Forms Data Controls :: Date Format In Bound Field Of Gridview
Mar 13, 2010
I'm hitting a wall trying to format a boundfield of a gridview. I've tried suggestion about setting the htmlencode to false, but that didn't make a difference.The column I am trying to format is:<asp:BoundField DataField="FromDate" HeaderText="Start Date" DataFormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" HtmlEncode="False" />
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Jan 11, 2011
to format Amount in 00,00,000.00 in Bound Field of gridview?
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Jan 14, 2010
How can I format my date field like this "Jan 6 @ 7:42 AM" from my date field. My present date field is in this format "1/6/2010 7:42:00 AM".
I am using this in my repeater control.
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Aug 21, 2010
I have a generic list of a custom type. The custom type has a string and double.I'm binding the list to a gridview and it outputs everything fine.I'm trying to format the double column into a currency format. It is in a template field as I'm calculating a running total. I pass the value to a function that returns a double and adds the current value to a running total which I will show in the footer.
The format is not changing to currency as expected when using String.Format("{0:c}", GetTotal(Convert.ToDouble(Eval("Amount"))))
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Oct 5, 2010
I have a bound column.
<asp:BoundField DataField="WorkPreference" HeaderText="WorkPreference"
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Left" />
dr["WorkPreference"] = sa.WorkPreference ( This is how I bind the data to a DataRow)
The example of the data which gets bound to this column is like the following:
Communications and Marketing Officers; Environmental Assessors; Geologists and Geosciences; Geospatial/Spatial Information Officers;
What I want is that the data should be presented to the user like the following:
Communications and Marketing Officers
Environmental Assessors
Geologists and Geosciences
Geospatial/Spatial Information Officers
In short: I basicaly want to put a break where there is a colon and then bind the data to the gridview. It looks like simple but if you can let me know.
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Jan 27, 2010
I'm looking for the best way (Performance) to do gridview columns formating RunTime /Dynamic depending on the datatable Columns type ,I want to bind the datatable to a gridview and format the Date columns to short date, and currency columns formatted with comma ex 10,000.00 inplace 100000.00 at datatable the column type is double run time (without converting them to String) since I do a filtering and sorting at these columns.
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Nov 25, 2010
I want to change the width of column in Gridview bound field but it is not changing. Code Is;
<asp:BoundField DataField="Address" HeaderText="Address" SortExpression="Address">
<ItemStyle Width="500px" />
View 3 Replies
Jan 27, 2010
I am filtering dataview using my Date Column but the result is not proper because the Field value also stores time, so I want to convert this Date Field to only Date during Filter. How can I achieve this? Here is my code. And the actual value I am getting in the Dataset Field "CreationDate" is a DateTime field which is like
2010-01-21 14:35:25.203
2010-01-22 12:55:18.033
2010-01-26 12:10:06.990
But I only want to neglet time value and want to compare Date only.
View 5 Replies
Jul 8, 2010
I have a grid that is built as well as populated dynamically through c# code. The grid has 3 columns(3 bound fields). And data is being populated in those bound fields through c# code programatically.
Elaborating my question: I have 3 bound field columns(col1, col2 & col3) . I have to increase the rowspan of col2 and col3 headertext's to 2 i.e I want the col2 and col3 header texts to span across two row cells. But the col1 header text should span across just 1 row. And the extra rowscell that is created under col1 due to the increase in the rowspans (of col2 and col3 boundfield headertexts) should be populated with some random text, i.e something like XXXXX
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Jul 31, 2013
i am implementing a update query module.i am displaying all fields from a table for a term searched. well now i am implementing update option for the record which are displayed, i have like 70 columns in my table, and i want to know how to restrict some selected fields to be only read only while the form can be updated ?Like if user select to update a record then some selected field such as "Timestamp, UID etc some selected fields" remains READ ONLY !
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Apr 19, 2013
I want to fix the gridview column width using bound field and also template field using ... How can i ?
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Jul 13, 2010
I have written a small web app to take fill a dataset from an xml file, which is then bound to a Gridview control. The problem I am having is that I am trying to format a date field as it is currently displayed as '2010-06-03T16:37:26.043+01:00'. I can usually set a format to an item within a templatefield by setting the bind or eval text, but in this case I cannot.
