Forms Data Controls :: Forcing GridView To Render Column In New Row?
Apr 30, 2010
I faced a situation where I have to add a column in the existing GridView. The problem was, that column has to contain <asp:CheckBoxList.../>.
So I used a concept of nested grid (forcing child gridview column to the next row).
I used a <asp:TemplateField...> to achieve this
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Similar Messages:
Aug 5, 2010
using .NET 4, SQL 2008 R2 and VS2010:
My issue is that the first row of data in my db table does not seem to be output to my ListView control when I run the page. The first item in the ListView control is the 2nd row of my db table.
If I execute the stored proc listed below in SQL Server Mgmt Studio all rows are returned to the query results window.
The ListView control is defined as follows:
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Apr 13, 2010
Using 2005
I have a nested gridview (gridview within gridview) that I need to render beneath the outer gridview.
I keep finding examples online of showing a nested gridview in the last column of the outer gridview but I need to show my nested gridview instead under the outer gridview.
I was certain that I had done this before by putting a row (<TR>) inside the TemplateField so that the nested gridview would display under the outer gridview. I am getting the data ok for the nested gridview, that is not a problem. The only issue I am having is making the inner gridview display under the outer gridview.
btw, the error is below:
Type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TemplateField' does not have a public property named 'tr'.
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Jul 21, 2010
i have developed some code in that need to render image ..I have these images in my database.i m using code like the below ..
i m getting other column but not getting the image...
asp code.
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Oct 12, 2010
I want to display gridview column heading when mouse over to the particular column in the gridview.I am working in VisualStudio 2005 with MS.Net2.0 framework.I don't want to use ajax.
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Oct 29, 2010
Main Gridview[Code]....
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Nov 3, 2010
Is there a way to render gridview as HTML so that i can send it via email?
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Dec 20, 2010
I have the following code that Redirects the GridView to HTML
GridView GridView1 = new GridView();
GridView1.HeaderStyle.Font.Bold = true;
GridView1.DataSource = JTB.GetOperationsListData((int)Session["TicketID"]);
I have a column in this Grdiview called barcode I want to set the font for jus that column before rendering it to HTML how do i do that
View 2 Replies
Apr 1, 2010
I am trying to get a hyperlink to show up in each field of the "Title" column in the gridview below, but it doesn't render as a hyperlink:
<a href=job_details.aspx?jobID=115779>Online Advertising Inventory / Yield Manager (773044)</a>
Washington DC
<a href=job_details.aspx?jobID=115801>Administrative Assistant (778554)</a>
<a href=job_details.aspx?jobID=115840>20769 Deal Leads</a>
Here is the behind code:
And here is the webform code:
View 5 Replies
Jan 20, 2010
I have 3 columns in a GridView. The first is a templatefield with a button in it and then other 2 are just plain data from the database. Currently when I try to render the HTML from the GridView I see all 3 columns, but I only want to see the plain data fields. I have seen the answer as:gvQuotes.Columns[0].Visible = alse;But that doesn't work for me, because I still want to keep the first templatefield column on my page.
View 1 Replies
Feb 23, 2011
I am trying to do some calculation in the page behind .cs like this:
int points = Convert.ToInt32(customer.TotalPoints.ToString()) * Convert.ToInt32(5);
lblBalance.Text = points.ToString();
In the gridview it is like this:
I have Lable with ID "lblBalance" but still I keep on getting error that it does not exists - how to fix this ?
View 13 Replies
Jan 6, 2011
I have a gridview which is binded to a Sqldatasource. I would like to replace a column data field value to 'Not Applicable' if that column has got a value of 2 in database.
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Oct 28, 2010
A page can have only one server-side Form tag.]
i got this eror.
this is funcation:::
Private Function GetRequestContent() As [String]
Dim sw As New StringWriter()
Dim hw As New HtmlTextWriter(sw)
Return sw.ToString()
View 2 Replies
Oct 12, 2010
want to display gridview column heading when mouse over to the particular column in the gridview.
View 9 Replies
Jul 22, 2010
How to add a button at first column of gridview and get cell value in another column?
For example, add a button named it as "Click me". Once user clicks will get third column cell's (ID) value.
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Mar 4, 2011
No sense in showing a competely blank column. how to make a GridView column invisible if every cell in that column is empty?
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Jul 14, 2010
I have a gridview with 3 columns. In second column I want to display some text in 2 rows and then a gridview.
Here is my code:
The problem is my third row is displayed as a row under first column. How do I make it a separate column in my girdview. Not sure what is going wrong.
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Jan 8, 2011
I am using GridView ,I want to do a validation like if i edit any one of the Cell in that column, it will through the validation when the sum of column value is more than 100. How can i do this validation?
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Aug 9, 2010
I can't figure out what I"m doing wrong.. I followed this sample online at to include a gridview in an email. But, it keeps throwing this error.. 'GridView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.I've verified that the gridview is in a form, and there are no template fields in the gridview. Heres the gridview on my page..
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Apr 27, 2016
I saw post [URL] .... which is converting rows into column item,quantity ,price. I have one other image field .how can bind image in this program?
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Aug 16, 2013
As per my requirement, I am getting CompID, Company Name and URL from SQL database. I want to display just CompName and URL in gridvew. So, I need to hide the CompID in gridview. One way I can do BoundField field Visible to false but I need to retrive that compID id when user selected any of the row. if I set visible to false user wont see any compID in gridvew but I want access the selected compID also using SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text..
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May 7, 2015
I am using item template and eval function in the gridview to display the records. Can I add a coulmn which is not in the table?
I have to add some columns which is not in the table and assign the values from code behind to that particular column
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Feb 3, 2014
I have a grid view with 4 columns and 12 rows. Getting the row index is not problem; ;however, I cannot find a way to get the column index of the cell that i select.
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Jul 9, 2010
how to implement Insert feature to a grid view?I need to use fields with scroll bar inside of a grid view. Is that possible through the template field?
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Mar 8, 2011
I have one filed that is encrypted using Rajindal algorithm and stored in MSSQL db.When I retrieve that column in gridview it's displayed in encrypted. I have the code that decrypts it but the problem is:How can I all loop throw this column values in the gridview and decrypt them all and display it in the gridview decrypted.See my code below:
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