Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Update And Cancel Not Visible?

Sep 15, 2010

I am having a strange problem. I put on a Gridview on my aspx page. I also data bound it to a table from my SQL server.

Other than that I wanted to put in the Edit, Update and Cancel functionality so I also put in this from the Gridview Smart Tag.

Following is the gridview aspx code can anyone tell me what I am missing here?


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Forms Data Controls :: E.cancel Not Working - How To Cancel The Update Function

Oct 29, 2010

I have a text box that I am reading mulitple employee names into. If the user enters a name that does not belong to an employee I want to cancel the item_updating function. Here is my code:

Dim RECIPIENTS() As String
Dim NAME As String

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row Update,cancel Using Ajax Hovermenu Extender?

Sep 23, 2010

i have simple gridview


here i need to put this template field insted of command fields

<asp:TemplateField HeaderStyle-Width="0px">

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Forms Data Controls :: Put Giveview Edit/Delete/update/Cancel Linkbutton At The End Of Gridview

Sep 22, 2010

In my Girdview, I set: AutoGenerateDeleteButton="True" , and AutoGenerateEditButton="True".

The Buttons show at the first column of the gridview, how can move them to the last column?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Edit,Update And Cancel Data From Gridview

Dec 5, 2010

I want to know how to Edit and Update data from gridview. I have a gridview that generate data from a sqlcommand.Then I want to update the data directly from the gridview, I added the manually the Edit,Update,Cancel manually from the Command Field.How to Edit and Update the data directly from the selected row in the Gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Update - Bound Fields Visible Set To False Not Working?

May 20, 2010

I have an Objectdatasource configured with Select, Insert, Update & Delete queries in a Dataset. This datasource is linked to my Gridview. I do not require all fields in the table to be displayed or updated in my grid so i have turned off the Visible property on several.

However, when i go into Edit mode and trigger the UPDATE to the database table, i get NULL values updated in the columns i set False for the Visible property.

How can i remove these columns from the GridView and the Edit mode and still have them UPDATE with their current values instead of being overwritten with NULL's?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView No Results / Button To Become Visible (btnInsert.Visible=true)?

May 20, 2010

I have a gridview that is bound to a SQL datasource and is filtered via FilterExpression,

the FilterExpressoin is using Contro Parameters in a for of textboxes.

I want a certain button to become visible (btnInsert.Visible=true) when the filterExpression returns no results.

what event should I use? what is the code for that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Details View Edit,Update Cancel?

Mar 7, 2011

i m using Details View i need to perform sly functiona;ity like in Grid (edit,updating,canceling)but i couldn't found the events in Details View which are present in Gridview(rowdeleting,rowcanceling edit,row updating)here is my source


My Source


Details View Event


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Forms Data Controls :: Edit / Update And Cancel Buttons In FormView?

Sep 13, 2010

I have created a Formview1 which have 3 columns Name, Status and Description. I just wanted to update display the Status and Description but not the Name. Can anyone give me any guidelines how I can do this.

I have use the following code on my page


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Perform Edit/Update And Cancel In The Grid View

Oct 23, 2010

how to perform Edit/Update & cancel in the grid view .. already the data is there in the gridview


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Forms Data Controls :: Edit/Update/Cancel With An Image Click 2 Options?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a gridview in which i am retrieving data from database. There are 4 column fields :- EmpId , Name , Project Description and an image. With an image click 2 options should come Edit and Delete. I am done with delete but i m facing problems with Edit (I have already done it with AutoGenerateEditbutton="True" but I want to customize it) .

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Cancel Command Button Not Canceling After E.Cancel?

Oct 28, 2010

I am using a LINQ to SQL data source for a ListView and perform a validation check in the Listview ItemUpdating event:


This works great and keeps the user from updating the record with invalid data.However, when I hit cancel after this operation, it saves the text in the box rather than cancelling the operation. Here's my code for the update button:


Update Function:


I do not handle the cancel button event, as the cancel operation has worked fine... unless someone enters incorrect information and e.Cancel is set to true.What am I doing wrong? Is it the mixture of using the LINQ Datasource and doing my own updating?

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Forms Data Controls :: Cancel Button On DetailsView To Stop Insert Or Update To Database

May 12, 2010

I have a detailsview which has a button for insert and edit depending on mode plus a cancel button. What I am looking to do, is to use the cancel button to stop any insert or update to the database if clicked.

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C# - How To Update / Delete And Cancel A Row In Gridview

Mar 11, 2011

I have one GridView and one "Add" Button. If I click the "Add" button, one new row will be added to the GridView at the sametime I want to show "Update and Cancel" buttons in CommandField Column.

