Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Highest Value In A Gridview

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to get the highest, lowest and average values from displayed gridview and then highlight the numbers. I had this code working, but now, I don't know what's going on. It does NOT give me the correct values!!! What's wrong? For simplicity I just give the code of getting the highest number. Here is my code:


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May 2, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding A Gridview In Another Gridview

Jan 9, 2010

I am doing a social portal over here. And i have 2 gridviews..

First Gridview which displays all the latest updates a user made and the second gridview which displays the comments made to the latest updates and it is place in the itemtemplate of the first gridview.

The problem now is.. how am i going to locate the 2nd gridview inside the first one? For window components u use FindControl.. But what ever gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Value Of The Checkbox In Gridview?

May 8, 2010

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i've written this simple code which works but only works on the row i specify...


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Forms Data Controls :: Finding DropDownList In Gridview?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm struggling in a point for more than two hours even I search for it but I did not find suitable answer.

I'll summarise the problem:

I've GridView, and in one of its cells there is dropDownList in the EditItemTemplate as follows:


I'd like to access the dropDownList once I click on edit-> Update

I know I have to add the code in GridView_OnRowCommand, but what is the code to do so?

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Row Of Gridview From Textbox Value?

Feb 14, 2011

im trying to locate the row of my gridview when i enter the rowID in textbox and click on the
Go button.

if my grid contains 40 items(rows) if i enter some 23 it should go to particular page(my page size is 10 records per page so 23comes 2nd page 3rd recod) and find that row and highlight it with some color.

im find row count as follws


with this code im able to find only with in first page im able to locate the record.

i mean if i have 16 records it locating 6th record of 1st page but it has to go to 2nd page 6th record.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Column Index In GridView?

Mar 19, 2010

Is there a way to find out which column is selected in the Gridview row command? When I click on a gridview row in a specific column, is there a way to get the column index of the selected row?

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding TextBoxes In GridView Using JavaScript?

Jan 26, 2011

i have 3 textboxes in single column of gridview each with different id prefixes


nw i have around 3 radiobutton list for each textbox on page on which user can select differemt color for each textbox style

the problem is i want to change style ofall textboxes in gridview in each row through javascript on color selection in respective radiobuttonlist

i.e. if radiobutton list 1 is for txtAcctPrefix then on color selection all textboxes with this id should reflect changes

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding A Validator In A Gridview Using JavaScript

Apr 22, 2010

I'm using this code to access controls inside a gridview using javascript:


Thing is that for some reason it doesn't locate Validators. If i add the line - alert(sid) , it will show me all the Id's of the controls inside the GridView except for validators.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Pages In A Paged GridView

May 27, 2010

I have a gridview that is a directory of people with about 50 pages

How would I make another gridview that had first row with 26 columns, 1 for each letter of the

alphabet and second row with the first page that has last names that start with that letter.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Position Of A Column Name In A Gridview

Dec 2, 2010

I have a gridview with the following information





Now, I would like to find the position of NAME in the this gridview

I tried doing this

int index = 0

index = Convert.toInt32( GridView1.FindControl("Name").toString())

but that isnt working. Kindly note, I do not want to hardcord the position as 0, instead I would like to find it

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding AutoGeneratedColumn Names In GridView

Jan 11, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Data Type Of BoundField In GridView?

Mar 9, 2011

I am tring to write some custom filters for a gridview and want to base the filters available based on the datatype of the Columns in the GridView. How would I go about determining the datatype of each column?

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Dynamic Templatefield Control In A Gridview?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a gridview where I in codebehind add a templatefield


In my update command when i try to find the "Result" textbox I get a null object

In the gridview there is another templatefield "Name" that consist of two boundfields("Firstname" and "Lastname") This column is added in the design phase and not in the codebehind.I don't have any trouble finding these controls using the ID added in the markup
[Code]....My issue is with the result column that I add in codebehind.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Last Row Inserted Into Gridview Via ObjectDataSource Control

Feb 16, 2010

I have an object data source control. and to insert the control I add the object to the database then call databing on the gridview the DataSource control is bound to.

