Forms Data Controls :: How To Disable Button Inside EditItemTemplate Inside DetailsView
Jan 20, 2011
I have a boolean / bit value in the database called "is_paid". Depending on this value I want to Disable a button. (the same would go for example to set a textbox not Visible, but anyway)
What I want is to Disable the button, if my boolean is 1 (true).
First I tried to convert my boolean value to text:
onclick="btnCalculatePayment_Click" Enabled='<%#
Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("is_paid")) ? "False" : "True" %>'
But got an error:
CS0030: Cannot convert type 'string' to 'bool'
However, if I use it one a Label it works fine: <asp:Label
Convert.ToBoolean(Eval("is_paid")) ? "True" : "False" %>'></asp:Label>
So another trial I did was to CAST the data from the database to be the text that I want, like so:
SELECT not_paid = CASE WHEN is_paid = 0 THEN 'True' WHEN is_paid = 1 THEN 'False' END ....
And my code changed to:
onclick="btnCalculatePayment_Click" Enabled='<%#
Bind("not_paid") %>'
But got this error:
System.InvalidCastException was unhandled by user code
Message=Specified cast is not valid.
at ASP.manager_aspx.__DataBinding__control74(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:Documents and SettingsAdminMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsWebManager.aspx:line 219
at System.Web.UI.Control.OnDataBinding(EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBind(Boolean raiseOnDataBinding)
at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBind()
at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBindChildren()
So I wonder, is it possible to change the "Enabled" property based on by boolean value?
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* db.Varer: Varer is a table that contains basic product information like proudct name, product nr. etc. ** a.fk_kategori_id == CatParamId : I'm just saying limit the result according to the Category ID (a.fk_kategori_id). The category id is coming from a dropdownlist (CatParamID) *** Join: Besides the Varer (Product) table I also have another table, Sizes. This Sizes table contains 6 columns (ID_Sizes (int) primary key and the columns: OneSize, S, M, L, XL, XXL all are bit (true or false)). There is a relationship between Varer table and Sizes table. It says that I can only insert a value into the "fk_sizes_id - column" of varer table if that value already exists as primary key within the Sizes table. **** I'm starting by picking basic product values like productId, ProductName etc from the Varer (a) table ***** Then I'm picking the corresponding Sizes values (onesize, s, m, ...) from the Sizes table. Now within my ListView I'm showing the above result by using Eval, like this.
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