Forms Data Controls :: GridView Lost Row Colors After Postback?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a c# code that put some background color in cells according with some values, the problem is that each time I add a button or a postback occurs I lost all colors (and other attribs).So my workaround in call the function that fills the gridview each time... but this produce a slow performance.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Created Checkbox In GridView Are Lost In The Postback?

Mar 3, 2010

In design time I created a Gridview and a delete button in a page test.aspx:


The program stopped at statement "if ((row.Cells[COL_INDEX_SELECTED].Controls[0] as CheckBox).Checked)",

because it cannot find the checkbox created before.

I tried to shift all the code in Page_Load to Page_Init, but the ticked checkboxes are still lost.

I could find the ticked checkboxes names in its request object parameters(this.Request.Params.AllKey) if I setup a breakpoint on the error statement.

Does anyone konw what's happening and how to retrieve the selected rows?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Attribute Changed By Javascript Is Lost On Postback

Sep 10, 2010

I have a gridview control that extends the default gridview. I have added an attribute called "hiddenSelectedValues" to to the gridview during the "PreRender" event and I have a private variable that points to the value of that attribute.

I have some javascript code that modifies the value of this attribute based on the user checking or unchecking checkboxes in the grid. I have confirmed that the javascript is indeed modifying the value of the "hiddenSelectedValues" attribute by using Firebug to see the change as it happens.

However, once a postback occurs, the grid looses the updated value of this attribute and I am unable to reference get the updated value on the server side.

How do I keep the value of an attribute changed by javascript on postback?

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Linkbutton To Expand Gridview Causes Row Colors From Function To Be Lost

Jan 19, 2011

When a Link button I have in my gridview that expands the table to show a nested gridview i lose all the row colors that i get from this function. What I need is a way to call the function when the link button is clicked.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#<%=GridView1.UniqueID%> tr").each(function () {
var status = $(this).children('td:eq(6)').text();
if (status == 'OK') {
$(this).children('td').css({ "background-color": "lightgreen" });
else if (status == 'XL') {
$(this).children('td').css({ "background-color": "RED" });
else if (status == 'CL') {
$(this).children('td').css({ "background-color": "YELLOW" });

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Data Controls :: Selected Value Of DropDownList Inside GridView Getting Lost On PostBack

Mar 14, 2014

I can not get the Selected Item value in in GridView Dropdowntemplate Feild

I Get Only First index item text value

string ItemSkuCode = ddlIMEntity.SelectedItem.Text + "-" + txtIMItem.Text + " -";
foreach (GridViewRow tempr in gvParameter.Rows)
DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList)tempr.FindControl("ddlParameterValue");
// string str1 = Request.Form[ddl.UniqueID.];
if (ddl.Items.Count > 0)


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row Colors Losing

May 20, 2010

I have a gridview with auto Edit buttons... when I click on Edit button it is losing it row and column colors.We are initially setting the gridview colors in the page_load event.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row Colors Can Be Set By Date

Aug 12, 2010

I have a gridview that I shows tasks assigned to me in our organization. One thing we've thought of is to have them color coded by date. The date is one of the fields and it's auto sorted by that field. So for example, if there were three tasks, one due tomorrow, one due today, and one due yesterday. I would like my task due yesterday's row style to be highlighted in red, the one due today to be green, and the one due tomorow just to be default.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Not Showing Alternate Colors

Sep 3, 2010

I am trying to make the colors different for every line, so lets say one line white and the next light grey. I tried it in the gridview usingbut it has no effect on the display! The lines are all white! Only formatting to work is the header formatting.For CSS, I have


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Can Change Cell Colors?

Dec 7, 2010

I have any opportunity to change the colors of GridView cells due to it's value. I have an SQLDataSource with different int values, and want minus number to have blue background and plus number - red.

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing DetailsView And Gridview Colors For Different Users

Mar 18, 2010

How would I go about changing gridview colours and detailsview colours depending on who logs onto my website? Is there a way of doing it in the code behind (basic example follows) :-

If User = "Peter" Then
Gridview/Detailsview Headerstyle =
Gridview/Detailsview Controlstyle =
End If

The gridview and detailsview are connected to SqlDataSource controls and are databound to a SQL server database.

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Data Controls :: How To Display Different Row Colors Based On Condition In Gridview

Jul 19, 2013

how to display row values based on condition in grid view control and how to display different row colors based on condition in grid view.

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C# - Gridview Attribute Modified By Javascript Is Lost On Postback?

Sep 10, 2010

I have a gridview control that extends the default gridview. I have added an attribute called "hiddenSelectedValues" to to the gridview during the "PreRender" event and I have a private variable that points to the value of that attribute.I have some javascript code that modifies the value of this attribute based on the user checking or unchecking checkboxes in the grid. I have confirmed that the javascript is indeed modifying the value of the "hiddenSelectedValues" attribute by using Firebug to see the change as it happens.

