Forms Data Controls :: Getting Values From Textboxes In Gridview Footer Row?

Aug 1, 2010

I am trying to retrieve the values from the textboxes in the gridview footer row but getting the following error when trying to save the changes:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description:An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Source Error:


Line 63: Line 64: Line 65: jobName = CType(footerRow.FindControl("txtJobName"), TextBox).TextLine 66: Line 67: jobDescription = CType(footerRow.FindControl("txtJobDescr"), TextBox).Text

Below is the gridview aspx code:


Below is the VB.NET code:


how to add gridiview footer row textbox values to a database....

View 8 Replies

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Data Controls :: Calculate Sum Of TextBoxes In Each Column And Display In Footer Row Of GridView

Jan 1, 2013

How to calculate sum of textbox in every column in gridview?

let say i have 3 column and 20 rows in my gridview , so how to have it total for each column..?

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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Clear Gridview Footer Values

Jul 22, 2010

I want to develop a page with gridview which allows me to update/delete/insert records in a database table. I put 2 buttons in the FooterTemplate with ID = InsertNew and ID = InsertCancel. The insert function works fine but seems that the system won't go to the section 'ElseIf e.CommandName = "InsertCancel" Then'. Here is the code behind:


I just want to clear all the fields in the footer when user click the cancel button.

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Values From Readonly Textbox In Gridview Footer Row

Sep 7, 2010


works if the textbox is not readonly. What do i do to get the readonly textbox value?

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Textboxes - Unable To Fetch The Values Of Textboxes

Aug 11, 2010

I have a repeater which is binded using a Collection of Entity Data Framework.

Once the repeater is binded using the datasource, the user can control the no of rows present in the repeater using a Dropdown list on the page. For ex: if datasource has 2 rows, user want to add 3 more rows, user selects 5 from dropdown, which adds 3 additional rows to the Repeater. I am able to do this.

The repeater has textbox controls in each row. Now once the user enter the values in this textbox of the newly generated rows, the user can save the values entered with the no of rows specified.

I have a button which is outside the repeater and on click of this i need to validate all the textbox values and save them into dB accordingly.

Here is my code






Right now the problem is im not able to fetch the values of the textboxes present in the newly generated rows.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Keep The Textboxes Values And Checkboxes Selected During GridView Paging

Aug 12, 2010

I have Grid view control in the page. Enable paging option is true.

Columns in the Grid view are ID, Name, Checked and Email

Whenever user selects the check box then I am showing txtEmail in the Email columns so that I can enter email id in the textbox.

Like this I am selecting checkboxes and entering values in the txtEmail when I go to next page and comes back. Then these entered values are cleared.

How to keep the textboxes values and checkboxes selected during paging?

I have been doing R&D for 1 day. Tried to implement.

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Data Controls :: Show Sum Of Values In GridView Column In Footer Using C#

Aug 21, 2013

as all can see, i'm already able to create another gv that contains data selected by a checkbox from the first gv..

now is i want to show the image (from column tittled cover), also i want to sum the total of column 2 (ukuran) at the footer of second gv..

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Data Controls :: Error In Passing Gridview Values To Another Page With TextBoxes

Feb 25, 2016

I have grid view when click Search gridview will display and also click from dropdownlist it should display. Have a link in gridview if click link the values should pass to another page in textboxes so that I can update again. My issue is I cannot search when click search button and not from dropdown also.

Private Sub BindGridView()
Dim filter As String = ""
If ddlOwnerDepartment.SelectedValue <> "" Then
filter = filter & " AND OwnerDepartment ='" & ddlOwnerDepartment.SelectedValue & "'"


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Data Controls :: Subtract Values From Textboxes Which Are Present Inside GridView Using JavaScript?

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I have a GridView, that contains 3 Textboxes. Say Textbox1, Textbox2 & Textbox3

Now how do I subtract the value of Textbox1 & Textbox2 & show the result in Textbox3?How to do this in JavaScript?

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Data Controls :: Multiply Values Of Two Columns Of GridView TextBoxes Using JavaScript And JQuery

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Multiplication of two columns in gridview and display the result in third column using Javascript

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C# - How To Add The Footer Row Dynamically In Gridview With Textboxes

Jun 28, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Header And Footer Should Not Move While Scrolling Gridview

Sep 13, 2010

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how can i do that.

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Data Controls :: Find And Access Values In Repeater Footer Template?

