Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid View Control Producing Duplicate Data Results When Data Is Cached?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a datagridview control that I'm using to display cache data to the end used on a web form. The issue that I'm having is that every time I re-run the application, and the cache data is re-generated... it loads duplicate data that's being displayed to the end user. I can't seem to figure out how to keep this from happening.

What I would like to have happen is that only unique data rows be returned and cached for the end user. Unless there are new data rows on the database that needs to be included in the cache data results...the previous data results should not be duplicated. I've tried to change a few properties on the datagridview control, but nothing seem to keep this from happening.


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Forms Data Controls :: Retaining Datagrid Results Using Session Variable?

Aug 27, 2010

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Jan 14, 2010

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When a row is clicked, I want to be able to:

1 - Hide all rows and display only the clicked row dynamically/on the fly.

trying to loop thru the datagrid and display only the Row index passed by the OnITemComman - but unsure of how to do it.

2 - Extract the row values (all cells in the row) to use as parameters in a query.

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Feb 10, 2010

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I need to edit the DataGrid it in such a way that the fifth column is hidden everytime.

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Forms Data Controls :: Can Check That A Row In Datagrid (not Grid View) Is Checked Or Not

Jan 19, 2010

I have a data grid and inside that datagrid check box and created using template field.

How can I check that a row in datagrid (not grid view) is checked or not.

For gridview we can use the below in codbehind file,

Boolean isChecked = ((CheckBox)(Row.FindControl("chkDelete"))).Checked;

For datagrid how to achieve this...

My aspx code is

<asp:DataGrid ID="dg1" runat="server">
<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="select">
<asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="chkD" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Delete One Duplicate Record Of Many Duplicate Records

Mar 15, 2010

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I just want to use the delete button delete each duplicate record while remains many duplicate records. For example:

I used the following query to load in duplicate records:

SELECT * FROM TableA WHERE ([ControlA] IN (SELECT [ControlA] FROM TableA GROUP BY [ControlA] HAVING (COUNT [ControlA]) > 1)))

ID ControlA PIN# FaceValue Date
delete 76637 128232 1234 5 6/4/2006
delete 72722 128232 1234 5 6/4/2006
delete 76638 234567 2345 10 7/3/2006
delete 72723 234567 2345 10 7/3/2006

What is the query to delete single duplicate record instead of deleting all duplicate records?

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Aug 16, 2010

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Based on the Data from one column in database, i have to show Label and Image control,in template column.

How can i do that?

I am using 2005 and dev language is C#.

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Jan 11, 2010

I just want a function which exports the table in the datagrid view into a text file or excel file on button click.

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Forms Data Controls :: After Search Results Is Populated, Click On The Hyperlink To View Specific Records Tied To It.

Feb 10, 2011

currently I am doing a web application such that after user search for all the contracts,the contract id is a hyperlink in which user can click on it to view the results tied to it. There is 2 pages. One is for the search page and after searching results is populated below. The contract id in the grid view is a hyperlink so that when user clicks on it, they will go to another page and view the specific records tied to it. How shld I do this as I am creating this web application in 3-tier formatting.

This is the search.aspx:


This is the next page that will display the results tied to this particular ID:


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Jun 21, 2010

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Aug 23, 2010

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For example, if a DataRowData value has a condition set to true (custom in table) I set the visible property to false, so the data row will not be visible at run time.

The problem is that I'm using paging (10 rows per page) and if 8 of those rows fall into the true condition that won't show the row, that grid view page will only show two rows of data in page 1. The worst scenario is that if I go to page 2 of the grid view and all the rows (10) fall into the true condition, that grid view page will not show any data at all.

How can I show 10 rows of data at all times in a gridview? In other words, I would like to just show the visible rows at all times.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid With Column Choose To Choose Columns Dynamically Using DataGrid With Object Data Sour

Sep 30, 2010

I have "Order" object with Columns Ticket,OTP and CustomerName etc.Intially on DataGrid, I'm binding Ticket only , when user clicks on "Column Chooser" button, another windows appears to pickup CustomerName,OTP columns to add specified column dynamically on Datagrid. Environment : ,C# with Object Data source

Public Class Order
publc void Order()
public string Ticket
return this.strTicket;
this.strTicket = value;
public string OtpNumber
return this.strOtpNumber;
this.strOtpNumber = value;
public string CustomerName
return this.strCustomer;
this.strCustomer = value;

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Feb 3, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind The Data In Repeater Without Duplicate Column Values

Feb 7, 2011

sample SQL data:


eid ename
1 vijay
2 shankar

table 2:

id eid sal
1 1 4000
2 1 3000
3 2 2000

i want to bind the below data format in repeater.


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Feb 4, 2010

Duplicate Data in Gridview and Updating textbox in DetailsView

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