Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind To Label From Stored Procedure
Aug 4, 2010
I have gone through all of the forums and couldn't find an answer to my problem, which is:: I need to bind a result from a stored procedure to a label. What I have done so far is to try to use <%# Bind(SP_Result_FIeld_Name)#> and that does nothing. I also tried to assign the results to a string in the code behind, all that did was put the words "TTLCount" in my label. Part of the problem might be that it is pulling from a temp table and the field I'm pulling has an assigned name ( Count(*) as TTLCount)... The rest of my SP is returning to a gridview which works fine. I just need to display the total number returned and the total number of returned that have email addresses. Here is what I have so far::
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<asp:GridView ID="gvOrder" runat="server" DataSourceID="ods1" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
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<table class="adminContent">
<KMMatrimony:AMIZGridView ID="gvEventMemberEntry" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false"
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This code returns MdaID and StateID, I want to assign them in this manner:
MdaIDLabel.Text = MdaID and StateIDLabel.Text = StateID, but I am not sure how to separate the two values and then to assign them as I have indicated above. Since my function has a "void" return -
MdaIDLabel.Text = GetMdaState({0}, 64114);
StateIDLabel.Text = GetMdaState({1}, 64114); - will not satisfy the requirement.
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Some of the problems I am trying to solve:
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I am using VS 2008, MS SQL Server 2008, .Net 3.5 and VB .Net.
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SelectCommand="Execute ClassesSelect" runat="server">
<asp:ControlParameter Type="Boolean" Name="@all" ControlID="chkAll" PropertyName="Checked" />
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