Forms Data Controls :: How To Arrange The Display Of A DetailsView

Mar 28, 2011

I have a detailsview that has about 15 fields. When I display the deailsview I have to use scroll bars because all the fields are displayed one on top of the other. Is there a way to arrange the display of the detailsview so you have 3 fields on the same row then the next row of the detailsview displays 4 fields and so on.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display More Than One Record Per Page For Detailsview

Dec 22, 2010

Im wondering if anyone knows how to display more than one record on the same page for a detailsview control? I could do with maybe displaying 10 per page but cant see no option for doing this.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Display The Child Nodes In The Xml Onto The Detailsview ?

Aug 10, 2010

I am able to bind the first level nodes from the xml but not able to display the child nodes in the xml onto the detailsview on grid.

find my snippet below and help me in correcting the issue. I don't want to use the aspx page to bind the datasource.


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Forms Data Controls :: Vs2010 - How To Display Data As HyperLink In DetailsView

Mar 21, 2011

I am using DetailsView box (Visual Studio 2010) to display employee data based on Access table. One of the fields is an employee email, designed in the table as HyperLink. I want this field to be displayed in DetailsView as HyperLink also.

Is it possible to do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display A Radio Button In The Editable Mode Of A Detailsview?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm really struggling with this. How do I display my data with radio buttons in a detail view and bind it to my datasource like I've done with the textbox? The database values are int {yes = 1, no = 0, na = -1}. I want my user to be able to quickly update the radiobuttons instead.I'm working in C#.

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Electrical_Panels_Fastened_Securely") %>' ></asp:TextBox>


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview And Detailsview Link / How To Get This To Automatically Display On Page Load

Apr 30, 2010

I have an issue that I've spent quite a bit of time trying to solve. I have a Detailsview and a Gridview that I have linked using the ID field, It has now been decided that they want to have individual pages for each Unit. I have this working for the most part, however the detailsview is not being displayed until I hit select the row in the gridview.

How do I get this to automatically display on page load?

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Data Controls :: Display GridView Row Details In DetailsView

Dec 31, 2013

I have gridview inside detail view and i want that if i press new button it will automatically give me the new form for both the gridview how can i?

<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="False" CellPadding="4" DataKeyNames="PurchaseOrderNumber" DataSourceID="Purchaseorderselect_sql" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None" Height="50px" Width="125px">
<AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#284775" />
<CommandRowStyle BackColor="#E2DED6" Font-Bold="True" />
<EditRowStyle BackColor="#999999" />

[Code] ....

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Data Controls :: Display Details Of GridView Row In DetailsView?

Mar 31, 2013

In my web. i have a gridview in which pernumber is the id. i have a page in which persons data can be viewd by searching with his pernumber. 

my requirement is when the pernumber is clicked in the gridview the data of that person should display in the detailed view page. how can it be done?

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Web Forms :: Arrange The Position Of The Controls

Dec 15, 2010

I work with Visual Web Developer 2010 I arrange the controls using the Format menu / position / absolute.When I run the page I have buttons that change of position should I use tables to put the controls?

how to set the page width to not have the horizontal scrollbar.

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Data Controls :: Display Selected GridView Row Details In DetailsView?

May 7, 2015

how to show detailsview after select gridview

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Data Controls :: Display GridView Selected Row Details In DetailsView Control

May 7, 2015

I have a gridview and in which there is a select button .. when I clicked the button .. then the data in gridview with indexes that have been, can move to the details view ..I use rowcommand event for the select button in gridview..

I use viewstate in details view..

How to passing data from gridview to details view?

GridViewEmail_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) {
if (e.CommandName == "Comment") {
string[] commandArgs = e.CommandArgument.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
string scrapid = commandArgs[0];
string uid = commandArgs[1];
// BindDetailsView(scrapid, uid);

[Code] .....

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Forms Data Controls :: Link Multiple Detailsview To Page From One Master Detailsview?

Sep 3, 2010

I am trying to arrange the information from a SQL record into a 3 column by 3 row table to fit the form presentation that I want. I have placed on the page 3X3 table and then tried to place a detailsview in the first cell for the first picture called P1dv.

I have place a detailsview in the last cell that would control the paging of information called Controldv. I need to fiqure out how to link P1dv paging to Controldv page action. I am using visual web dev. 2005. I am not updating or editing these are read only views.

example of what i need the form output to look like:

picture1 picture2 picture3

name1 name2 name3

Contact1 contact2 contact3

what i ave coded as of now:


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview And Detailsview - To Click Two Times On The Select Button To View The Detailsview?

Nov 17, 2010

I´m trying to link the gridview to detailsview and I used this page as my inspiration:

But I´m trying to do that programmatically, not with the sqldatasource. So I wrote the method that binds data to Detailsview and I call it in the page_load. The problem is that I have to click two times on the select button to view the detailsview. The first time I click on the select button nothing happens.

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView And GridView - How To Bind To DetailsView

Aug 6, 2010

I have a gridview with a Select button. Clicking the Select button for a particular item, I need its full details displayed in DetailsView. how I can bind to DetailsView? Here is what I have so far.

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowSorting="True" AllowPaging="True" PageSize="10" OnPageIndexChanging="countryGrid_PageIndexChanging"
CellPadding="4" ForeColor="#333333" Width="400px" Font-Size="9pt" [code].....

