Forms Data Controls :: Export Data To Excel Based On Date Range?

Sep 3, 2010

I have data from multiple tables that I would like to display in a gridview via a stored procedure. I need to select the data based on a date range and display it. Once displayed I need to include a button that would allow the user to export the gridview data to an excel spreadsheet. Does anyone have an out of the box solution or know of a tutorial I can use to accomplish this feat? I am currently using 2.0 for this project. I am newish to .net.

Here is my stored procedure that calls the data from multiple tables.


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 string strBaselineassessmentVisitdate = list[i].BaselineDateOfAssessment.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

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Name - "Yoga Classes"
DateStart - "2/23/2010"
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Piano Class (10th Jan 2010 - 11th Jan 2010)
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Yoga Class (15th Feb 2010 - 16th Feb 2010)

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Forms Data Controls :: Date Range Filtering Using Textboxes Through The Select Command?

Feb 19, 2011

I am using a gridview in (Visual Studio 2010) to display records from a SQL 2005 database. I can filter my date range successfully but it does not include the end date. I have tried using the between expression as well as >= <= to return the dates from the beginning and end dates. I have search and found that this is due to the time portion of my datstamp in the SQL column (02/19/11 01:03:36 PM) where I am filtering by short date (02/19/11); therefore leaving the end date out of the records returned.

Now the solution I have read is to add a day onto the endate like this: 02/19/11 + 1 but I get a conversion error returned from the SQL server. I have tried to use convert in this matter to convert the textbox.text in the selectcommand to datetime 101 formats to overcome this but I must still be missing something because it comes back with another SQL error unable to convert nvchar to datetime.

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I have tried many different variations of the below code using $,#,+ and & symbols to encapsulate the EndDate controlparameter to add a day to the EndDate and have failed at all attempts.

This my markup that filters fine excluding the EndDate;


I have tried using this as well and work excluding the EndDate:


selectcommand="Select * from Transactions where DateStamp Between @StartDate and @EndDate">

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Data Controls :: Export GridView To Excel And Save Excel File To Folder?

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Protected Sub Export(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_printexcel.Click
Response.Buffer = True


but the export docs will be downloaded into the user computer.

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I just want to export data from GridView to Excel in MS Office 2007 version, so that when user click to open then it directly open the file without asking any question.

Following is the code which I used in my projects's web pages:

Therefore I cannot try any other code. I just want minor ammendment's in this code to accomplish this task.


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Below are the coding of my datagrid .

GridView id="grdCustomer"
void Data()
qry = "select * from customer order by customerId DESC";
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds = DBUtil.getTable(qry);
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
grdCustomer.DataSource = ds;
lblMsg.Text = "Customer List Is Empty";

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Year(date) =2015 and Month(date)= 5

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i m having the datatable a b1 1213 ukh dfuk and how to export that to excel file.

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protected void RunReport(object sender, EventArgs e)

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