Oct 21, 2015

How to access database values in footer template of repeater control in ASP.Net,C#. My Code is given below:

<asp:Repeater ID="rptrMaintenance" runat="server" OnItemDataBound="rptrMaintenance_DataBinding" >
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" valign="top">


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Data Controls :: Calculating Values Taken From Different Textboxes And Store In Another

Apr 27, 2016

I want to calculate the service tax on some amount. The value of service tax must be taken from textbox1.text and amount from textbox2.text and then after calculating it must be store in another textbox say,textbox3.text

service tax = textbox1.text - 14.5%amount = textbox2.text - 44000total amount= textbox3.text -((14.5*44000)/100 )+ 44000 ;

The Value of ((14.5*44000)/100 )+ 44000 after calculating will be store in textbox3.text

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Show GridView Footer Visible, If No Data In GridView

Jan 17, 2010

I have a customized gridvew i.e. grvResult. There is a textbox and a InsertButton in the footer.

If there is a data populated into gridview it is showing GridView footer and inserting data but if there is no data in gridview then its footer also not visible.

I have tried in two ways to make footer visible but it is showing following error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Tried ways:



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Forms Data Controls :: Use GridView Footer As Insert Row?

Mar 21, 2010

I did the necessary steps, show a footer, put in a button and text box, set their id's up.

Here is my code behind (VB). It's saying that Event 'Inserting' cannot be found. I'm stumped. (The gridview is set up to insert/delete/edit)


I'm having trouble with the


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Forms Data Controls :: Add New Row For Total In Footer Of The Gridview?

Jan 13, 2010

i have a gridview to disply the customers forecast details with quantity. i need to have the quantity total in footer of the gridview. how can we do this in gridview..

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Forms Data Controls :: Design Footer Of Gridview?

Dec 12, 2010

designed a gridview like below

<asp:GridView ID="gv" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
CellPadding="3" AllowPaging="True" ShowFooter="true" onpageindexchanging="gv_PageIndexChanging"
DataKeyNames = "fp_id" Width="987px" onrowdatabound="gv_RowDataBound" BorderColor="White" >


but in the output for footer its created one more column at the end but i dont want to create a new column for this footer because all other detail cells are empty. i want to show the Footer without affect any other columns.if i include the footer code in the mid of the bound field then also its created a new column so the details cells are empty,

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A Value From A Gridview Footer To Another Control

Jan 6, 2011

After displaying a summary data in Gridview Column Footer in there a way that i can then use that summary(total information) in other parts of the application? For instance, like adding the total from the GridView footer to a different data that appears in a textbox somewhere else within the app?

So if i have a GridView like this

entry1 10
entry2 20
Total 30 <----this is the info in the footer

then add this footer total to a total from another control? How can i get this done? How do i go about using that total from the gridview in my app?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Total In Footer?

Aug 7, 2010

I've been trying to get the total of some columns in my GridView. I used the code in the MSDN and finally did this:


GVcm is the name of my gridview.I have a button that loads the gridview, but it does not show the total. I don't know if I have to call this method inside the ButtonClick Event, I'm still a noob with c# and things that maybe you should know, I'm not using template fields, I don't know if that is the problem I'm using normal bounfields.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A Gridview Footer Value To Another Textbox Value?

Jan 3, 2011

If I want to add the value of a GridView footer to say, the values in 3 textbox, and then put the summed up value in a 4th textbox called do i go about getting this done? Are there any examples out there that I can take a look at?

So to further elaborate on the task I need to complete...the textboxes do not reside within the GridView. I want to take the total within the footer of the GridView and add it to values that are within textboxes which are located in other locations of the page, then displaying the result in another textBox that is also located somewhere else on the page. Meaning, there are 5 different controls located at several locations on the page which are involved.

(value in footer + TextBox1 + TextBox2 + TextBox3 = TextBox4)

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A TextBox To The Footer Of A GridView?

Jan 6, 2011

How can i add a textBox to the footer of a gridview? I just want to add one testBox which would display the total of one of the gridview columns. Are there any examples out there that I can take a look at? My google search did not return any.

Here is what my Gridview looks like right now...


Basically i want my grid view to look like this:

First Entry 20
Second Entry 50
Fifth Entry 30
Total (Footer) 100 <== this in a textbox.

So only one Textbox is required in the whole GridView..

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show Two Buttons In Footer In A Gridview

Feb 20, 2011

i have used gridview to display data from the database and in the gridview i want to add two buttons CONFIRM and CANCEL...the problem is when i am addind two buttons they are added in another columns to align them in the center of the gridview...

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Dynamic Columns Footer

Jan 11, 2011

I am dynamically binding dataset to a gridview(No Columns at design time) .I need to show Totals for some of the dynamically generated columns in the footer.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView - Does Not Show Header And Footer

Jan 11, 2011

I have a grid that contains a footer row conating the textboxes to insert data. The problem is that when there is no row in the the grid the header and the footer does not get displayed. Is there any way to show header and footer when there is no row in the grid?

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