Forms Data Controls :: Getting Data From Control In FormView InsertTemplate To Parameter In SQLDataSource
Jun 14, 2010
I Have an InsertTemplat in FormView that has a DD List.
I also have an Insert Parameter in a SQLDataSource that tries to reference it but can't.
Is my only solution to use event code to move the data to the SQL Parameters?
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May 14, 2010
I am doing a library application. I am using a formview control to display and edit the details of an existing borrower.
What I wish to do is to allow the user to enter the borrower barcode into a textbox and select the details of the borrower corresponding to the barcode.
At present I have kept the textbox and a button outside the formview. Once the user enters the barcode in the texbox and clicks the button, the data is displayed in the formview control.
Now, my doubt is that is there a way to keep the textbox inside the formview control itself and use the value(Which should be user input) for selecting the details?
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Aug 31, 2010
I have a Formview ('formview1') with a pager. I also have a gridview ('gridview1') linked to a SQL datasource ('History'). I need to set the SelectParameter ('Serial') of the datasource to be the value of a field on the current page in the formview. The value i need to get is in the ItemTemplate and is a label called 'SerialNumberLabel'. So, something like:
<asp:ControlParameter Text = "Eval fromview1.currentpage.itemtemplate.SerialNumberLabel" >
I also need to ensure that the SQL source and gridview rebind when the pager is activated.
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Dec 13, 2010
I am using a stored procedure for a sqldatasource to update a formview. I believe that I am passing the Obligation_Status value correctly to the stored procedure but the oblgation status field is always updated AS NULL in the database. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
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Jan 29, 2010
I am facing a small issue in using a DropDownList that has only two values (AND and OR) which i want to use to configure a SQL Query in a SqlDataSource. How can i use this thing by passing the value in a SqlDataSource Select Query in such a way to Bind the Result to a GridView. I want something like this -
SELECT [somefields] FROM instinvoice WHERE Namen = @Namen @Option InvoiceNo = @invoiceno where @Namen is from a DropDownList and InvoiceNo is from a TextBox
I m having a problem in specifying this @Option parameter from a DropDownList which contains only two list items - AND and OR. On the Basis of the Selected Value from this DropDownList i want to execute query like
SELECT [somefields] FROM instinvoice WHERE Namen = @Namen AND InvoiceNo = @invoiceno
SELECT [somefields] FROM instinvoice WHERE Namen = @Namen OR InvoiceNo = @invoiceno
Using the Query with @Option gives me a Parsing Error. Why is that so. How can I implement this scenario.
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Jan 19, 2011
I have a Stored Proc which uses a field in the database. that ends up being the So, when the page loads, it grabs that name and uses it in the stored proc, which I'm which I'm wanting to designate in the sql datasource. But it only gives me choices of querystring, cookie, session, control, etc. My question is how to reference that variable as the parameter in the datasource?
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Oct 25, 2010
Has anyone been succesfull databing the InsertTemplate of a ListView to an SQL datasource?
My ListView is databound to a SQLDataSource however the InsertTemplate needs to be initialized to the last entry/record on the database
So I can create a second datasource to grab the last record from the database but how do I bind it to the InsertTemplate?
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Jan 9, 2010
I have a details view that is bound to a sqldatasource. The datasource has some extra parameters besides the updated data on the screen, they are;
I am want to take the old values of the details view from the detailsview1_itemupdating event and add them as a parameter to my sqldatasource.
So how can I then add this as a parameter to my sqldatasource?
View 2 Replies
May 19, 2013
in my web code in vb. There is three labels named (tata.text,tvs.text,msu.text) is there any option on clicking on the label named tata.text the data pertaining to tata be displayed in a gridview in another page or a popup display in same page.
View 1 Replies
Jul 24, 2012
I have a catalog function whereby user can filter their selection by clicking radiobutton. For example, by selecting the Dining radiobutton, all packages related to dining would appear.And i using DataList1.Items. Count method to count the number search result. I had implement this method in the page_load, however the value of the number of datalist keep displaying previously loaded datalist. Here is my code :
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataList1.DataSourceID = "SqlDataSource3";
Label1.Text = DataList1.Items.Count.ToString();
View 1 Replies
Oct 29, 2010
I have a Detailsview grid with an SqlDatasource, this DVG is only going to be used to insert records. The primary purpose of the DS is to populate a DDL control in the insertItem Template that I created my code is this:
The DDL control populates correctly, but when I try to modify the INSERTCommand property in my DS, I try to assign the value to my parameters "TesterID" and "TesterDate" but the only options for controls to pick from, is the DGV but not the DDL in it. I assume it has to do with the InsertItem template but even if I reset it I still cannot pick the textbox as a control that would give the value to my parameters.
I did find a workaroun by build a public method and calling it in the onclick event of the insert button but looks like I have to create another connection to the database which to me seems unnecessary since I already have a DS and everything. how can I do this without having to use my method. here is my method just in case.
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Mar 21, 2010
I have a formview bound to a sqldatasource control. I want to set one of the insert parameters when I click on one of several buttons (outside the formview).
In my sqlDS I have:
I want to set the "benType" depending on which button I've pressed (I don't want/need it to be visible in the InsertTemplate). I tried adding this line to the codebehind for the button click:
formview1_datasource.InsertParameters(0).DefaultValue = 2
This doesn't work...what is the best way to set the insertParameter from outside the formview?
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Aug 14, 2013
I use SqlDataSource control to list out search result when user choose a date, but if the date is null, then it will list out all record. How to do the sql command?
SELECT Ref_No as name, Job_Order_ID as value
FROM Job_Order
WHERE (Status <> 'JO_Completed') AND (Delivery_Date = @jaDate)
OR (Status <> 'JO_Completed') ORDER BY Ref_No
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Mar 3, 2011
In my scenerio, i've a dropdownlistbox by which i want to filter, a textbox for the text to filter and two textbox for specifying from and to date.
A gridview control for displaying the filtered data and a sqldatasource control and a commandbutton called search.
The following code is used to filter the data in database and it works properly. But when i click on edit in gridview, the gridview displays no records and again when i click on search button the data is displayed on the gridview displayed with the selected row in editmode.
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string query;[code]....
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Aug 29, 2010
I have ASPxDataView and ASPxRadioButtonList within item template. i also have two SQLDataSource's (first fill ASPxDataView, second ASPxRadioButtonList). They are using other database tables connected with the foreign key. Is there any way to pass parameter to my second sqlDataSource (id) to fill RadioButtonList property ? i mean select * from TABLE2 where id = @id ; (@id is a value from TABLE1 which is a value of column returned by first sqlDataSource)
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Jun 8, 2010
Up till the moment I can not understand why the "SqlDataSource_NewAccount_Inserting" event of the formview's SqlDataSource is not firing!
The code inside the event handler is not executed, even the debugger does not stop on break points inside the "SqlDataSource_NewAccount_Inserting" function!
Here is my code:
I am using VS2010 and target .NET Framework 3.5.
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Jan 21, 2010
after I pass querystring parameter to page,page works as expected,but after that when I change my control parameter(dropdownlist selected value how can I set querystring to null or empty...
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Aug 2, 2010
I have an user control placed on a content page. The content correctly receives the session variables. In the user control I have the following
1. The pageload fires and the text box is correctly set.
<script runat="server">
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Session["app_id"] != null)
txtAppId.Text = Session["app_id"].ToString();
2. I have datagrid in the usercontrol which has a binding variable tied to a control parameters as follows
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceMain" runat="server"
ProviderName="MyProvider" SelectCommand="select
from applications
where (id = to_number(:pAppId))">
<asp:controlparameter name="pAppId" controlid="txtAppId" propertyname="Text" />
<asp:controlparameter name="pAppId" controlID="txtAppId" propertyname="Text"
Direction="InputOutput" Type="Int32" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="True" />
I tried the following, same error
Direction=" InputOutput "
Type="String" />
For some reason the select parameter pAddId is getting set to null and get the following error when the content page is loaded If I hard code the value it works RA-01036: illegal variable name/number Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
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Jun 19, 2010
I want to send multivalued parameter to SQLdatasource via gridview control.
My slect query is like
WHERE FruitID IN(@FruitIDs)
how can i achieve that?
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Mar 27, 2010
I'm using SqlDataSource to update image stored in the database. Everything is working fine using the code below but I don't know how to access the Property Name to get the content type of the image. How can I have the pass the File upload's content type to the parameter @imgType?
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Jan 2, 2011
I am currently able to pass parameter from 1 page to another but I am unable to retrieve it.
<asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFields="ID"
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Sep 13, 2010
I am trying to validate data using the OnItemUpdating event on a FormView control. The event is fired when I click the update button but
e.OldValues["txtDate2"].ToString() in the function returns a null value. What am I doing wrong here ?
ValidateForm(Object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e)
string val = e.OldValues["txtDate2"].ToString();
View 2 Replies
Jul 5, 2010
I have a ListView control that is bound to an SQLDataSource.
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Sep 10, 2010
I would like to ask if it is possible to access data on a master FormView from a nested detail FormView.
I have a main form (master) with several tabs (detail) and would like to display a label with text from main form that is hidden by the tab at the moment of editting. My asp page looks like this.
Is it possible to get the value of the label CompanyTextLabel from CompanyTextBox using just ASP.NET expressions or something similar without writing c# code in .cs file?
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