Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Multiple Images In Datalist

Jan 26, 2010

I know how to store and retrieve images into the sql database. My question in how do I iterate over the retrieved images to convert to a byte[] array and bind to the image control in the datalist?

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Images From Database In The Datagrid In Multiple Columns

Jul 29, 2010

I'am developing a commercial website using vs2005 and sql2005 in which i want to display the images from the datagrid in three columns,as

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Image In Datalist?

Apr 29, 2010

I am trying to display images in a datalist.

I derive the list of images as follows have a drodown list which contains the possible filders. The user selects the folder and clicks a button to display the images. On the button click I get the contents of the folder using getfileinfo|(0 and add the details to a datatable. I create a field in the table that contains the path and the imagename (fieldname imagePath)

To display the image



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Forms Data Controls :: Treeview Not Displaying Images?

Mar 14, 2011

I've got a treeview inside an updatepanel. Currently I'm developing on a dev server through a remote connection, when I view the page from the dev server itself, it works. The expand/collapse images display fine. When I view the page from my machine's browser (same url, same browser) it doesn't display the images.

I've added custom images using the CollapseImageUrl/ExpandImageUrl properties, again it works from the server, but not from my machine. The actual rendered html differs. The page also contains some asp:Image controls which work fine in both browsers.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Images From A Database?

Feb 3, 2010

how to display images from a database cant cant seem to find quite what im looking for.

I have a site that allows users to upload their own photos, i would like to be able to display these images, with the discription of the photo underneath or on top of the photo, on the website and allow other users to comment on the photos.

The display can be every photo in the database, later ill impliment a search to narrow it by user later.

Right now I have my database table set up to take the img path, username that uploaded the picture, time it was uploaded, and a description of the photo.

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Retrieving And Displaying Multiple Images Dynamically?

Apr 28, 2010

I want to create a page that will dynamically change the images displayed, based on which link the user clicked to get there. For example I have different movies listed and when you click a link for one of them it displays all the images for that movie. I need it to be on one page because at the moment I have hundreds of pages and its very hard to manage. I have the images stored in BLOBS on SQL Server 2005. I can retrieve all the images for a certain category and store the Image data for each one into a list of images. What I cant do, is display the images on the page. I can display one image by using the queryString to get the image by ID, then putting the Eval code into an asp:image, but I dont know how to do it for multiple images.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Not Displaying Image From Database

Oct 6, 2010

My database table contains the image file path which will be stored from a file upload control.The image path in the table will be like "C:ProjectsprojectnameprojectfolderFiles1_129308367798080000_images1.jpg"

I am trying to display that image through a datalist control as follows

<asp:DataList ID="cobrandlogolist" runat="server">
<asp:Image id="CobrandLogo" ImageUrl='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "CobrandLogo") %>' Height="100px" Width="100px"

and i am retrieving the image names from the db and assigning as datasource of this datalist in the load event as follows

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("CobrandLogo", typeof(String)));
dr["CobrandLogo"] = m_Organization.CobrandLogo;
cobrandlogolist.DataSource = dt;

But it is not displaying the image in the form.

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Forms Data Controls :: Efficient Way Of Displaying Many Images In Webform

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to find an efficient way of displaying images (about 140x140px) in a webform. We cannot use paging, so we need to display all these images in the same webform.I noticed that facebook (and other sites) lets you display all your images in one page. For a profile qith about 1000 photos, facebook somehow downloads only enough so that the visitor can see images on the screen. Once you scroll, it seems to only download enough so that the visitor can again see something on screen. It works like a good text editor.... instead of displaying a huge file onscreen (like notepad does) and freezing, it only displays enough for the reader to see.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Images In List View?

Mar 20, 2010

i am getting problem displaying images in list view. the pages shows only album name not any images.this is my code


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Forms Data Controls :: Need To Load 5 Images When The The Datalist Loads Up?

Feb 14, 2010

I have a photogallery.But I need to load 5 images when the the datalist loads up.

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Forms Data Controls :: Showing Images In Datalist Or Listview From Url?

Nov 29, 2010

i need to show images from url wich i have in my behind code. For example i have listview control :

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server">

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Images Retrieved From SQL Server In A GridView?

Mar 22, 2010

I'm trying to display images retreived from a sql server table in a GridView.

I found that the approach generally accepted was to have a handler that finally writes the image to the HttpContext.

My problem is that I only get a red X in the image column and not the images I want.

