Forms Data Controls :: Change Gridview Page Upon Inserting / Deleting Record?
Jun 22, 2010
I am having trouble changing page numbers on my gridview after deleting a record if the deletion of the record causes there to be no more records on that page. Currently I have a form below the gridview that adds a record to the datasource of the gridview.
Code behind stuff:
Now with this code above, if I insert a new record using the form below the gridview, it will reload and go to the new page if the insertion causes the record to appear on a new page, however when I delete that record, thus causing nothing to be on that page, the gridview visually just dissappears. I've got the gridview bound by a linqdatasource control, and on the page_load function I only databind if the page is not a postback.
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a gridview and a SQLDataSource control. In my gridview I have 2 commandfields "Edit" and "Delete"
The "Edit" command field works as expected. Using the "Delete" command field I get the error below.
Server Error in '/DataControls' Application.
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK__titleauth__au_id__0CBAE877". The conflict occurred in database "pubs", table "dbo.titleauthor", column 'au_id'. The statement has been terminated.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK__titleauth__au_id__0CBAE877". The conflict occurred in database "pubs", table "dbo.titleauthor", column 'au_id'. The statement has been terminated.
Source Error:
Stack Trace:
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Nov 27, 2010
I am using a Gridview inside an UpdatePanel. I am using the RowCommand method to call my code to delete the record. The gridview is bound to a <list> collection. I am unable to get the Gridview to postback / refresh after the users deletes a record; however, if I refresh the page in the browser and the page loads, it obviously is gone. I have searched quite a bit on this where others are having problems but nothing they did work for me, so I was hoping someone could review my code and let me know what I am doing wrong.
Here is my ASPX:
Here is my C#
When I step through the code, the postback happens and then my delete code is called, so once the delete code happens, the page is already finished loading, which seems to be my problem.
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Apr 22, 2010
Using 2005.I have an inner gridview.The outer gridview is "Authors" and in the inner gridview (GridView1 below) I have to set it up so that the user cannot delete the last book from the inner grid, if they try to delete the last book from that inner grid then I want to show the exception message below.
So I am checking the GridViewRows1.Rows.Count which works great when I have one record (one book) to start with. The problem is when I have 2 books (for example). I am writing out the test statement below and the RowCount is always 2 each time, never decremented, even after I rebind.Editing this now: i realize that my initial logic is faulty because when I rebind my inner gridview I am not specifying which inner gridview so the result is that only the last inner gridview is being re-bound, so I think that I need to get the selected inner gridview and then refresh that...
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May 11, 2010
I've been googling for 2 days for the solution, but I couldn't find something useful. The problem is that I have GridView that is connected to the SQL database and that is how it is being populated. I added EDIT and DELETE buttons in the columns, but as far as I can see the event which handles them is empty.
View 11 Replies
May 4, 2014
I have a GridView1 With Paging allowed, PageSize = 10. And a Nested GridView2. The INSERT function on nested GridView2 works well until the number of record is 10.
On inserting the 11th record, the GridView1 is recorded normally in page 2 of 2. The Nested GridView2 does not fired properly. it appears empty on the 11th record (page 2 of 2), but instead add its record on the last recorded ID on page 1 of 2.
When I remove the paging, everything works well.
How to resolve the paging issue with Nested GridView on "INSERT" record?
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Nov 16, 2010
I am using paging to my gridview (pagesize=4) . now i am in (X) page and i want to get (X+1) page top record or (X-1)page bottom record , how i can get .
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Mar 7, 2012
I am Using a third party tool DevExpress ..
I need to perform Editing , Deleting , Updating and inserting in GridControl .. I am unable configure it properly ..
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May 7, 2015
I have seen a project where my friend has used a sqlhelper.dll which make it easy to write code for inserting,Deleting and updating data.
And he had used a dal(data access layer)...
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a GridView in an update panel that is bound (in code-behind) to a business layer object. The first time this page is accessed, Editing, Deleting, Updating, etc. work fine. However, if I click my browser's refresh button, the functionality of the edit, delete, etc link buttons is gone. They do nothing.
here's my code:
Here's the code-behind:
View 7 Replies
Jan 14, 2010
My gridview can have several hundred records, and therefore users will have to scroll down to view and edit some of them. The problem is when they want to edit a record that they have to scroll down to, when the page enters edit mode it stays at the top of the page, instead of focusing on the current record, how can I change it to scroll to the correct record in edit mode?
View 3 Replies
Oct 11, 2010
When page load it is invisible. I have a button1 onclick make it visible and people can input data the press insert. I set it invisible right in Formview Insert eventhandler code.
