for it but I did not find suitable answer.

I'll summarise the problem:

I've GridView, and in one of its cells there is dropDownList in the EditItemTemplate as follows:


I'd like to access the dropDownList once I click on edit-> Update

I know I have to add the code in GridView_OnRowCommand, but what is the code to do so?

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Finding The ID Of The Row That Has Been checked / Getting Error

Jan 7, 2010

I have a datagrid setup where I have a column of checkboxes setup, several informational columns for the user, and a hidden ID column. I have set up the loop to check with checkboxes have been checked, but I am having troubles finding the ID of the row that has been checked. The following code results in a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error:

For Each row As GridViewRow In GridView1.Rows

Dim cb As CheckBox = row.FindControl("ParticipantSelector")
If cb IsNot Nothing AndAlso cb.Checked Then
Dim productID As Integer
productID = CType(row.FindControl("ID"), Label).Text
Response.Write("You have selected " & productID & "<br>")
End If

I am sure that I don't have something right here.

View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Finding Row Of Gridview From Textbox Value?

Feb 14, 2011

im trying to locate the row of my gridview when i enter the rowID in textbox and click on the
Go button.

if my grid contains 40 items(rows) if i enter some 23 it should go to particular page(my page size is 10 records per page so 23comes 2nd page 3rd recod) and find that row and highlight it with some color.

im find row count as follws


with this code im able to find only with in first page im able to locate the record.

i mean if i have 16 records it locating 6th record of 1st page but it has to go to 2nd page 6th record.

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Finding Control In Datalist?

Oct 18, 2010

I cannot dig out the controls correctly in my code, as they are hidden in a datalist. I am trying to update some data into a row in the 'resume' table. Is INSERT INTO corrent for updating data which is already there?

and also i cannot find the controls in the datalist correctly....?

protected void LinkButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection sqlConnection1 =
new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString);
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand();
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO resume (confirmed,comment,reference) VALUES (@confirmed,@comment,@reference) WHERE number = @number";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@number", DataList1.FindControl("picturesLabel0").Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@confirmed", DataList1.FindControl ("RadioButton1").SelectedValue);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@comment", DataList1.FindControl ("TextBox3").Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@reference", DataList1.FindControl ("TextBox4").Text);
cmd.Connection = sqlConnection1;

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding HiddenField Value In Datalist?

Sep 17, 2010

Im trying to figure out what the value is from a specific hiddenfield value when selecting a specific row in a datalist.....

I tried to find an example on the net....but today I seem to find all the wrong codes...

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Finding An Event Control Like Onclick_hyperlink

Apr 5, 2010

I am using a gridview control and a hyperlnk column. I want to redirect these hyperlinks according to the query i get from the database. Is there an event control like onclick_hyperlink in

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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Finding Controls In DataList ItemTemplate?

May 23, 2010

Having trouble with programmatically finding controls in DataList ItemTemplate



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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview RowDataBound Event Fires On Every Command Event?

Jul 19, 2010

why the gridview RowDataBound event fires during a select command. I only expect it to run when the gridview is being populated with data. Is there some way to stop it from running when the select command is triggered?

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Forms Data Controls :: DataGrid Button And Event In Footer, Event Not Getting Fire

Sep 3, 2010

I have one Datagrid with Footer. Footer Row Contains Input fields with one Button to add New Values. I have button click event but not getting fires. my code follows:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Call A Button Click Event On From An Event Handler

Sep 29, 2010

I got an event handler like this, in this event, i wanted to call another button click event. How can I do that?


if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)

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Forms Data Controls :: CheckBox Checked Changed Event Is Firing For Every Control Event?

May 8, 2010

I am facing one strange problem,I have a gridview in which the last two columns have checkboxes and on those checkboxes click event I am doing some database operations.I also have one checkbox that is outside the gridview which actually shows or hides some of the gidview columns.This was all working well but now I have shifted that grid to a user control because I have to use it in two pages.The problem now is,When the page first loads and I click the check box or any control in the page that is outside the grid then it works perfectly.But once I click any of the check box within grid view column then its behavior chages, now even if I click the checkbox that is outside the grid then also the checkbox_CheckedChanged event of the checkbox that is whithin gridview is fired.That checkbox event then behaves something like a page_load event that is called for every page load and for every event with in the page after it is called once.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Good Sample Code

Feb 20, 2011

do u also any good code projects for developing inbox functionality.

just that users could communicate with each other It does not need to as high level using

Just when the user clicks on Inbox shuld fetch data from db. and send and save to draft, navigation, querystrings, grid view did my own but just want to see other examples.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Column Index In GridView?