However, once a postback occurs, the grid looses the updated value of this attribute and I am unable to reference get the updated value on the server side.How do I keep the value of an attribute changed by javascript on postback?

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MVC :: Postback Happens And Data Lost

Mar 3, 2011

I have an .aspx page which consists of 5 tabs. Each tab content is a .ascx page. i.e. i have 5 ascx pages and on the click on eachtab i load the particular ascx page for that tab. Consider i have one textbox and one button on each of the 5 ascx pages. When i type something in each of the textbox and when i traverse to other tabs the data remains on the textbox on all the pages. But when i click on the buttons on any of the tabs , postback happens and the data is lost. Now what i want is consider i type "Mark" on my txt1 on tab1. and i type "steve" on my txt2 on tab2. When i click on the button on tab1 and traverse to tab 2 i want the data to stay on tab2?

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing In A Gridview All Data Is Lost?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a gridview which i have enabled paging. When i select a page in the footer, the page postbacks, and I lose all data.I am lost on how to enable paging and maintain the data in the table.I manually insertthe information into a datatable then bind because of the way i have to get the information.Here is what I have so far:

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging Not Working / Connection Lost Error

Dec 16, 2010

I have a rather large gridview that I need to page. the follwoing is my code but when I try to page it gives me a internet lost connection error??? I have not gotten to work in 4.0 this code is from one of my projects in 1.1 where it works fine but for some reason it is changes for 4.0.


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Dynamic Controls Value Lost During Ajax Postback.

Feb 15, 2011

I have a page to wich I had several controls dynamically. When the page is posted back via Ajax, the values of the dynamically control do not make it server side. However, everything works well if the page is posted back in the normal way ( without Ajax).

I need the post back to be done via Ajax because I need to use the Callback function to perform other tasks in the UI once the call returns.I found this excellent article but it doesn't discuss ajax:

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Javascript - Hidden Field Data Lost On Postback

Nov 18, 2010

I am working on an ASP.NET application (well supposed to be deploying it about 3 days ago) and my hidden fields are loosing value when the form gets posted back..

I am using them to store information i write using javascript and on my own machine this works fine but as soon as i deploy it on our server everything else works except these values are lost..

I am using the .NET AJAX control toolkit on the same page and have noticed my calander datepicker also looses the data..

I have checked using firebug and the data is definitely getting post to the server but is getting lost somewhere!

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Session Data Lost On Postback Of The Page In Windows XP?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a ascx page on load of the page I save few data in the HttpContext Session, on selection of data in the screen I reload the page with relevant data for the selection. Until here the data in the session exists. But on click of a button say ok button to navigate to next page. all the data in the session is lost. But the same works in windows 7 and windows server 2008 not in windows XP. are there any configuration difference in windows 7 and XP.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Lost Row_id On Client Side When I Click ButtonField To Load Another

Jul 1, 2010

I have 2 gridviews in an aspx file. The First one is master grid, and the second one is detail grid. (such as Customer and it's Invoices) First, I load data into master grid. I use FireBug and notice that every row has it's row id, such as:

<tr onmouseover="javascript:SetRowColor('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_grdResult_ctl02',0);"

Then, in master grid, I select a buttonfiled in a row to load the second gridview.Every thing alright, the second grid has it's row id But The master grid lost all row id that I dont know the reason why?

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State Management :: Session Data Lost On Postback Of The Page In Windows XP?

Apr 26, 2010 session data lost on postback of the page in windows XP.

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Web Forms :: Value Lost On Postback?

Mar 3, 2011

which are the control/thigns in whose value is lost on page postback.

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User Controls :: JavaScript Event Getting Lost And Not Working After PostBack In UserControl

Dec 4, 2012

I have created a user control.  Usercontrol contain a image.  Attached a click event on image jusing javascript function.

image.onclick = function (e) { //some code };

Now this user control is added on aspx page. Thsi is working file first time. however when the page is getting postback this event is not working.UserControl EnableViewstate is true.What should be done?

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Gridview Data Can Display With Different Colors Depends On Text?

May 8, 2010

am displaying student attendance in Grid view.I choose absent as A, present as P and leave as L. Now i would like to display A in red color, P in green

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Forms Data Controls :: Exporting To Excel With Colors?

Feb 8, 2010

I need a way to export data from MySql database (or simply from DataTable) to Excel and set colors of particular rows based on one of the fields' content.

I don't want to export the whole GridView because I need a way to add fields with calculated values as needed.

I have the following code that works:


But I don't know how to set colors to particular rows. Also, I don't know how to make Excel treat text fields that look like numbers as text to avoit scientific notation.

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Web Forms :: Panel Style Getting Lost On Postback?

Feb 24, 2010

dynamically created style of a panel. On postback the style of the panel is getting reset to its design time style. I am assigning the style of this panel using javascript. on dropdowlist's index change, its getting reset.

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