When people click that button1 again to add 2nd record the form appear again as desired. However, the data from 1st record is still there.
What code I can make in eventhandler to make sure when button1 is clicked the Formview does not contain any data from last entry ?
The formview clear the data from 1st record if I did not set visible/invisible.
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Aug 25, 2010
On inserting record, I want to check that for example if a user enters a telephone number for any record is already in the database then it should validate that the number already exists in table and you cannot enter a duplicate value.
Then if user will provide some other telephone number then he allows to insert record.
For insertion of record I used ObjectdataSource.
User will enter telephone number in a simple textbox.
I may want to inform that I am working in asp.net2.0 and also not allowed to use any third party control or ajaxtoolkit.
View 11 Replies
Jun 13, 2010
has someone make ajax.actionlink for delete to work properly.After deleting the record successfully at the end it is not refreshing the page properly.the page refresh is my problem. i have defined the updatetarget id and returning view(model) from my controller but it is returning the master page with it.So the thing is that i am having a page with a page.I have used redirect as well which is not refreshing,
abc is the id of the table From controller
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Dec 20, 2010
I am creating an album using the following stored procedure, which returns the primary key for the newly created record:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[fpa_sp_albums_update_insert]
@album_id int,
@album_name nvarchar (50),
@album_descr nvarchar(250),
@album_img_cover_id_FK int,
@album_creation_date date
If @album_id > 0
UPDATE [fpa_albums]
album_descr= @album_descr,
album_img_cover_id_FK = @album_img_cover_id_FK,
album_creation_date = @album_creation_date
Where ((album_id = @album_id))
INSERT INTO [fpa_albums] (
I execute the above stored procedure using the SQLHELPER. The VB.NET code for the page is as follows:
However, the createdAlbumID always shows -1 instead of the id for the newly created album.
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Feb 8, 2010
I have a DataGrid that I need to be able to use to delete records form a file
I use
To access the data in the Grid for updating, but it doesn't work for deleting
I can use
string id = GridMenuOptions.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();
but that only returns the first key.
How do I access the rest of the keys?
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May 31, 2010
I have gridview what I want is when click on record in this gridview go to next page which has textboxes and in each textbox field of the gridview
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Jul 18, 2010
am using the following code to go to next page when click record in gridviewProtected Overloads Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As HtmlTextWriter)
For Each row As GridViewRow In flora_grid.Rows
If row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
row.Attributes("onmouseover") = _
View 5 Replies
Aug 24, 2010
As I understand the "gridview" control has a select link that can be enabled, I am fairly new to web development but what I was hoping to do was to click on the select link and then have the record that I have selected display on a seperate webpage. Is this relatively easy to do? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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Nov 7, 2010
I have a formview and inside it there are two textboxes taking integer as input.I put a condition that if both textboxes are empty then user should be notified that "Please put value in any one of the textbox".It is working very fine.From database side DBA checked that if user input any integer value in any one of the two textboxes and if it is already found in database then there is no insertion.The problem is that everything is working fine and i checked in the database that the record is also not inerting due to duplicate check but user is getting message that "Record inserted successfully."How to stop this message and how to notify user that you have entered duplicate value and transaction should also not been done. Means all inputs should be there rather than clearing textboxes that could be done when "Record Inserted."
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Oct 6, 2010
I want users to select a record in the GridView and then have that record open up in the Detailsview. How would I go about getting these two tools to communicate?
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Aug 13, 2010
i have design a web application having suppliers table using SqlDatasource..
i have a master page in my design and other form are bound to a context menu..
Now i have displayed the records in the gridview..all i wanted is after i select a record in the gridview it will display the selected record in detailview from another aspx form..
i was able to create the link to another aspx form but the data that it display is the first data from the gridview not the data that i select.
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Mar 12, 2011
A few questions regarding detailsview and gridview:
1) when page load, how can I default the detailsview to show the first record from the gridview? SelectedIndex does not have any effect to my detailsview.
2) how can I select a record in the gridview if my table has 2 key fields using below syntax?
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Sep 21, 2010
I am using VS2005 and SQL Server 2005. The problem I am having is when I call my SQLDataSource to delete rows the delete is firing twice. The trace and debugging show the code executing once. In fact right after the delete, the table only shows one delete, but right after the command function is exited the 2nd row is deleted. Also, I have tested the stored procedure to make sure it only deletes 1 one and then resequences the records.Show below are excerpts from my .aspx and code behind files.
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May 11, 2010
I plan to edit at radgrid I useThis is the sqldatasource code:
butRecord does not change
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