Mar 19, 2010

Is there a way to find out which column is selected in the Gridview row command? When I click on a gridview row in a specific column, is there a way to get the column index of the selected row?

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Forms Data Controls :: Not Finding DropDownList In ListView InsertItemTemplate

Aug 9, 2010

I have a dropdown list in ListView control in InsertItem Template. I want to bind the DropDownList when I Click on Link. I want to bind it in CodeBehind not to use Datasource. I tryed lot but not finding the DropDownList. See My Code....

<td colspan="7">
<td colspan="7">
<table border="0">
<td> </td>
<td align="left">
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDnSector" runat="server" ></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator3" runat="server" Display="Dynamic"
ControlToValidate="DropDnSector" SetFocusOnError="true"
lnkNew is my linkbutton outside the ListView
Code Behind:
Protected Sub lnkNew_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lnkNew.Click
lvSubscription.InsertItemPosition = InsertItemPosition.LastItem
lvSubscription.EditIndex = -1
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Protected Sub BindDropDownList()
Dim objSector As IEnumerable(Of SystemBuilder.SystemBuilder_Sector)
Dim objSubscriptionLevel As SystemBuilder.SystemBuilder_SubscriptionLevel
Dim DDLSectorctrl As DropDownList
objSector = CSectorDB.CSectorInstance().GetAllSector()
If (lvSubscription.InsertItemPosition = InsertItemPosition.FirstItem Or lvSubscription.InsertItemPosition = InsertItemPosition.LastItem) Then
DDLSectorctrl = CType(lvSubscription.InsertItem.FindControl("DropDnSector"), DropDownList)
If DDLSectorctrl IsNot Nothing Then
DDLSectorctrl.Items.Add(New ListItem("--Select--", "0"))
For Each ObjRec As SystemBuilder.SystemBuilder_Sector In objSector
DDLSectorctrl.Items.Add(New ListItem(ObjRec.SectorText.ToString(), ObjRec.SectorID.ToString()))
End If
ElseIf (lvSubscription.EditIndex >= 0) Then
Dim DDLSectorctrl1 As DropDownList
DDLSectorctrl1 = DirectCast(lvSubscription.Items(lvSubscription.EditIndex).FindControl("DropDnSector"), DropDownList)
If DDLSectorctrl1 IsNot Nothing Then
DDLSectorctrl1.Items.Add(New ListItem("--Select--", "0"))
For Each ObjRec As SystemBuilder.SystemBuilder_Sector In objSector
DDLSectorctrl1.Items.Add(New ListItem(ObjRec.SectorText.ToString(), ObjRec.SectorID.ToString()))
objSubscriptionLevel = CSubscriptionLevelsDB.CSubLvlInstance().GetSubscriptionLevelDetailsBySubscrptionID(ViewState("ID"))
If objSubscriptionLevel IsNot Nothing Then
DDLSectorctrl1.SelectedValue = objSubscriptionLevel.SubscriptionID.ToString()
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding TextBoxes In GridView Using JavaScript?

Jan 26, 2011

i have 3 textboxes in single column of gridview each with different id prefixes


nw i have around 3 radiobutton list for each textbox on page on which user can select differemt color for each textbox style

the problem is i want to change style ofall textboxes in gridview in each row through javascript on color selection in respective radiobuttonlist

i.e. if radiobutton list 1 is for txtAcctPrefix then on color selection all textboxes with this id should reflect changes

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Control Within Nested Repeater?

Jun 8, 2010

What I'm trying to do is find a control within a nested repeater when the OnItemDataBound event is fired on the 'main' repeater.


This has driven me mental! And I've done stacks of web searches and ended up confusing myself even further.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding A Label In A Repeater Control?

Jan 20, 2011

I am trying to find my label control in a repeater and I thought I did this correctly but I came up with an error message:

Compiler Error Message: CS0165: Use of unassigned local variable 'okcEventDate'

Source Error:


Here's my code:


Is it not finding my control? If not, can someone tell me how to find the label control?

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