Forms Data Controls :: DataSource Config Wizard Not Working With DropDownList?
May 9, 2010
Stuck trying to populate a dropdownlist with an ObjectDataSource using the wizard.
using the wizard i can successfully configure the datasource, then I can choose the datasource. The next step you should be able to select your display value and the selected value. However, these boxes are not populated within the wizard. I added a gridview to test the datasource and it displays fine.
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Feb 23, 2010
I have to export some data from excel to sql server. So, I just used simply Import/Export wizard from Management Studio.
Fill up and set the all necessary according to this wizard, after that I saved as SSIS Package.
Because, I have to run this package several time, but unfortunately, I can't find it where she saved it.
That may be funny, but really i can't find it out So, How to i save this package?
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Apr 28, 2010
I have this code:
Why can I not view anything in my dropdown list? It is totally blank
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Nov 11, 2010
I have the following in a web user control:
Text="--Please Select--"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:RadiotherapyConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [PrescriptionCodeGroupID], [CodeGroupDescription] FROM [PrescriptionCodeGroup] WHERE (([Archived]
= @Archived) AND ([OrganisationID] = @OrganisationID))">
Text="--Please Select--"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SystemConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [PrescriptionCodeID], [CodeDescription] FROM [PrescriptionCode] WHERE (([Archived] = @Archived)
AND ([PrescriptionCodeGroupID] = @PrescriptionCodeGroupID))">
When I select from the first dropdown I want to populate the second. However, this is not happening. The postback is happening, but the SelectedIndexChanged handler isn't being called (I have a breakpoint which isn't being hit). The user controls are created dynamically and put into a PlaceHolder which itself is within an AJAX Updatepanel, with ChildrenAsTriggers set to true.
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Mar 16, 2011
I have 2 dropdownlists and on change 1st dropdownlist (ddlPlant), the 2nd dropdownlist (ddlCategoryName) refreshes its data based on 1st dropdownlist value. However, the codes does not worked.
My codes:
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Oct 10, 2010
So I am using EW + Access database to create a page.
This page contains two controls. First control is Dropdownlist which databinds with second control Listview.
This listview has paging on becuse of multiple pages. If I don't use QueryStringField paging works but if I use QueryStringField paging doesn't work and it goes back to first option of Dropdownlist.
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Dec 21, 2010
I have three drop down lists that are all databound to a gridview. When the user selects 1. a school, 2. a house number, and 3. a street from seperate drop down lists, bus stops for that address are displayed in a gridview. Everything works fine. After the user selects a valid school/house number/street combination the gridview automatically displays. I would like to add a "Submit" button and not have the gridview display until this button is clicked.
View 6 Replies
Jun 10, 2010
i think i can't see the forrest for the trees.......there HAS to be a simple way to do this. so i created a web page and on that page i have two dropdown lists. the first is STATE and the second is COUNTY. the STATE is a static list. but the COUNTY is generated whenever the STATE changes. now....when i set up the COUNTY dropdown list, it prompted me for a datasource. i have a store procedure which takes the 2-letter STATE code and returns all the counties for that state. so i set up the datasource for the COUNTY drop down list by just following the prompts from visual studio. i gave it a default state of Alabama (AL). and all is fine. so here's my question: how can i reload the datasource and subsequently the COUNTY dropdown list? i see no way to access the datasource that the environment generated for me.
well.....i thought.......i'll just do it the old fashioned way and set up a command.......connectionstring.......and sql statement and load the results into a datareader (do i REALLY have to do all that?)
but it still doesn't work. what's the simplest way for me to just re-fire my stored procedure and pass it the STATE parameter and reload the datasource and dropdown list?
View 3 Replies
Jul 13, 2010
I have a problem with connecting a DropDownList to a DataSource.
The scenario: When I add am item to the database (I do this using a GridView/ObjectDataSource / SPROC) I want to update a DropDownList that lists this items as well.This DropDownList is linked with another ObjectDataSource. Now, I listen to the RowCommand event of the GridView and in a certain case I refresh the DataSource of the DrpoDownList and do a DataBind to the DropDownList afterwards.
The strange thing is, that when I take a look at the DropDownList's Items-Collection during the Page's OnPreRender event handling, the items collection contains the new entry but the new entry is not rendered, i.e. when I take a look at the rendered HTML the <option></option> entry for the new value is missing.