When I click the Update Button after the Insertion of the New Row, I want to Show the Delete Button in the Command Field Column. Once again When I click the Delete Button, the Corresponding row will have to be deleted.

So far I have done all the four things(update, cancel, edit and delete) at the same. But now I dont want Edit. The problem is when I include "ShowDeleteButton = True" in the command field, the "update and cancel" buttons are not displaying when I click the "Add" button.The "update cancel" buttons are displaying only when I include "ShowEditButton = true". But I dont want to Edit the Column.

Here I want only to do Update, Cancel and Delete. How to do? I dont want coding, I have written all the coding parts in Gridview_Rowupdating and RowDeleting Event.

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Forms Data Controls :: To Hide Formview's "Update/Cancel" And Make Data Changes When New Page Is Selected

Oct 7, 2010

I have a Formview that is only showing a question, and two checkboxes (True / False). It's cumbersome for the client to have to click "Update" every time they click a checkbox.

Is there a way to have Formview update the data when the page is changed, or form is closed? (I see those events, but know how to force data to update from in them).The application is testing individuals, so 95% of the time the person navigating through the forms will be updating data.

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Forms Data Controls :: Exception With GridView RowCommand (Cancel)?

Mar 12, 2010

It has to do with the RowCommand 'Cancel'. When clicking on my Edit button for a row, the GridView puts the row into edit mode without a problem (I have no code for the Edit command, I let the control do everything).

Once in Edit mode, if I click the Cancel button (again, I have no code handline this RowCommand, I let the control handle it (like i do with many other GridViews)) I get the following exception:

"System.InvalidOperationException: Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control."

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Forms Data Controls :: E.Cancel In GridView:RowUpdating() Does Not Work?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a GridView. I allow editing using:


As I allow editing of row, so I have GridView:RowUpdating(). In it, I check if the entered value is valid. If not, I have e.Cancel = true.


After I see the message box comes up, the textbox still stays the same. I expect the textbox will disappear just as if I have pressed the Cancel button. (By the way, the ClientUtil is a class someone has written for me.)

How do I make the e.Cancel = true works as if I press the Cancel button.

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Forms Data Controls :: Want To Cancel Edit Mode Of Gridview In The Code?

Oct 24, 2010

I have several places where I have a gridview and dataview set, and when I hit an edit button on the gridview it opens up the dataview. When I hit a cancel button fom the dataview I have this code that returns mew to the gridview:


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VS 2010 - Gridview Edit / Update / Cancel Button Display

Sep 7, 2015

In my gridview, when in non-edit mode, my edit (pencil) and delete (X) buttons show up side-by-side as expected:
Attachment 130089

However, when I click the edit button (pencil) to go into edit mode, the update (diskette) and cancel (undo arrow) appear as shown below, and the edit and delete buttons of the other rows appear the same "wrong" way as well.
Attachment 130091

Here is the code for the grid:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" GridLines="None">
<AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="#F7F4ED" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Fname" HeaderText="First Name" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Lname" HeaderText="Last Name" />

[Code] .....

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Forms Data Controls :: The Values Of The Rows On My Gridview - Edit - Cancel Button

Jan 4, 2010

i want to update the values of the rows on my gridview. there are no errors or warnings about the code, but when i debugged the project i saw that the textboxes i want to change do not change. so there can not be update process.


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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Code For Gridview Context Menu Like Edit / Delete / Cancel?

Feb 5, 2010

I need code for gridview context menu like edit, delete,cancel

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Inside GridView Is Not Visible?

Apr 20, 2010

I am just trying to view gridview that is inside other gridview but it is not visible although its visible = trure.

Here is the code:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show GridView Footer Visible, If No Data In GridView

Jan 17, 2010

I have a customized gridvew i.e. grvResult. There is a textbox and a InsertButton in the footer.

If there is a data populated into gridview it is showing GridView footer and inserting data but if there is no data in gridview then its footer also not visible.

I have tried in two ways to make footer visible but it is showing following error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Tried ways:



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DataSource Controls :: How To Cancel Database Update

Jun 16, 2010

i have function writeToDatabase(); that function use to store registration information to database. and then after store todatabase success..another page will appear and need user to confirm all data that has been filled...then with the confirmation..all data will send to HOST. what about if send data to database success..and send data to host FAIL(any reason due to send to host fail) ... i just think about to cancel anything that function writeToDatabase() did..

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Not Updating If Gridview Not Visible?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a master/detail page using a gridview as the master, and a detailsview as the details. The gridview is set to select a record, and the detailsview picks up the ID and you can either edit that record, or add a new one.The detailsview is set up with various template fields, and if everything on the page is visible, it works OK.However, I wanted to hide the Gridview when the user in working with the detailsview. But if I do that, the detailsview doesn't update the record.

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