Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Item.ItemIndex Keep Selecting The Wrong Row Number?

Sep 1, 2010

I apologize in advance for my poor english:1. I have a dropdownList within my datagrid and its already populated fine (22 rows in my datagrid)2. The select item for the 21 row is the same as the select item of the 22 row3. When trying to do selectedIndexChange for the 22 row, it didn't seem to work.The error:

Dim ddl As DropDownList = CType(sender, DropDownList)
Dim dgi As DataGridItem = CType(ddl.Parent.Parent, DataGridItem)
Dim rowID As Integer = dgi.ItemIndex

The rowID keep staying at 20 even though the selectedIndexChanged is happening in row 22( ie. rowID should be 21)

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Line Number On GridView - Container.ItemIndex Not Working

Apr 12, 2010

referring to: [URL] v nice it works.. but i have tried this before in my previous app it works but i just try now <%# Container.ItemIndex &#43; 1 %> but not work ..what is the difrence in these

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Forms Data Controls :: Hyperlink An Image In Datagrid Without First Selecting It?

Jan 21, 2010

i have small thumbnails of images displayed in datagridview taken from the database , now i want to show them on another page in bigger size ... but i dont know how to do it ?

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Forms Data Controls :: To Limit The Number Of Login Attempts, Say Not More Than 5, In Case Of Wrong?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm creating a login page. I want to limit the number of login attempts, say not more than 5, in case of wrong.I want to do it without using the asp:loghin controls and the membership.How can restrict it??

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Selecting An Listview Item

Sep 21, 2010

May be I'm trying to run before I can walk, but here goes, I find coding for ASP so frustrating it's just not logical JIM!Anyways after my rant, as I'm a huge fan of the listview control in WinForms I'm trying to get the hang of it in ASP, wth not much luck so far.

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Forms Data Controls :: Selecting A Row In An Datagrid And Passing A Value Related To Selected Row On Button Click?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a datareader that returns a few fields (orderid, customer id, customername, location, total amount - as an example) that is bound to a datagrid on an asp page. The datagrid simply displays customername, location and total amount and has 2 buttons

below it labelled 'Add New' and 'Edit' and I would like the following to happen:

1) when a user clicks on any cell in the datagrid, I want that row to be highlighted in someway so that the user is aware of the highlighted row.

2) If the user then clicks on Edit button, I want to go to another page that displays the details of that order by passing the orderid of that row to the next page.

The idea is that the user selects a row on the datagrid and then clicks edit which will take them to another page where they can edit/updated details but I'm not sure how I can pass a value of a selected row in a datagrid to another page. I am aware that you can add a template column with buttons on but I would like to have one set of buttons rather than have buttons on each row of the datagrid.

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Data Controls :: View Limited Number Of Item From Large Number In Datalist?

Apr 15, 2013

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like in facebook,we have lots of friends but in friend box only 6 friends is shown and when we click that we go to next page which display all list of friends...

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Forms Data Controls :: Data Is Binding When Selecting Item In Dropdown List?

Nov 25, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Is Possible To Edit Page Number Text In Datagrid (which Clicked)

Oct 20, 2010

I am editing the page links text 1 2 3 4 5 ... as 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 ...succesfully. But here the problem is when am clicking 21-30 link it changes to 3. How to display the 3 as 21-30.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Item List Getting To Long For One Page?

Feb 14, 2011

I didn't had any problem using datagrid to display Sql table on ASP.NET page,

but as the table grows so as the datagrid, and now the item list is too long for one page.

So I would like to break the datagrid into several pages with page numbers. ( <1,2,3,4> click the number to go to next page)

My simple datagrid code:


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Data Controls :: How To Increase Price Value Column By Selecting Number From DropDownList In GridView

Apr 27, 2016

I have gridview and button and radiobutton in page below are codes...

<input type="radio" name="n" id="RBmkvM" runat="server"/>
<input type="radio" name="n" id="RBdvdM" runat="server"/>
<asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" runat="server" CssClass="imgored" ImageUrl="~/Image/Main/png1.png" OnClick="Imgorder_Click"></asp:ImageButton>


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Forms Data Controls :: Events And Pageload Not Firing After Datagrid Containing Large Number Of Rows Of Data

Sep 6, 2010

I have a datagrid in aspx page.Inside of datagrid i am using around 15 controls such as Button,dropdownlist and text box

controls.Once the datagrid binds then the events in the aspx page not firing.Issue occured when the number of rows greater than 500.The number of rows less then its works fine.

"Platform i am working on ASP.NET1.1"

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Forms Data Controls :: Get The Itemindex Of A Listview When Sql Query Selects Random Records?

Nov 18, 2010

i use this query as my sql query :


As you may know it gets 5 records by random. I use it with dataset and bind the listview to this dataset and in ItemDataBound i want to do some programming (like making some controls visible or invisible) i need itemindex.

but the question is : how can i get the itemindex of a listview when sql query selects records randomly?