XML File
I have tried formatting the column within the rowdatabound event but with no joy. Code shown below
e.Row.Cells(10).Text = Convert.ToDateTime(e.Row.Cells(10).Text.ToString())
View 4 Replies
Dec 23, 2010
I have a GridView that records can be added to.There are only 2 fields in the table that the records come from which are date field and an integer field.The date field is fine "as is".The problem is that you can't format the integer field.I have tried every way that I can think off.The last 2 ways that I have tried have used String.Format because I am using EVal and with Eval you can supply anoptional second parameter to specify a format for the returned string.I have tried in both html and code behind , html gives an error message but the code behind (code behindthe RowDataBound method) doesn't give an error message:In the html looks like:
<%# Eval(("inFrmDate").ToString(), String.Format("{G}")) %>
View 5 Replies
Oct 13, 2010
I want for the date to be displayed in the Grid at the following format MM/YYYY - that is:
Till Period
From Period
(I have just started programming in via Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, so I really don't have programming knowledge yet).
View 16 Replies
Oct 13, 2010
From the database - 2 of my GridView cells: From Period, and Till Period - retrieve dates in the format YYYYMM - that is: just Year and Month. For Example:
Till Period
From Period
I want for the date to be displayed in the Grid at the following format MM/YYYY - that is:
Till Period
From Period
How can I do it easily? (I have just started programming in via Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, so I really don't have programming knowledge yet).
View 4 Replies
Feb 10, 2010
I am having a table with some fields in which one field is emp's DOB of varchar datatype.I want to display the date in Gridview in 'DD-MM-YYYY' format as well as the dates should be in sorted in descending order.
For e.g:12/03/2010' should be displayed before '12/03/2009'.
View 7 Replies
Apr 11, 2010
i've gridview and sqldatasource bind,i got 2 field in gridview start date and end date,actual problem : both dates coming in format -11/4/2010 12:00:00AMi want 11-04-2010
View 4 Replies
May 7, 2010
I would like to format the date time to
Monday 7th May 2010 9:00 am
What is the format string using <%# Eval("StartSession", "{0:?????}") %>?
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Feb 20, 2010
I want to pass date from one page to another page using querystring. I have used a gridview hyperlinkfield.
When user click hyperlink in gridview the data should display on other page.
I have tried this but due to date format (dd/MM/yyyy) that is showing in gridview the hyperlink is not showing. I think '/' is creating problem. In gridview I already tried by replacing / to -.
View 12 Replies
Nov 20, 2010
I want to have a date format in gridview column when user is in edit mode.
That is when user is editing the date he should automatically get the format like this
'--/--/----' (i.e 12/01/2010) now he can write his desired date, he is not going to type the forward slash "/" using Key Board.
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Mar 6, 2010
when updating a decimal field in a GridView all is fine when using e.g. "2.3" ("." to separate the fraction!)
However, when using "2,3" I get e formatstring exception!
I tried "regularExpressionValidator/RequiredFieldvalidator" but did not succeed! Tried also with FormatString like {0:n}.....
is this controllable by "Culture / UICulture" in web.config (played with it without success!
How do I best check for correct input i.e. force "." as separator
Can I use the "DataFormatString" property for the appropriate GridView field (like {0:n}) ......
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Mar 29, 2011
I have a text field that users enter information into a database (SQL Server). They are entering as little as a few sentances to multiple paragraphs. I can successfully display the data on my webpage, but the text field is not formatted very nicely. The output is all smashed together like one big paragraph. Ironically, when I also display the text as a tool tip it outputs as multiple paragraphs like it was entered. How can I format the output in the datalist to create a more readable text field? My datalist field is as follows:
<asp:Label id="WebDescriptionLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("WebDescription") %>' ForeColor="Brown" />
View 12 Replies
Oct 18, 2012
My web is in code and sql 2005 database. In a gridview i used to convert dateformat as dd/mm/yyyy (11 Jun 2011) format
convert (varchar, DTDOB,6) as [DTDOB]
when i use only DTDOB then date format is 6/11/2011 12:00:00 AM .(i can sort my grid on DTDOB and the date is correctly sorted)
when i use convert (varchar, DTDOB,6) as [DTDOB] then date format is 11 Jun 2011. (When i sort the date is sorted as per the day only.
eg 01 Nov 93,04 Nov 93,06 Nov 92,08 Jun 91,11 Dec 93 etc.
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Apr 1, 2013
i have a gridview , i dont know how to set the dateformat for gridview template field.
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Aug 11, 2010
I have a detailsview bound in the code behind file. I want to format the column headers. How can I do that in the code behind file.
SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(SQLquery, connection);
SqlDataReader Dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader();
dvEstQty.DataSource = Dr;
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