Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Databind Is Splitting One Data Item Over Two Fields
Dec 8, 2010
I am having an issue with a simple databind to a datagrid. What happens is that for some reason, the first character of the data going into the 4th column is getting placed at the end of the data in the third column; but only on the first row. Here is an example of what I mean:
Form ID
Employee No
Associate Name
Start Date
End Date
Form Status
Stan Marsh1
Eric Cartman
Kyle Broflovski
As you can see, in the first row of data, a "1" has been moved from the Start Date column to the Associate Name column. Because this is a databind I don't see how this is even possible. I'm just curious if this is a known issue or just some random fluke. Here is the relevant code:
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Dim ddl As DropDownList = CType(sender, DropDownList)
Dim dgi As DataGridItem = CType(ddl.Parent.Parent, DataGridItem)
Dim rowID As Integer = dgi.ItemIndex
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<a href=""><%# Eval("Columnname","Foldername/{0}") %></a>
<%# Eval("Gallery","ImageFolder/{0}") %>
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Tab2: Info about your car
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Jan 10, 2011
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1970 chk 1991 chk
1971 chk 1992 chk
1972 chk 1993 chk
1973 chk 1994 chk
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Sep 30, 2010
I have "Order" object with Columns Ticket,OTP and CustomerName etc.Intially on DataGrid, I'm binding Ticket only , when user clicks on "Column Chooser" button, another windows appears to pickup CustomerName,OTP columns to add specified column dynamically on Datagrid. Environment : ,C# with Object Data source
Public Class Order
publc void Order()
public string Ticket
return this.strTicket;
this.strTicket = value;
public string OtpNumber
return this.strOtpNumber;
this.strOtpNumber = value;
public string CustomerName
return this.strCustomer;
this.strCustomer = value;
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<asp:TemplateField ShowHeader="False">
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Select"
OnClick="LinkButton1_Click" Text="Select"></asp:LinkButton>
I know how to handle the filtering of the grid (create a criteria and set to rowfilter of the dataview) But, I dont know how to get the value of the column of the selected row.
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Mar 4, 2011
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Sep 22, 2010
Simply put... I want to duplicate the example found at this link, in rather than C#.
I would like the selectedvalue of the dropdown to display additional data base on its selection in multiple text boxes.
I have tried using the DropDownList OnSelectedIndexChanged property, within a DataGrid EditiItemTemplate, but I cannot retrieve data from the selection. (AutoPostBack is "True"). I can however use a button onclick event to fire a "prre-defined" selection value.
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Jan 29, 2010
I have a page with a gridview control that shows files that have been uploaded to our site. The name of the uploaded files, who uploaded them, and if they have been downloaded, etc are stored in a table. The gridview is bound to the table through a sqlDataSource control. I have a button column in the gridview that downloads the file associated with a row when the button is clicked. All that works well. I have a check box column that shows checked if a file has been downloaded. When the download button is pressed.
the file downloads and then a short routine is run to update the downloaded field in the uploaded files table to set the downloaded field to true. This is done through a command string. All this works. Here is the question. After the update is run I do a databind on the gridview to update it. The databind is run in the PageLoad event is the page is a postback. This does not cause the current row to show downloaded =true (checked). If I refresh the page in the browser then it displays correctly.
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Nov 21, 2010
On my aspx page I use a popupmodalextender to show (and edit) some data that is contained in a gridview (gridview is on the same page). Popup works OK and also the editing of the data, but when I close the popup (from code behind) the data in the gridview is not refreshed.
Code behind:
Why doesn't databind() work until I refresh the page?
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Feb 8, 2010
I need to display data returned from a sql query into a gridview. This is easy enough to accomplish by running the code below:
Dim command As New SqlCommand(sql, connection)
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(command)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Me.grvDisplay.DataSource = ds
My issue is that for one of the columns, before it gets bound to the gridview, I need to format the value. Basically, it returns a value like 7.21. Each number represents something, so I need determine what this and display the worded value. I tried to do a datareader (see below) before the binding and store that value into a session variable and display that session variable into the gridview, but it just displayed the same value over and over.
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
Dim RT As String = ""
Dim VersionName As String = ""
Select Case Left(Replace(Mid(dr("Version"), 2), ".", ""), 1)
Case "1"
RT = "Pre-Release"
Case "2"
RT = "Final Release"
Case "3"
RT = "Interim Release"
End Select
Session("VersionName") = Left(dr("Version"), 1) & " Data Base " & RT & " " & Replace(Right(dr("Version"), 1), "0", "")
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