My question is - how would I know where the newly added row is? I can'y go by id, because the dbase creates the id.

I'm thinking maybe last data key, but based on the sort that would be accurate.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Client Id Of A Cell In GridView Control?

Jan 20, 2010

How to find the client id of a cell in GridView that is in edit mode. I need to attach javascript to the cells of the row that is currently being edited.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding A Textbox Control Which Is In Gridview Globally?

Jul 8, 2010

Globally i want to find a textbox which is in a gridview such that i can use that variable in any of the events.

Is that possible in .cs file or if not how can we retreive the variable of a textbox in to a function after finding the textbox using javascript in .aspx page .I tried to find a control in .cs file but I couldn't get it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding And Inserting Data Into Controls Inside A Gridview

Jan 25, 2010

Im having trouble accessing controls inside the gridview. I have a formview control on a aspx page and inside this formview i have controls that are bound to a datasource. Which works hundred percent. Also inside this formview i have a gridview which i have created my own template. Gridview1 has 3 columns with textboxes in each column.

Column 1 - LogDate
Column 2 - LogBy
Column 3 - Number dialed

Now this is what im trying to do. I have a dial button inside formview1 along with 4 textboxes which has telephone numbers in it. When i click on the dial button i want the time to be populated into Textbox1 which is inside gridview1 and at the same time Textbox2 to be pupulated with the Username as well as the number must be populated into Textbox3 inside gridview1.

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding TextBoxes (without Using Their Names) In GridView (Edit Mode) Using TemplateField

May 3, 2010

I am using Asp:TemplateField in gridView. I have only ONE TemplateField as follows


I want to find all the textboxes (when grid row is in edit mode) using some kind of loop. I don't want to find the TextBoxes by their names like e.row.findcontrol("..");

I did Response.Write(e.row.controls.count), it show "2". How can I find textboxes without using names

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Best Way To Handle This Scenario - Select Gridview Row And Show Related Info Below?

Dec 12, 2010

almost typical master-detail scenario except the 'detail' data I want to display below the gridview will be coming from both the table that is bound to the gridview (master) and a related table.

simplified example: tableMain with field1, field2, field3 bound to master gridview. I need to select a row from the master gridview and have a form display below with field4 and field5 from tableMain, as well as all fields of tableDetail where field1 of tableMain equals field1 of tableDetail.

Is this what a 'formview' control is for? or do I just arrange my own controls to accommodate the data? Would a formview work considering my source will be partially from both the main table and the detail table? This is one of the scenarios were I know I could come up with something using none of the databound controls (except the master gridview), but I want to use the controls provided when it makes sense to do so, and utilize their benefits etc...

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Feb 5, 2010

I need code for gridview context menu like edit, delete,cancel

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Textbox In Gridview / Find The Value Of The Before Textbox

Sep 28, 2010

I have a gridview with a template field column. In the edittemplate of that column i have a textbox. In the next column of the gridview i have a button. When i click the button i need to find the value of the before mentioned textbox. I do it like this:

gridview1.selectedrow.findcontrol("textbox1"). This sometimes work just fine and without a problem but sometimes it seems it can't find that control and throws a null reference object. The error it's random like i said, sometimes just work and other just don't work...

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DataSource Controls :: Select Images Where Parent Id Equals Highest Pieces Id?

Jan 7, 2010

This obviously isn't right but I think best describes what I'm trying to do:

SELECT ImagesLge.MainImages
FROM pieces
ON ImagesLge.ParentId = pieces.ID
"WHERE pieces.ID = MAX(pieces.ID)"

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DataSource Controls :: Stuck With Sql Query - Get Total Salary Employee Who Got Highest Salary Last Year

Jan 13, 2010

I have an employee salary table with fields empId, month, year, salary. I need query for the following - Total salary drown each employee last year - Id of the employee who got highest salary last year. i am getting wrong o/p for these queries.

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SQL Server :: Selecting The Highest Value?

Dec 27, 2010

I am having trouble with this statement


I only want the record with the highest value in the EarnedPoints Column, but I get the error

Column 'customer_locations.City' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

I am trying to display the total points Earned, the Client Name, City and State.

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