Data Controls :: Editing Deleting Updating And Inserting In WebForms GridControl
Mar 7, 2012
I am Using a third party tool DevExpress ..
I need to perform Editing , Deleting , Updating and inserting in GridControl .. I am unable configure it properly ..
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I have seen a project where my friend has used a sqlhelper.dll which make it easy to write code for inserting,Deleting and updating data.
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What web control is to use for adding, editing and deleting?
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Mar 31, 2010
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Feb 26, 2010
COMPLETE NOOB, dont know anything.. I have a Virtual directory ~/ClubInfoFiles that i upload some files too using a uploader i made. I might want to change the uploader i made to be able to change to a subdirectory or something so i can upload all files into one folder but different subdirectorys. the uploader i would like to be able to have a dropdown menu of all the subdirectorys within "ClubInfoFiles" say i has subfolders : Minutes, Flight Plans, Maintence Records, etc... but i would also like a field to where i can create a new subdirectory and have it automaticly update the dropdown. i want to list those files in gridview and have a link to dowload/open and dellete the files. i have found some code that gets close but it uses Auto Generate columns. really i dont need all that jazz, just the Name, File extention, and hyperlink the file for download/view. i would like to be able to delete and possible upload using the gridview... is this to much for a noob?
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Feb 16, 2010
my users haves different permission: some users can delete, and some users can editing in a gridview how can i allow this at specified users? and hidden the button ho allow the delelte or update record?
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a GridView in an update panel that is bound (in code-behind) to a business layer object. The first time this page is accessed, Editing, Deleting, Updating, etc. work fine. However, if I click my browser's refresh button, the functionality of the edit, delete, etc link buttons is gone. They do nothing.
here's my code:
Here's the code-behind:
View 7 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
I am having trouble changing page numbers on my gridview after deleting a record if the deletion of the record causes there to be no more records on that page. Currently I have a form below the gridview that adds a record to the datasource of the gridview.
Code behind stuff:
Now with this code above, if I insert a new record using the form below the gridview, it will reload and go to the new page if the insertion causes the record to appear on a new page, however when I delete that record, thus causing nothing to be on that page, the gridview visually just dissappears. I've got the gridview bound by a linqdatasource control, and on the page_load function I only databind if the page is not a postback.
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Dec 1, 2010
I have a gridview in which update and delete is enabled.
I have the following fields in database table, which is binded to the grid view through sql datasource.
ID,Firstname,Lastname,Add,City,modifieddate. Here ID is primary key.
1. When edit and delete is enabled in the grid. The ID column is showing in the grid,which i don't want to show. But without that ID column the grid is not able to update and delete. Plz tel me how to update and delete without ID column in grid.
2. When ever any update is happen in the grid, the modifieddate should get updated. Here the date is not , i need to use my own system date and time. Coz my server and system time has some difference.
I have use the following javascript to get system date and time, which is working fine. This date should be get and update in the modified column.
function displayTime() {
var m_names = new Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar",
"Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep",
"Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
var localTime = new Date();
var year = localTime.getYear();
var month = localTime.getMonth() + 1;
var date = localTime.getDate();
var hours = localTime.getHours();
var minutes = localTime.getMinutes();
var seconds = localTime.getSeconds();
var div = document.getElementById("TextBox1");
div.innerText = date + "-" + m_names[month] + "-" + year;
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May 11, 2010
I've been googling for 2 days for the solution, but I couldn't find something useful. The problem is that I have GridView that is connected to the SQL database and that is how it is being populated. I added EDIT and DELETE buttons in the columns, but as far as I can see the event which handles them is empty.
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Apr 2, 2010
here is the link [URL]
for the updating and deleting binery data in Gridview same like that i want to updating and deleting data in detailsview?
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Apr 27, 2010
I have a Gridview set up so when a user clicks the various buttons it sorts the results. I have a couple problems. Right now the way i have the viewStates set up, it is only working when the buttons are clicked twice. I Was also wondering how to set up the viewstates so it binds properly when the editing and updating. I have read up on ViewStates and I am still a bit confused.
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Feb 14, 2010
regarding editing and updating the data in the gridview?
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Apr 17, 2010
Data entered in textboxes is not getting updated in database. In debug mode I see that textbox1 and textbox2 in ItemUpdating event contain the same values as they had before calling ItemUpdating.
Here's my listview control:
What's wrong with updating of text1.Text, text2.Text in ItemUpdating event? Should I use e.NewValues property? If so, how to use it?
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Apr 14, 2010
i have chart control and gridview control in updatepanle my issue is when i click on edit link in gridview my chart control is not displaying but when i refresh my page iam to see it why is so??