I'm using Northwind database, and I'm displaying data from the Employee table.


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Forms Data Controls :: Save And Retrieve Images To DataList Through MultiUpload?

Aug 14, 2010

i took a Table Name as Gallery Like The Above Pic

Now refer for Below Link & Image..


From The Above Link i took the code of JavaScript For MultiUpload...

Now I Want The Code For Button Click When I Click Upload and only images(jpeg/gif/png/bmp..etc) should only be accepted


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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Binary Data Type Images In Datalist From MS SQL 2008?

Jan 29, 2011

I have one table "EmpDetails". Fields of the table are empid, empname and empimg. I have stored employee details in these three fields. Now i want to retrive empname and empimg field in my web form. To do this i have taken one data list control. I have wriiten all code to get desired data but i am only getting empname from data base, not getting his/her image from databse. let me tell you i have stored images in database as a binary data. so how to retrive this binary data in datalist as an image.Below is my datalist control.

<asp:DataList id="ItemsList"


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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying An Array Of Images And Data?

Nov 22, 2010

I'd like to make a page that displays information from my database, but in an atypical way. Each record from my data includes an image and some information about the image. I'd like to display an array of images, each with its associated data underneath the image. I'm imagining a table with four columns and in each cell there is an image and underneath the image is information about it (name, size, author).

You can get an idea of what i'm trying to achieve by looking at this webpage:


how to implement this with

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Forms Data Controls :: Entering Images Into A Sql Database And Displaying In Different Fields In Gridview

Apr 19, 2010

I have a sql database and want to store the image format into the database. I want to then display the image in a gridview. For the database I have entered the location of the image and not sure if this is the right thing to do. I'm not very good at this stuff so could you make it as simple as possible.

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Forms Data Controls :: ImageURL Syntax Inside DataList - How To Show Images

Apr 26, 2010

Having problems with the syntax of my ImageURL inside DataList ItemTemplate want to show images that I have stored in a database.

<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl='showimg.aspx?ImageID=<%# Eval("id") %>'/>

Makes the img syntax look like this.

<img id="DataList1_ctl00_Image1"
src="showimg.aspx?ImageID=<%# Eval("id") %>"
style="border-width:0px;" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Images Dynamically In Datalist For Creating Gallery?

Aug 2, 2010

i wanna creating a gallery in my website by using datalist,

but i getting images statistically,

i wana get it dynamically,

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Data Controls :: Displaying Images Horizontally In GridView

Aug 6, 2013


need modification

instead of the images being displayed vertically one below the other , how can it be done in a horizontal way

4 or 5 images in one rowvthe next oon second rowvand so on

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Data Controls :: Absolute Path For Images In Datalist

Sep 27, 2012

I have a Datalist where I want to retrive Images from a folder and I have done URL rewritting so Images is not displaying when I write something like this:

<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" ImageUrl='<%# Bind("Product_Image", "~/ProductImages/{0}") %>'
NavigateUrl='<%#"http://localhost:49524Mysite/Product/" + stringToBase64String(Eval("ProductID").ToString())%>' CommandName="IMG" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("ProductID")%>' runat="server"></asp:HyperLink>

I don't want to write whole URL.

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Data Controls :: Loading Images From FTP Folder Into Datalist

Jul 11, 2013

How to display my images which are stored on an ftp location within a datalist.

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Data Controls :: Edit Update Images In DataList Control

May 7, 2015

How To Edit Datalist Images in c# Using

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Data Controls :: How To Display Images From Project Folder To DataList

May 7, 2015

I am first working on this module. Target is to show all the pictures from images folder to datalist. I myself got the code from other sources and not getting the logic that's why I am continuously receiving error..

<asp:DataList ID="dlpic" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" RepeatColumns = "4">
<img src='<%# Bind("Name","~/images/Gallery/{0}") %>' class="scale-with-grid" />


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Data Controls :: Load DataList With Images On Scrolling Down Using JQuery?

Sep 20, 2015


the above link for Create GridView with TemplateField  and asp control for Load images while scrolling page down with above link code we can show only one image in one  row 

but datalist have ReaptColunm to set 3-4 according to ur need 

when i used above code for datalist its not working  .when scroll down  it bind duplicate value.

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Data Controls :: DataList RepeatDirection Vertical - Items Always Displaying Horizontly

Jun 16, 2015

I am trying to work with vertical datalist but it is always displaying the items horizontally even after writing DisplayDirection="Vertical"

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