After another postback to the page the entry appears in the DropDownList?
View 3 Replies
Jun 10, 2010
I am trying to use a datasource with a dropdownlist. Eventually, my data source method to call a stored procedure and load the datatable is returns, but for now, I am just creating the datatable manually. I need each item to have two attributes, the text, whixh the user will see in the DDL, and the value that the program will retrieve from and store back to the file.
It is partly working in that the DDL has 3 items, however the text for each item reads "System.Data.DataRowView"
I have to be close, but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
View 8 Replies
Sep 8, 2010
I have a Dropdownlist in an itemTemplate in a gridview. My gridView binds to dataTable1 (from which the selected value for dropdown comes from) and dropDown binds to dataTable2 (i need to get DataValueField and DataTextField from here).
View 3 Replies
Sep 8, 2010
I am using a DataGridView and have a master table which contains values which different tables related to the master data, i.e. StatusID =1 in master table = TrailerStatus (1, 2, 3, 4 and their descriptions) are in a related table. I am able to retrieve the values from Table B 1 = Empty, 2 = Rejected, 3 = Onsite, etc. However, I don't know how to relate the master table StatusID = 1 to default my dropdown list from the relational table 1, 2, 3, 4.
I have been fighting with this for quite some time and just have not found a solid example of how to do this. I actually have two dropdownlists which will need to be correctly wired in order for my application to work.
This will also be an editable dataGridView but I will tackle that challenge once I get this first hair plucked from my butt.
There is some code-behind which doesn't work at all pertaining to a ;; gvSCACDetail_RowDataBound ;;
but I dont' think I can even get the code to compoile when this is not commented out.
Here are some of the details:
<td style="width: 700px; height: 20px">
<asp:GridView ID="gvSCACDetail" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AutoGenerateEditButton="True" DataKeyNames="trailerid,locationid,scacid,statusid,capacityid" AutoGenerateDeleteButton="True" DataSourceID="SCACDetailView" Visible="False" Width="698px">
<PagerStyle CssClass="centerh" HorizontalAlign="Center" />
View 2 Replies
Mar 2, 2010
I am using a gridview to select, delete and update data in database. I have written a single SP for doing all these operation. Based on a parameter SP decides which operation to perform. Here is the image of my gridview
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="dsDomain"
AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataKeyNames="DomainId" >
<asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" ShowEditButton="True" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="DomainId" HeaderText="DomainId"
InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="DomainId">
<asp:BoundField DataField="Domain" HeaderText="Domain"
<asp:BoundField DataField="Description" HeaderText="Description"
SortExpression="Description" >
<asp:BoundField DataField="InsertionDate" HeaderText="InsertionDate"
Data Source that I am using is here
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsDomain" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:conLogin %>"
SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" CancelSelectOnNullParameter="False"
DeleteCommand="Tags.spOnlineTest_Domain" DeleteCommandType="StoredProcedure" OnDeleting="DomainDeleting">
<asp:Parameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" DefaultValue="" Name="DomainId" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" DefaultValue="" Name="Domain" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" DefaultValue="" Name="Description" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="1" Name="OperationType" Type="Byte" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="DomainId"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" Size="4" Type="Int32" />
Select operation is working fine. But when I tried to delete, it says Procedure or Function 'spOnlineTest_Domain' expects parameter '@Domain', which was not supplied But I am supplying this parameter, as My Stored procedure calling is like this
EXEC Tags.spOnlineTest_Domain NULL, NULL, NULL, 1 // For Select last parameter will be 1
EXEC Tags.spOnlineTest_Domain "SelectedRow's DomainId), NULL, NULL, 4 // For Delete last parameter will be 4
My procedure has 4 parameters where last parameter will be set by programmer which will tell the program for what kind of operation to be performed. For Select only last parameter has to be Not Null. For Delete first and last parameter cannot be NULL. My first Delete parameter is Primary key of the table. I am passing this value, when a user selects a row and hit delete. I am not sure by using PropertyName="SelectedValue", will I get the right value of the ID.
