DataSource Controls :: Format A Date Field In DataView.RowFilter To Consider Date Only - Not Time
Jan 27, 2010
I am filtering dataview using my Date Column but the result is not proper because the Field value also stores time, so I want to convert this Date Field to only Date during Filter. How can I achieve this? Here is my code. And the actual value I am getting in the Dataset Field "CreationDate" is a DateTime field which is like
how do i insert date and time together ? what is the format for this. i tried like this but its not working.
string startDtime = TextFromDate.Text + " " + Stime; sql_comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", DateTime.Parse(startDtime)); is this the right way ? dd/mm/yyy +" "+ 00:00 or i need to make a string that contain this : dd/mm/yyy00:00 its not writing any eror it just do nothing .
I am using a dataview to read a certain record from a database and then adding these values to different elements on a form (label, textbox) ..
One of the fields is a date/time and i only want to display the date without the time..
{on page load} Dim dv As System.Data.DataView = CType(DEDS.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty), System.Data.DataView) lbl_startdate.Text = dv.Table.Rows(0).Item("'<%# Eval("evt_startdate","{0:d}")%>'").ToString() ' DEDS is my SqlDatasource .. 'evt_startdate is the date field coming from the DEDS datasource
.. It's not working .. I'm not sure how i should alter the date format ..
I have some issues about retrieveing and storing date information to my database (ms sql server 2005).My data column is a DateTime, and i have set my web.config globalization culture is set to "en-gb"
When i retrieve date from the datebase it appears as dd/MM/yy, that's fine. But i cannot insert a new date as same format?! It will only accept MM/dd/yy or yy/mm/dd.Right now i'm using this code to correct the error:
Is it possible to change the date format on the database or something, so i dont need to use this code?
I have a objectdatasource control with a field of date and time and I was wanting to know how you format the date to uk format with the select statement through my objectdatasource. And what type of integer is bigint in SQL?
i used below code for date time picker validation but it's not working.
Actually I want a date time picker which date dd/mm/yyyy format date. With validation for start and end date. Also for manual entry it should take only no. and for date rest like / or, will be auto formatted.means user should not be able to enter it.
I'm hitting a wall trying to format a boundfield of a gridview. I've tried suggestion about setting the htmlencode to false, but that didn't make a difference.The column I am trying to format is:<asp:BoundField DataField="FromDate" HeaderText="Start Date" DataFormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" HtmlEncode="False" />
I'm looking for the best way (Performance) to do gridview columns formating RunTime /Dynamic depending on the datatable Columns type ,I want to bind the datatable to a gridview and format the Date columns to short date, and currency columns formatted with comma ex 10,000.00 inplace 100000.00 at datatable the column type is double run time (without converting them to String) since I do a filtering and sorting at these columns.
Here what i am trying to accomplish. I want to have a div or panel on the page and have some text on it. The div or panel must hava a specfied time limit and then disaaper from the page. Say i want this text to apper on 10Cotober 10.00 and disapper from the page on 11October 18.00.
I am struggling to find out the problem with something. Basically on this page: If you look at the nursery diary tab, will see an article, the first article is named "Test article for archives 1". Now the date should be 01 April 2010, but instead its showing as 04 Jan 2010I don't understand why. I have been looking at my insert statement and when i insert in the admin section i have a AJax date extender. And it populates the text box like so '01/04/2010'But then when i check in my database i notice it has been added as '04/01/2010'.
I have time, for e.g 33 hr 40 mins 50 secs . i would like to convert it to a date time format.
for e.g I have used Convert.ToDateTime("33:40:50"), but in this case when you converting to date time, hour should be less than 24, otherwise it will fire an exception.
I have searched a few pages on this (including MSDN) but have not quite reached a solution. I need to convert "16/04/2010 22:39:06" to "2010-04-16 22:39:06.034" (for example).
I have already written an SQL function to do this, but would rather do this in VB.NET if possible. The date value is coming from the Date Created information of a newly uploaded file:
I have an application in which worked fine untill recently when i changed the datetime format in Regional and Language Settings in Control Panel.The date time format was default when i installed XP. I chose Indian standard time while installing XP.I changed the date time format to dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss. And my application started to throw an exception whenever i tried to insert any datetime in to the table.The exception i get is:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Error converting data type varchar to datetime.
I have an application that I need the user to enter in a date and time: 10/16/2010 1:00:00 PM How can I setup validation to check to make sure the user has entered in the date/time in that manner? I can use the validators in to check for date and even when I create a custom validator I don't know how to tell if the user has entered the data correctly. I am adding this functionality to an existing system. So I can't change the text box into two fields for validation.