Forms Data Controls :: Calling Javascript Function From Gridview Button Click?
Feb 2, 2010
I need to call a javascript funtion, on the click event of buttons(asp button or html button) in my gridviw.Also I need to pass the ID from the gridview(datakey value) as a parameter to the javascript function.
ie ,All the rows in my gridview has a button field,on clicking each of the buttons ,a javascript function is to be fired ,and the ID of that particular row from gridview(datakey value) should be passed to the javascript as a parameter.
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Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("ClientScript", script);
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RepeatDirection="horizontal" runat="server" >
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Oct 22, 2010
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function Getlogitudelantitude(address)
return "35.3434343,-74.334343"
Linkbutton_click(object sender,Eventargs e)
register javascript function .. which should return value
string s = "35.34343,-74.334343"
then call database function(s) - does database operation
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Mar 12, 2010
i need to know if this can be done :
i have a grid form with 3 fields field1 & field2 & field3.
in the insert statement the field 3 gets a javascript function result that uses filed1 & 2 values.
Now what i want in the grid view update statement is : to call the @field 1 & @field2 from the update statement to a similar javascript function..(do soem calculation ) and then re-assign the java function result to the @field3 variable in the update statement..
(//// Or simply what i want is to do the same calcultions onthe fields while perfoming an update operation.. //).
how can i perfom the calculations in a grid view update statament ..
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I want javascript prompt on selecting the gridview label=> "approve" i.e "0" as "do you want to approve??"
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Apr 15, 2010
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This works fine, but I need to add one more Column with data not found in the collection, so i added a TemplateField and a Label to my Gridview and in the TEXT prop of the label is where my problem is.
The function call is working, but my problem lies with providing the Datafield="UserName" value from the same row in GridView in the function call
This is my HTML for the GridView:
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<script language="JavaScript">function btnClick(){ if( == "none") = ""; else = "none";}</script>
<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="..." style="z-index: 100; left: 496px; position: absolute; top: 199px" />
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Oct 8, 2010
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protected string SaveEmbedURL_click()
if (txtembedurl.Text != null)
School aschool = new School();
aschool.SchoolId = CurrentSchool.SchoolId;
aschool.EmbedUrl = txtembedurl.Text;
return "true";
My Java script function is as follows
function SaveEmbedUrlClientSide() {
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Jan 25, 2011
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Below is the code:
Means on click of each Button how to pass there respective TextBox's data to a javascript function ?
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Apr 27, 2016
I have 4 images.Onclick of each image corresponding div content will be displayed.How i will get triangular pointer on image when the image is clicked. by using css i got the triangular image
#img {
width: 150px;
height: 40px;
background-color: darkblue;
position: relative;
margin-left: 40px;
border-radius: 5px;
How i will get the triangular pointer on the button click
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Feb 8, 2011
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