View 1 Replies
Mar 2, 2011
I have two embedded dropdown lists in Gridview control. One gives you business channel options and the other represents products depending on the business channel selected.I am trying to use different data sources for product dropdown list depeding on what the user selected from the business channel drop down list. How could I do this. Here is my current code:
View 2 Replies
Jan 5, 2013
I have 2 dropdownlist in my page
and 2 table in database
1-Trade table
ID Tname
1 Industry
2 Cloth
ID Class Tname
1 Electronic Industry
2 Car Industry
3 Scarf Cloth
4 Pants Cloth
I bind ddlTrade from Tradetable and I want when users click on Item from ddlTrade it bind data from ddlTradeclass that TNAME=ddlTrade.selectedItem in ddltradeClass for this I used below code
for binding ddltrade
BindDropDownList(DDLtrade, "tradename", "Name", "id");
protected void BindDropDownList(DropDownList DDL, string spname, string dataTextfield, string dataValuefield) {
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand(spname, _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataReader _dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader();
[Code] ....
NOW my problem is that when I select Item from ddlTrade it didn't show any thing in ddlTradeClass but when I delete this code
from BindDropDownList Metod and change like below:
protected void BindDropDownList(DropDownList DDL, string spname, string dataTextfield)
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand(spname, _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
[Code] ....
It worked correctly I mean when I click Item from ddlTrade in ddlTradeClass show data from TradeClass Table
so here what should I do ? I need DataValueField in ddlbinding ... Why this problem happen?
View 1 Replies
Feb 23, 2010
I am trying to bind the datasource of a ddl which is located inside the EditTemplate of a TemplateField.When is the best time to bind this datasource (after loading grid, before editing, ? (Note: I must do this in code behind).I am currently trying to bind it on the edit command:
The issue is that the list retrieved from the LoadLists method is null when passing to the LoadList method where the datasource is bound.
View 5 Replies
Mar 31, 2010
I have 2 dropdownlist(ddlCategoryFooter and ddlItemCodeFooter)inside my gridview. I want to set ddlItemCodeFooter 's datasource to my getItemList(decimal categoryID) method. The selecteditem of ddlCategoryFooter will serve as the paramter which will be passed to my getItemList Method. Basically,ddlItemCodeFooter is dependent on ddlCategoryFooter's selectedItem.
I know it can be done in code behind approach but i prefer to place it in my asp page.
This i what i want to acheive:
DataSource ='<%# getItemList(Convert.ToDecimcal(ddlCategoryFooter.seletectItem))%>'/>
Source code for my Gridview:
View 8 Replies
Dec 30, 2010
Im a PHP programmer and now I'm try to do some work with ASP.NET but I got into trouble just in the first stage of my application.Can Anyone help me find out how to get the user inserted values from CreateUserWizard and insert it to sql database. I have implemented using the following codes, but I keep getting the error message "The name 'identifier' does not exist in the current context". I have tried different approaches but any of them worked.Code:.aspx
<%@ Page Title="Register" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Register.aspx.cs" Inherits="PaperReviewSystem.Account.Registe
View 2 Replies
Jul 17, 2015
I used your link [URL]"
and implement in my Project your code is working but error is
I have 4 columns in database country, States, City and Area
in the area table 991 recordes are exists I am binding area onchange of City dropdown but records is not binding only showing loadding than I changed my storeprocedure write qurey to select top 673 records now area is binding but if I remove "top" from select its showing loading in area dropdown.
how can I solve this issue
<script type="text/javascript">
function PopulateArea() {
$("#<%=ddlArea.ClientID%>").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if ($('#<%=ddlCity.ClientID%>').val() == "0") {
$('#<%=ddlArea.ClientID %>').empty().append('<option selected="selected" value="0">Please select</option>');
View 1 Replies
Apr 28, 2010
In one of the steps of a wizard control are 2 dropdownlist which data come from 2 distinct queries and cascade from the 1st one to the 2nd one. Where and how can code for that data binding and cascading be placed since it seems codebehind window for both of the dropdownlists cannot be found in VS property or event windows?
View 3 Replies
Jan 24, 2016
With ref. to this post, [URL]
I have placed a dropdown list in Gridview footer, now i want to access the dropdown selected indeex changed event as below. But i'm not able to access the event.
protected void ddlCatg_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
DropDownList ddlCategories = grvExpenses.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlCatg") as DropDownList;
DropDownList ddlExpenseSubCategories = grvExpenses.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlSubCatg") as DropDownList;
View 1 Replies
May 4, 2010
in generate the Stored Procedures when using Create TableAdapter configuration Wizard in can not generate the Stored Procedures for Delete and Update Commands, but it generated for Select and Insert. i tried many times, but still get the same problem.