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Aug 12, 2010
Here is the scenerio:I have a radtabstrip (with 2 tabs) at the top of my page followed by radMultiPage control Tab 1 displays pageview 1 which has a gridview showing data from our database and allows for selection or deletion of data tab 2 displays a detailsview when gridview_selectedindexchanged(from tab 1) is fired.Problem... If you select an entry in the gridview it switech the page and the detailsview into editmode (works fine) but if you then click on tab 1 without clicking update or cancel in the detailsview, the data is updated. This is what i don't want as the user has basically abandoned the changes.So what i need is a what to say ... if the detailsview is in edit or insert when the tabstrip is clicked then cancel the insert or update. I tried switching it back to readonly mode but that did not seem to work.
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Jun 16, 2010
I've the user creation form where a user will be created by entering username. Below that is checkboxlist for UserGroup which is binded with the dataset with the all the usergroup. Hence up on entering the username and checkbox selected(as the user can belong to multiple UserGroups).At database end, there are basically 3 tables-
So when i click create new user, the UserId along with GroupID(whichever checked) is saved into UserToGroup table.Im relative to this kind of process and hence facing setbacks. Can somebody help in end to end process. From front to DB SP.
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Jun 8, 2010
I am using Stored Procedure as my Insert/Update command in a FormView. The sp returns a value which I will need to use. How do I retrieve the value after doing an insert / update?
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Jun 11, 2010
I m getting following error in my eventvwr . I couldnt find reasons of the following error.
"Transaction (Process ID 110) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. "
The only thing my page is doing is inserting/updating data into a table in sql and the thing I can think of is because multiple users are using the same page to insert/update data? Will that cause deadlock?
View 4 Replies
Jun 2, 2010
I have a web page with a gridview & formview (master/detail relationship) combo. On page load the gridview shows all records from a SQL table. On my page I have a button that when clicked shows the formview in Insert mode to allow users to add a new record to the data. I have also added a column to my gridview that has a link. When a user clicks this link it hides the gridview and shows the formview in edit mode with the detail from the record selected from the gridview.
In my formview I am using a listbox control to allow users to select multiple values. The choices in the listbox are populated by a SQL data table. I have successfully written code to post the selected listbox values to my SQL data field during Insert. When the user selects a record to edit I have code in the databound event to select values in the listbox from the choices based on the value in the sql data field. This works as well. My problem is that I cannot figure out the correct code to update my SqL data when a user is editing the record and makes changes to the selected listbox value. I have included my design code for my listbox in my formview edittemplate and also my behind code that I have attempted.
style="width: 454px">
Text='<%# Bind("ConstructionTypeID") %>'></asp:TextBox></td>
View 9 Replies
Mar 1, 2011
I'm trying to create a nested gridview, but I'm stuck at the editing/deleting part of the nested gridview. (Below is my code).The nested gridviews are filling out nice, I've set the DeleteParameter in the SQLDataSource, but I'm still getting this error when trying to delete a criteria: 'The Gridview 'gvCriteria' fired event RowDeleting which wasn't handled.'I've tried to create a method 'gvCriteria_RowDeleting', but that didn't seem to work out.Someone who can give me a piece of advice? Would it be possible to fill the gridview without using gvDomain_rowDataBound? Dries
And the C# behind:
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Jul 27, 2010
What I want is that I can add /edit or delete view pages. I don't want a complex content management system , just looking for any examples where one can add simple view page, I have no idea how to add action result dynamically, programatically on a controller page in mvc2.
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Feb 11, 2011
So I have two tables in my database, Contacts and Addresses:
Contacts : ContactID | AddressID | FirstName | LastName
Addresses: AddressID | Address1 | Address2 | City | State | Zipcode
I have a page where you can add a contact. It contains all the information for a contact and an address for a contact. Here's my code for when you submit the form:
Now my main concern is that the address is added successfully, but then an error occurs when I try to save the contact, leaving the address in the database with no contact.
What's the best practice here for rolling back any changes if an error occurs?
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Feb 10, 2010
I`m extremely newbie to and oracle but i need to make a very simple project where inserts/updates data is oracle db. A managed to the connections, everything, made a DetailView of the DB data on the page, enabled in the Advanced SQL Generation Options the "Generate INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statesments". Here is the code:
But unfortunately this does not work! I get the following error:
Oracle gives me creeps with these invalid characters and dates.
View 3 Replies
Jun 8, 2010
I am planning to use grid view control, before was using datagrid, planning on switching to gridview:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Deleted">
<asp:Image id=ImgDeleted runat="server" Height="13px" Width="21px" ImageUrl='<%# [code]...
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