Forms Data Controls :: DetialsView Where Each Row Has Multiple Detail Rows From Another Table?
Sep 22, 2010
I have a <asp:DetailsView> based on a table that has a details table, like so:
DB1 --> TABLE1 --> Customers: ID, name, street, mail
DB1 --> TABLE2 --> SitesToCustomers: CustomerID, SiteID
Problem One: I need my details view to show / edit both values from customer table and SitesToCustomers table, How do i do that?
Problem two: The site name (oppesed to its code that is saved at SitesToCustomers) is found on another DataBase in this table:
DB2 --> TABLE1 --> Sites: ID, SiteName
How can make the data source show site names according to their id's from SitesToCustomers table?
all of the code behind is c#.
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Apr 9, 2010
iam using asp.net2.0 with c#
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Jul 29, 2010
Protected Sub btnAddRow7_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddRow7.Click
Dim tableRow As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow
Dim tableCell As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell
Dim textBox As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox
End Sub
but it only adds one row dynamically. After the first addition, more clicks to the button will not add more rows.
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Mar 9, 2011
I am currently trying to create a web from that takes multiple lines and inserts them in to multiple rows in sql. So basically On the Web form It will have the following info
Store No = "28" Activity = "Bake Cake" Date = "3/3/11"
Store No = "28" Activity = "Eat Cake" Date = "3/6/11"
Store No = "28" Activity = "Sell Lemonade" Date = "2/3/11"
Store No = "28" Activity = "Bake Fudge" Date = "3/30/11"
Store No = "28" Activity = "Eat Cookies" Date = "5/3/11"
Currently I am using this script to insert values into SQL:
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May 18, 2010
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Oct 7, 2010
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Jun 16, 2010
ihave grid in which i want to delete selected rows (checkbox selected)
i have written code as follow but on click on delete button it delete all.
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Apr 19, 2010
I need to let my user add rows dynamically to a table, and after doing some research, it seems the best way to do this is through a GridView bound to a DataTable. However, I'm really struggling adding dropdownlists to the datatable, and this showing them in the gridview.
Here's the design I want:
ddl1 | ddl2 | ddl3 | ddl4 | ddl5 | ddl6 | ddl7 | textbox
When the user opens the form, he or she will be presented with one row. ddl2 etc will be populated when ddl1 is selected etc etc. When appropriate, the textbox will be enabled allowing the user to enter a comment (this is to report errors, and since users are, at best, not to trust to write the same thing twice, I need to use ddls.
Now comes the question - how do I add a ddl to the datatable? I've tried several ways, but I cannot get them added.
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Nov 19, 2010
I have ASP.Net Repeater control.
The itemtemplate of repeater control is having a table row
<itemtemplate><tr><td>some text</td></tr>
And I am binding these repeater control with some datasource.
My requirement is to have focus on first item row and i should be able to use tab ket to navigate between various rows of the repeater control(which is ultimately a table)
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I want my user to use TAB key to navigate between rows.
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Oct 1, 2010
im tryin to do something without success. I have some SQL table with few columns (fileId(int), fileName, copies, color and finish), the page is build in a way, that the user upload few files (the files uploads to some folder, and the fileId and fileName are write to the above SQL table - so the other columns (copies, color, finish) are stay blank - which is OK!!!) after he finished uploading the files he can see the files names in GridView and in that grid view i put some textbox for copies, and 2 DDL for color and comments. I need to update the rows with the new data after the user click some button (the all rows) this is the code:
the aspx.cs
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Feb 10, 2010
I am trying to follow an example from Lesson #25 of [URL] I am not trying to do paging as the above example is doing. I simply want to do a Query and return the the number of rows back in my code behind.
I have a DAL Typed Dataset with the following Query
FROM Reservation
WHERE (DateUsed = @DateUsed) AND (SiteID = @SiteID)
I have a BLL setup for the above as follows:
View 2 Replies
Mar 8, 2011
I've a table where one person teaches multiple classes. It looks like this.
Id Name Class Subject
2 Sam 12 English
2 Sam 10 Maths
2 Sam 10 English
2 Sam 8 History
2 Sam 12 Economics
Here Sam teaches Class 12 - English & Economics, Class 10 - Maths & English, Class 8 - History
I want to display the result like this -
Id Name Class Subject
2 Sam 12 English, Economics
2 Sam 10 Maths, English
2 Sam 8 History
How to concatenate multiple Rows?
View 6 Replies
Oct 22, 2010
I'm having difficulty adding a repeating header row, every x rows, to a gridview. I'm able to add the header only once with the below code. For some reason it will only add it during the last iteration through the for/next statement. I tried manually adding three separate .addat statements to different rows and it only executed the last .addat statement. I couldn't find any information on why it's only working the one time and I hope someone has a fix or better solution.
Code snippet (Note the IsWhole() function verifies that the rownumber divided into a whole number):
Protected Sub Gridview1_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Gridview.DataBound
Dim grid As GridView = TryCast(sender, GridView)
If grid IsNot Nothing Then
Dim row As New GridViewRow(0, -1, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal)
Dim header As GridViewRow = POSTURE_RESULT.HeaderRow
For i As Integer = 0 To POSTURE_RESULT.Columns.Count - 1
Dim TableCell As New TableHeaderCell()
TableCell.Text = header.Cells(i).Text
Dim t As Table = TryCast(grid.Controls(0), Table)
If t IsNot Nothing Then
For i As Integer = 0 To Gridview1.Rows.Count - 1
If IsWhole(i / 5) Then
t.Rows.AddAt(i, row)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
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Jan 28, 2010
in dragging multiple rows using the jquery plugin used in this link.
I implemented the single row drag and drop and its working perfectly but I am new to jquery so finding difficult to figure out.
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Nov 6, 2010
i'm using the code below to select multiple rows in a gridview using a checkbox, how do I modify the code in a "select all" button click event to select all the rows by checking the checkboxes in all the rows? How do I also clear all the checkboxes using sa "Clear" button click event?
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Jun 10, 2010
I want to put an input table on a web page using ASP.NET. The input table has 3 columns: date, quantity, and price. The number of rows is variable, depending on user input. The code behind will read the data and perform the necessary calculations. The data will not go into a database. It would be nice to have some client-side or server-side validation for the data, such as required fields and range checking.
Which control(s) in Visual Studio 2008 will perform what I want to do?
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