Forms Data Controls :: GridView With Pagersetting Mode = Next,previous,first,last All The Time?
Jan 22, 2010
I want to show First , Next , Previous , Last Buttons all the time in gridview if i am last page then disabling the Images. But i want dont want to hide the images.
I am developing a web application in ASP.NET3.5 with C#. I also using Telerik RadAjax Control. When user click the menu then open the page with a new tab(Like web Browser).I want to create, when user back any previous tab(page) the will be show the previous data without loading 2nd time( like browser tab). Is it Possible ?
Edit mode does not run all the times I have a gridview with custom edit (I have my own textboxes placed in the EditItemTemplate for updating). When the user clicks the Edit button, the gridview goes into edit mode with no problem. In RowDataBound handler, I have the following code which checks if the edit mode is in process then an additional function will be called.
The problem is, I noticed that RowState and function are NOT called every time the GridView goes into edit mode but it goes every other line!!! For simplicity, I have blocked the function and put direct code. I have also tried the Edit functionality provided by the GridView, and surprisingly, it is NOT working!! Notice that in both ways, the gridview is displayed in Edit mode and it does display the Update Cancel buttons in my second try. It is working fine in all alternate rows! I hope it is clear.
I have a Timer and a GridView who pulls info from the database every X seconds.Every time I query the database the field 'Comments' is replaced with whatever is on the database (since it's bound to it). I'd like to keep my previous value and keep adding into my Label the subsequent values queried from the database.
For instance, first time I query I get a value of "1" in the Gridview. Now someone changes the database row and next time I query it I have a value of "2". Well, I would like to concatenate the last value queried with the previous one and so on.
So at this point the GridView should show "1" and "2". Here is the piece of code I am talking about:
I have a gridview on my page. I have a checkbox in each row of this gridview. For each checkbox in the gridview, I'd like to update my table accordingly, but I don't want them to have to hit a submit button every time they check the checkbox. I want them to check all the boxes they need to and at the end, they should hit one submit button.
I am using a Gridview binded to a LinqDataSource that represents a database view. The gridview paging is enabled. When navigating from page 1 to page 2, it displays the right count of rows in this page (assume pagesize is 10 and page 2 should have 4 rows only to have total of 14 rows in the view; the datasource), however, it populates wrong data (from the previous page). On the contrary, when I disable paging, everything works ok.
The delete link on my gridview deletes the previous row instead of selected row....Also, it doesnot delete the already existing rows. When I add new rows and try to delete them then my delete works that too incorrectly.
I have a gridview, getting data from sql server, there is an Edit link to get the detailed information for example, for a user from database.
this link open a new page with detailed information and when I click the updated button,I want to go back to the same page with that users informaton.
I set the page size to 10, it means I can see only 10 users per page,and if I click the edit link on page 25,and update the users info, I want to go back to page 25.
Should I use viewstate or gridview has any commnad to go back to the same page? the code is written in C# sqlserver,
I'm using a wizard control with 4 steps, when I use the previous button to navigate back to the previous step the page reloads but at the bottom of the page.Instead of showning the whole of the page, the user views the footer of the site and the previous button and next button.I'm sure there is a very simple answer to this but I just can't figure out how to get the page to reload to the top.
I have a page where I am displaying a series of 10 items that are each links. This data is fed from a database. I need to add a previous and next function to this page but I cannot use any of the data controls in ASP.NET. I need to grind this out manually.
The page iterates through a recordset of up to 10 records and formats the data and inserts it into the innerHTML of a div on the page. What would be a good method here for implementing a previous and next function without using the GridView or other data bound controls?
gaining mode changing for formview in VB.The problem is that, the current mode im using was ReadOnly, and i want to add some button so thatit could connect to Edit mode in the same formview.Is it necessary to add modechanging and modechanged in the back code?