View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Databind Is Splitting One Data Item Over Two Fields

Dec 8, 2010

I am having an issue with a simple databind to a datagrid. What happens is that for some reason, the first character of the data going into the 4th column is getting placed at the end of the data in the third column; but only on the first row. Here is an example of what I mean:

Form ID
Employee No
Associate Name
Start Date
End Date
Form Status
Stan Marsh1
Eric Cartman
Kyle Broflovski

As you can see, in the first row of data, a "1" has been moved from the Start Date column to the Associate Name column. Because this is a databind I don't see how this is even possible. I'm just curious if this is a known issue or just some random fluke. Here is the relevant code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Add Javascript Onclick Event On Each Page Number In Datagrid Paging?

Feb 8, 2010

I want to add javascript onclick event on each page number in datagrid paging.

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Data Controls :: How To Change Session Data After Selecting Item From Dropdownlist

Apr 27, 2016

According below code I save data in session:

protected void Imgorder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ImageButton ibtn = sender as ImageButton;
int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString());
DataTable dtFiles = GetFilmInfo(id);
string Name = dtFiles.Rows[0][1].ToString();

[Code] ....

In gridview I define dropdownlist that when change I tem it will change price value...

protected void DdlQuantityS(object sender, EventArgs e)
DropDownList ddlQuantity = (sender as DropDownList);
Label quantity = ddlQuantity.NamingContainer.FindControl("LblQuanyity") as Label;
quantity.Text = ddlQuantity.SelectedItem.Text.Trim() == "Select" ? "0" : ddlQuantity.SelectedItem.Text.Trim();
Label price = ddlQuantity.NamingContainer.FindControl("LblPrice") as Label;

[Code] ....

And according below code it will show quantity number in dropdownlist:

protected void OnRowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
using (SqlConnection conn = General.GetConnection())
using (SqlCommand cmd = General.GetCommand("OrderNum", conn))


Now I want when I change dropdownlist Item from gridview it will save quantity(selected Item from dropdownlist) and price and priceT in seesion["Order"] that created in ImgorderM_Click metod...

How I can do it?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Convert The Datagrid Bound Column Item Itself Into A Hyperlink

Sep 6, 2010

I would like to make the datagrid bound column to hyperlink for redirecting to the details page .

For example , when my mouse over certain row of bound column in datagrid , it will change the colour to blue . Also , I can click it and redirect to the detail page .

Notes : I don't wan to use hyperlink column

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Forms Data Controls :: Click A Row In A Datagrid And Show A Modal Pop Up To Edit The Item?

Feb 18, 2011

i have a datagrid that i want to be able to select a row and be able to edit the details of the row selected. Im connected to an sql azure db.

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Forms Data Controls :: Way To Select Item In A ListView - How To Get Appropriate Index Number

Sep 7, 2010

I've implemented a ListView to display selected data from a DataTable. My listview is one row high and 4 columns wide. I've setup a DataPager to the left of it and another to the right to allow the user to access any item in the ListView.My problem is simple: When the user adds a new item to the DataTable, I rebind the data again { e.g. listView1.DataBind() }, and then I proceed to select that newly added item. BUT no matter what I try, nothing works! More precisely, I do this: listView1.SelectedIndex = #; where "#" is the appropriate index number.

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Forms Data Controls :: Find A Value Inside Of A Table Using An Item And Not A Row Number

Mar 11, 2010

I have a dataset with the following values:

Test3, 1
Test2, 2
Test3, 3

I am basically need the ability to do something like dataset.tables(0).row( ' here i would be like where item("NAME") = "Test2" ' ).Item("NUMBER")

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Convert The Datagrid Bound Column Item Itself Link To Another Detail Page

Sep 15, 2010

I would like to make the datagrid bound column to redirecting to the details page .

For example , when my mouse over certain row of bound column in datagrid , it will change the colour to blue . Also , I can click anywhere of the row and the will redirect to the detail page .

Notes : I do not want to use hyperlink column and do not want to fix the text for every row. I want to use datafield, CommandName and CommandArguement.

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State Management :: Data Being Saved To Wrong Table In Wrong Instance Of Sqlserver Of Wrong Database?

Aug 1, 2010

I have a weird thing happening. I have two identical databases installed on one virtual machine but under two different instances of SQLServer. For some reason, periodically when saving from one it will save to the other instead. Using debug, I have verified that the connection string is correct and when the item saves, it still saves to the wrong database.I use session variable, and am of the belief that it might have something to do with it...and t hat when I go from one to the other it is still getting the connection string form the other for some reason.To make sure that it isn't a problem, I make sure that I completely close out one database before opening the other in a new IE window.I assume that when I completely close out an internet explorer window that it abandons all session states. Is that true?

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MVC :: How To Make Loud Similar Item When Selecting An Item

Feb 2, 2011

I'm trying to built in my web site the possibility to loud equal fields in the "select" page(when the user select item , I would like items that are related data in the "name column"ill be fire hopefully I'm clear That I have tried doing was in my repository I have written:


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AJAX :: When Selecting An Item From Any Of The Dropdown Controls The Hover Menu Disappears

Aug 3, 2010

when selecting an item from any of the dropdown controls the hover menu disappears:


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Web Forms :: Dropdown List Box - Selecting 5th Item It Going To First

Oct 18, 2010

i have used one drop down list that ....whn i m running web applicaiton i need to stick the value which i m selected for the movement upto i select the next choice. it is always going to the first value always. i have 40 items in my drop down. whn i select the 5TH item after selecting 5th item it going to first item.

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