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Data Controls :: Display MP3 Audio Files Stored In Folder On Disk And Path In Database In DetailsView

Oct 12, 2012

I am developing audio related project for that i have stored movie names with mp3 file paths in database I am displaying movie names in grid view after clicking on movie name related mp3 file paths will be display in details view i am unable to play that files in details view how to do this ? Here i am storing original mp3 files in one folder in solution explorer and paths in database

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Forms Data Controls :: Display 2 DetailsView Controls Side By Side?

Jan 11, 2011

as the title implies i'm trying to display 2 detailsview side by side and it's always arragne them vertically instead of horizontally.

from the rendered HTML i can see the control renders as table surronded by div

how to resolve this?

i'm attaching sample code for testing


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Gridview Arrange Strings Data Right?

Feb 12, 2011

1)Is it possible to arrane strings to the right?

2)Is it possible in case The value of the field is null to have "-" in the corresonding gridview field

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Web Forms :: Re-arrange Template Column In Gridview?

Jan 6, 2010

I have set the Datasource of my gridview in code behind and created no columns. Then I added a template column in gridview. Now I want to change the order of my Templated column in gridview at runtime. I want to show the templatedcolumn at column 20 but it is shown as first column. My Grdiview looks like this:


how can I set the template column at specified place(in my case it is column no. 20) and I've set Datasource and Databind the gridview in code behind at page load.

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Forms Data Controls :: Find And Set DetailsView Controls In Empty Data Template In Gridview

Oct 31, 2010

I would like to find controls in the detailsview control placed in the EmptyData Template of the gridview. I am trying to create Insert new record for the gridview control.

1. If there are existing records in the table - works fine and sets my two values: I placed Detailsview and Insert Button in the footer of the gridview. I needed to set the values of two fields. When I click on the Insert button it saves new record and sets the field with the value (code attached - works fine). I also have a popup extender that opens detailsview - this works just fine.

2, If ther are not records in the table - saves record but cannot find and set controls on the detailsview Same thing setup in the EmptyData Template. The record is saved but I cannot Find and set the field value on the control.

1. Link button (on click) in the gridview footer (works fine)

protected void LinkButton1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
string zupa1;
zupa1 = ddlSelectEmployee.SelectedValue;
DetailsView zupa = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.FooterRow.FindControl("DetailsView1"); TextBox zupa2 = (TextBox) zupa.FindControl("txtInsertEmployee");
zupa2.Text = zupa1;
DetailsView dettraining = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.FooterRow.FindControl("DetailsView1");
TextBox training = (TextBox) dettraining.FindControl("txtTrainingType");
training.Text = "4";

2. EmptyDataTemplate.FindControl - can save record but cannot access txtInsertEmployee and txtTrainingType

DetailsView zupa = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.EmptyDataTemplate.FindControl("DetailsView1");TextBox
zupa2 = (TextBox)zupa.FindControl("txtInsertEmployee");TextBox
training = (TextBox)dettraining.FindControl("txtTrainingType");"4";

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Arrange The Values In Dataset?

Mar 1, 2010

if any possible arrange the data in dataset ascending or descending order

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How To Arrange Text In Label

Nov 15, 2010

how can i make text in my label arranged to make each line end with the same point

I mean to be like in this form


not in this form


it always appear in this form :

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Arrange The Items Of Gridview ?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a settings page in my website,in which a user can select desired items and their order to be displayed in another page.I am displaying these items(which are obtained from database) in a gridview with checkboxes,up/down arrows next to them.Once the user makes his selection/rearranges the items and clicks on the 'Save' button,I am saving the data into another database table.When this particular user logsin again I want to check the items which were already chosen by him and arrange them in the order he specified, on page load.I am able to check the checkboxes of the already chosen items but do not understand how do I arrange the items in the user specified order?

Update: Basically 'items' in my question refers to column names of a database once the user selects his desired column names and their order,the data corresponding to these columns gets displayed in another page in the column sequence specified.

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Forms Data Controls :: Splitting Up DetailsView?

Apr 12, 2010

First of all, I'm relatively new to (3.5) and all of its controls. What I'm trying to do is to split up a detailsview. I have a submission form containing quite a lot of fields that are supposed to be filled out by the user. In my design I have a tabstrip with headlines about the different sections of the form. For example:

Tab1: Personal Info
Tab2: Info about your car
Tab3: Contact info

I have tested to add a new "user" via a DetailsView and it works. But what I want to do is to split up the contents within the <Field> tags In the DetailsView In different div classes (using css and javascript to hide/show the right tab contents). But when I try to do this Visual Studio says that characters like <p> and others aren't allowed within the Field tags, which makes sense. Is there any control to use for these kinds of situations?

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Rowdatabound

Jan 20, 2011

i want to bind the existing value in database to dropdown list in dititemtemplate


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Forms Data Controls :: Can't Test DetailsView Value?

Aug 3, 2010

I need to test less than value of a integer value contained in a DetailsView

if ( DetailsView1.Rows[0].Cells[1] < 30 )
TextBox1.Visible = true;

getting error saying Operator '<' can't be applied to operands of type.TableCell' and int What am I missing? How does this differ from a GridView container?

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