View 2 Replies
Apr 13, 2010
import/export wizard in 2000 had lots of options.
I could copy databases without a care in the world. Including constraints, stored proc., AND the data, etc.
Now, with v2008, the wizard is dumbed down too much. It's a "stupid" copy function that fails on the first constraint it meets.
"Copy database.." is not an option here: it needs sysadmin on both source and destination server.
Re-adding the constraints manually is not an option either: the database is WAY too large.
I'm actually hoping there is a temporary bug in the import/export wizard. Each option (and you have THREE...) returns with a new error.
Googling, I found I am not alone:
This post is exactly my situation. Here's what his post says: (bolded key parts)
I'm trying to get used to sql server 2008 having been forced to upgrade by my isp. I need to back up my key db on a weekly remote schedule, so have been trying to use ssms to export data from my remote db to a local copy.
Firstly I created a new empty db on the local machine. Then I scripted the structure of the db on the remote machine and ran the resulting query on the local machine to copy the table structure into the new db. This gave me empty target tables to map to (see
I used the export data wizard and selected my remote tables, then highlighted the tables to be copied and used the Edit Mappings option. Here I need to do two things, firstly checking'Enable Identity Insert' (because I have a unique id in most tables which is identity seeded, and I've read that if this is not checked sql server will helpfully renumber your entire table, rendering all your foreign key references useless). Secondly I need to decide what to do with the data already in the destination table. SQL 2k DTS simply dropped the destination table and recreated it. SQL 2008 will either keep the structure and delete the rows therein, or drop the table and recreate it. Because I intend to save this package and call it on a schedule in the future, I need to choose one of these options, because next time the target db won't be empty.
If I choose the delete rows option, when the package runs I get the following error when the process gets ot the first table with an identity ID which is used elsewhere in the db as a foreign key.
Error 0xc002f210: Preparation SQL Task 4: Executing the query "Truncate TABLE [dbo][tblCompany] failed with the following error 'Cannot truncate table tblCompany because it is being referenced by a foreign key constraint. Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "Result Set" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly or connection not established correctly'
Half a dozen preceding tables did seem to transfer fine, but the process falls down on this one table. What I want is for the process to ignore constraints whilst it does the backup.
Undeterred I tried the other option, dropping each table and creating a new version. This time I get the error:
Error 0cx0202009: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source MS SQL Server Native Client 10.0. Hresult 0x80004005 Description "The statement has been terminated".
An OLE DB record is available. Source MS SQL Server Native Client 10.0. Hresult 0x80004005 Description "Violation of Primary Key constraint 'PK_LoginClasses'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.LoginClasses'.
Then I try unchecking the Enable Identity Insert option to see what happens. This happens:
- Validating (Error)Messages
Error 0xc0202049: Data Flow Task 1: Failure inserting into the read-only column "UserID".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0202045: Data Flow Task 1: Column metadata validation failed.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc004706b: Data Flow Task
1: "component "Destination - Login" (40)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)Error 0xc004700c: Data Flow Task 1: One or more component failed validation.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0024107: Data Flow Task 1: There were errors during task validation.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
I can't see any more options to try. So how do I get SSMS 2008 to do what Enterprise Manager 2k did with no drama?
View 11 Replies
Aug 24, 2010
I'm using VS 2008 and SQL 2008.
I have created the tables and the stored procedures in SQL 2008.
In VS 2008, I created DataSet1.xsd in App_Code and created the connectionString in web.config file.
Then when I go into the DataSet1.xsd and try to add a TableAdapter, strange things happened.
First I chose the data connection, then selected "Use existing stored procedure", then there was nothing listed in the dropdownlists (in Select, Insert, Update, or Delete).
I'm sure the connectionString is correct because if I choose "Use SQL statement" and type in a "select * from mytable1", the TableAdapter can be created without any problem.
View 1 Replies
Jan 5, 2010
I'm using a SP to fill the drop down list and when I look at the values in the drop down list the first row of the dataset is missing.Here's the code I'm using, I've left out the database connection info and the link to the SP
StaffListRS = cmdStaff.ExecuteReader()
If StaffListRS.Read() Then
ddlStaffList.Datasource = StaffListRS
ddlStaffList.DataTextField = "StaffName"
ddlStaffList.DataValueField = "NewStaffID"
ddlStaffList.Items.Insert(0, New ListItem("All", 0)
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