The item "Active" is a bit from the database And for the RowDataBound:
Const HeavyCheckMark As Char = ChrW(&H2714) For Each row As GridViewRow In gvProductCodes.Rows If gvProductCodes.EditIndex = -1 Then ' Selects the text from the Label which is inside the GridView control Dim lblActive As String = CType(row.FindControl("lblActive"), Label).Text lblActive = lblActive.Replace("True", HeavyCheckMark) lblActive = lblActive.Replace("False", "") 'Replaces the text in each Label control CType(row.FindControl("lblActive"), Label).Text = lblActive Else Dim chkbx As CheckBox = CType(row.FindControl("chkbxActive"), CheckBox) End If
The check mark works fine when not in edit mode. But when in edit mode, the row that is being edited works as expected. But the other rows now show True or False. I want them to have the const HeavyCheckMark in it instead.
I have a dynamically built gridview in which every row in editing mode has 2 dropDownLists, i set autoPostBack property of first list to true in order to change the other list values according to the first, but upon postBack, the gridview is not in edit mode any more.
I have a webform with two gridviews; a textbox for the invoice number, and a button to kick everything into action. I programmatically handle the select statements in the VB.Net file because I need to iterate through the second gridview's table to perform calculations and then put those results into the first gridview's table. Then I bind them. It works just fine.
The first gridview has one row with the payment information. The second gridview has multiple rows with the items that the payment is handling.Now I need to handle the edit, update and cancel functionality. I tried using a sqlDataSource for edit, update and cancel because it is simple, but it requires a Select statement so I guess that idea is not going to happen. I put a commandField with showeditfield=true, but clicking edit gives an error that rowEdit isn't handled. I have put that sub gvInvoice_RowEditing in there, but being new at this I have no idea what to put into that sub.
I can programmatically create all that functionality in the code behind. Won't it be quicker and easier if I write sub's for Edit, Update and Cancel that tell the gridview what to do - trick it to automatically handle all that? Is there an example available demonstrating how to tell the gridview to go into edit mode and proceed as if it was using a sqlDataSource?As a final note: perhaps it would be simpler if I create a third gridview to handle the job of totaling all the cash and listing each check seperately.Here is my code. It probably isn't the most elegant approach, but it works.
I have a gridview placed on the Panel(Scrollbars set to Both).
If I click on Edit button of the gridview for example Row number 100 then the focus of the page goes to the top of page and I always scroll down to the particular record to make changes.
I have a grid view. When I click edit, the OnRowCommand fires and the row goes into edit state. Label becomes a TextBox. I then attempt to alter this value in some way and click update. This again fires the OnRowCommand event. The problem is, when I attempt to capture the new value, it instead just shows the original value.In my grid view I have:
For the life of me I can't figure out why I can't put my gridview in edit mode. I am using an ObjectDataSource, maybe that has something to do with it. The problem is that the gridview won't go into edit mode when the edit is pushed. Here is some of my code:
I will troubleshoot my Match class methods after I get the gridview edit mode working.
I have a gridview that contains about 35 rows. a user has to scroll down the page to view the rows. when a user click edit. the row goes to edit mode, however, the page goes up to row 1, I need to keep the row visible to the user upon clicking the edit mode. how can I apply such a thing.
Is there a way to update a value in a gridview, by pressing a button that shows within the cell? For example, i have a really simple gridview showing supply levels, I havr the following SQL table:
ID = Int PartNumber = varchar Quantity = Int
I would like to be able to press a "Plus" or "Minus" button on the gridview next to the Quantity (in stock) value which updates the database and re binds the data to the gridview, but without going into edit mode.
I have a gridview with a edit button for each row. Selecting an edit button changes the row to Edit mode. When in Edit mode, the row ID's are not being captured correctly. Any row I select defaults to one of the first 2 rows I had selected earlier.If I first select Row 1, it puts that in edit mode. When I "Cancel" out of it, row 2 goes into Edit mode. Now, when I select row 3, row 1 goes into edit mode again. From this point, any row I select puts either row 1 or 2 into select mode.
I have several places where I have a gridview and dataview set, and when I hit an edit button on the gridview it opens up the dataview. When I hit a cancel button fom the dataview I have this code that returns mew to the gridview: