Forms Data Controls :: Clear Formview After Inserting Record?
Oct 11, 2010
When page load it is invisible. I have a button1 onclick make it visible and people can input data the press insert. I set it invisible right in Formview Insert eventhandler code.
When people click that button1 again to add 2nd record the form appear again as desired. However, the data from 1st record is still there.
What code I can make in eventhandler to make sure when button1 is clicked the Formview does not contain any data from last entry ?
The formview clear the data from 1st record if I did not set visible/invisible.
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Similar Messages:
Oct 18, 2010
How do I clear my formview after a record has been inserted or deleted? At the moment it just sits in the previous state with the same details in the fields, still with the Insert button. Either it would be good to drop the formview altogether (I have a grid view on the same page) or move into the edit mode for the just inserted record.
Also the same with the delete - the formview stays on screen with the deleted record details and the delete button still available - I know it has fired though as my gridview is updated.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have a combobox that is used as a control for Formview, so when the user selects a name from the combobox the data in formview displays in edit mode. However, some if the data that is displayed in formview needs to be empty. For example if the Date is being pulled in, it needs to be empty or null in edit mode.
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Apr 27, 2016
How to Call a record on datalist by button click and display record on formview in model using Username
Here is what i tried
<asp:DataList ID="GetMergedAll." runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Name" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="Post" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton6" runat="server">LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
[Code] ....
model here
<asp:FormView ID="Post" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Name" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="Post" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
View 1 Replies
Sep 12, 2010
This FormView is inserting two records instead of just one.
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Feb 10, 2010
I have a FormView in default insert mode.
When I inserted item to database, the Form refresh and return to all blank or standard selection.
What can I do if I want it keeps the last entered value after inserting record ?
I need this because there are many items to insert and only partial fields need changes from last entered records.
View 3 Replies
Mar 11, 2011
I'm joining 2 tables and using the formview. When I insert a record, I need to place the value of the max id + 1 of the second table in a field in the first table so that the tables are linked. I'm not sure where to put the value. I try to put it in the insert command and I've tried the select command but that doesn't work.
Table 1 - Product: ID, ProductNum, Brand, Description
Table2 - Brand: ID, BrandName
(Brand from Table1 is linked to ID from Table 2)
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Product] ..."
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Product] ([productNum], [Brand] VALUES (@productNum, @Brand)"
SelectCommand="SELECT Product.ID, Product.Brand, Product.Description, Brand.ID, Brand.BrandName From Product INNER JOIN Brand ON Product.Brand= Brand.ID"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Product] SET [productNum] = @productNum, [Brand] = @Brand ......"
I've Tried InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Product] ([productNum], [Brand] VALUES (@productNum, MAX(@Brand.ID) +1)"
or setting BrandID =Max(@Brand)
View 2 Replies
Apr 20, 2010
I am trying to add a validation of the textbox.text.length in a FormView and prevent the insertion of being made in case the text length is not compliant (less than four characters).
In the scenario when clicking the submit button an Alert should appear with xxxx warinig text. and the Insert command being prevented.
This is my FormView Insert Template:
View 5 Replies
Jun 15, 2010
I am using an ObjectDataSource in my FormView for INSERT.
Data inserts correctly to my backend SQL table, however as i am posting back a success/fail message to the same page, i have noticed that after a successful INSERT if it hit the Refresh button the INSERT is doubled up.
How can i stop a user pressing the Refresh button and doubling the INSERT?
Is there a setting somewhere or can i stop this programmatically within my ObjectDataSource_Inserting method perhaps?
View 3 Replies
Jun 2, 2010
I have a web page with a gridview & formview (master/detail relationship) combo. On page load the gridview shows all records from a SQL table. On my page I have a button that when clicked shows the formview in Insert mode to allow users to add a new record to the data. I have also added a column to my gridview that has a link. When a user clicks this link it hides the gridview and shows the formview in edit mode with the detail from the record selected from the gridview.
In my formview I am using a listbox control to allow users to select multiple values. The choices in the listbox are populated by a SQL data table. I have successfully written code to post the selected listbox values to my SQL data field during Insert. When the user selects a record to edit I have code in the databound event to select values in the listbox from the choices based on the value in the sql data field. This works as well. My problem is that I cannot figure out the correct code to update my SqL data when a user is editing the record and makes changes to the selected listbox value. I have included my design code for my listbox in my formview edittemplate and also my behind code that I have attempted.
style="width: 454px">
Text='<%# Bind("ConstructionTypeID") %>'></asp:TextBox></td>
View 9 Replies
Aug 25, 2010
On inserting record, I want to check that for example if a user enters a telephone number for any record is already in the database then it should validate that the number already exists in table and you cannot enter a duplicate value.
Then if user will provide some other telephone number then he allows to insert record.
For insertion of record I used ObjectdataSource.
User will enter telephone number in a simple textbox.
I may want to inform that I am working in asp.net2.0 and also not allowed to use any third party control or ajaxtoolkit.
View 11 Replies
Sep 20, 2010
I am using a formview to show data, with edit, insert and delete enabled. My problem is with the insert.When i click the insert, the formview changes fine to the template for inserting new data, the problem is it was allowing the user to insert the ID themselves, I have made this readonly, but how would i go about ensuring the ID key is made the next number in line? and that it is printed to this textbox?
View 1 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I am having trouble changing page numbers on my gridview after deleting a record if the deletion of the record causes there to be no more records on that page. Currently I have a form below the gridview that adds a record to the datasource of the gridview.
Code behind stuff:
Now with this code above, if I insert a new record using the form below the gridview, it will reload and go to the new page if the insertion causes the record to appear on a new page, however when I delete that record, thus causing nothing to be on that page, the gridview visually just dissappears. I've got the gridview bound by a linqdatasource control, and on the page_load function I only databind if the page is not a postback.
View 2 Replies
Apr 29, 2010
I have a question on a simple application - menu's which contain 0...x recipies. I have a formview, and in the formview I have a dropdownlist. The query that populates the dropdownlist depends on the formview's current record ID, how do I get that to put into my data source?
Note that I would prefer not to use the RouteParameter that gives the Formview it's ID as the RouteParameter doesn't use the formview's primary key as I'm using the menu name instead
My code is:
<asp:formview id="fvMenu" datakeynames="MenuID" datasourceid="dsMenu" runat="server">
View 4 Replies
Aug 30, 2010
I am using FormView to display one record at a time and after I add a new record, it won't display the last recorded added.How can I force FormView to display the last record added?
View 2 Replies
Jan 5, 2010
I have a form view with a normal paging scheme with links to go to the first, previous, next, last, or the
nth record. I want to add a little bit more functionality to this by allow the user to search within the data set while keeping the original paging scheme.
The table structure has one primary key, pk1, and k2 along with some other data fields. There are about 5,000 records in the table.
Currently, when the page loads, I see something like the following: ([______] represents a textbox)
First Prev Record 1 of 5000 Next
Last Go to record # [_____] Go
Go to: pk1: [_____] AND pk2: [______] Go
pk1: 5000
k2: 400 of the fields
I want something like this though when the user enters 8000 in the pk1 textbox and 500 in the k2 textbox:
First Prev Record 3958 of 5000 Next
Last Go to record # [_____] Go
pk1: 5000
k2: 400 of the fields
The problem I have is that the pagination won't display the record's place out of the initial query (3958 of 5000), but rather displays 1 of 38. I want to allow the user to be able to *jump to* the record that they are looking for instead of filtering the results.
View 1 Replies
Nov 15, 2010
I have a Formview to add new record to a sqlsource. This Form in Edit mode has New button for adding new records so this is perfect.
However in some case, this source could be refreshed and all records deleted and then ready to accept new records. However, I found once there is no record returned from sqlsdatasource, this Formview does not display at all, including that New button and so the whole page is blank.
how to make sure the Formview display that New button even when their is not yet record from the database.
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Dec 20, 2010
I am creating an album using the following stored procedure, which returns the primary key for the newly created record:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[fpa_sp_albums_update_insert]
@album_id int,
@album_name nvarchar (50),
@album_descr nvarchar(250),
@album_img_cover_id_FK int,
@album_creation_date date
If @album_id > 0
UPDATE [fpa_albums]
album_descr= @album_descr,
album_img_cover_id_FK = @album_img_cover_id_FK,
album_creation_date = @album_creation_date
Where ((album_id = @album_id))
INSERT INTO [fpa_albums] (
I execute the above stored procedure using the SQLHELPER. The VB.NET code for the page is as follows:
However, the createdAlbumID always shows -1 instead of the id for the newly created album.
View 1 Replies
Mar 20, 2010
I'm using aspxgridview and after adding operation by using RowInserting event and I don't use the
becuase I need the addform still apperaing to insert another row.
My problem is : how can I clean the data from the control in the addform until I can insert the new data for the second row ??
View 1 Replies
Mar 9, 2011
I have FormviewPagerTemplate that is working fine but the problem is coming when I'm in the first or last record only.
if I'm in the first record and want to navigate to the second record I have to hit next linkbutton twice
if I'm in the Last record and want to navigate to the previios record I have to hit previuos linkbutton twice
See my code below:
View 2 Replies
Nov 11, 2010
I'm putting together a page that allows the user to enter a new record in an SQL table. A bunch of the fields in the table are bit datatypes. I want to use CheckBoxes to correspond to the bit datatype columns in the SQL table.
How do I bind the checkboxes to the SQL table columns?
Here's what I have, not sure if this is right:
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Jul 13, 2010
I am doing a management system . What i am trying to accomplish is that when a user fill form relevant to management system the data should go into respective tables.How to accomplish this.I am using primary keys and foreign keys
View 3 Replies
Sep 7, 2010
I am making a message module in with database of sql. i have made a gridview and enabled selecting. and a form view is synchorised with grid view on selecting. i am writing update sql but could not get a way to take data on Gridview or Formview to compare the record in sql database.
this is my page view
This my vb code
View 4 Replies
Jul 7, 2010
I use Gridview along with Formview for master/detail viewing. When I change sorting in gridview selected index changes, too. I mean, eg first top record is still selected but it's another id. What I want is to keep id of selected record, in case of need changing a page
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May 4, 2014
I have a GridView1 With Paging allowed, PageSize = 10. And a Nested GridView2. The INSERT function on nested GridView2 works well until the number of record is 10.
On inserting the 11th record, the GridView1 is recorded normally in page 2 of 2. The Nested GridView2 does not fired properly. it appears empty on the 11th record (page 2 of 2), but instead add its record on the last recorded ID on page 1 of 2.
When I remove the paging, everything works well.
How to resolve the paging issue with Nested GridView on "INSERT" record?
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