Arrange The Items Of Gridview ?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a settings page in my website,in which a user can select desired items and their order to be displayed in another page.I am displaying these items(which are obtained from database) in a gridview with checkboxes,up/down arrows next to them.Once the user makes his selection/rearranges the items and clicks on the 'Save' button,I am saving the data into another database table.When this particular user logsin again I want to check the items which were already chosen by him and arrange them in the order he specified, on page load.I am able to check the checkboxes of the already chosen items but do not understand how do I arrange the items in the user specified order?

Update: Basically 'items' in my question refers to column names of a database once the user selects his desired column names and their order,the data corresponding to these columns gets displayed in another page in the column sequence specified.

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vb Code:
Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class page1   
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protected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
myAPI.myWeb myAPI = new myAPI.myWeb();
myAPI.SearchParameters sSearchParameters = new myAPI.SearchParameters();


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Current Situation:

What I want to acomplish

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Object reference not set to an instance of an object. on this line:

Dim imagePath As String = rowView("image_path")

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<asp:GridView ID="gvImages" DataKeyNames="id" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BorderWidth="0px" GridLines="None">


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ObjectDataSource ods = new ObjectDataSource();
ods.EnablePaging = true;
ods.TypeName = "Bll.InvestmentProductSvc";
ods.DataObjectTypeName = "Bll.InvestmentProduct";
ods.SelectMethod = "GetList";
ods.SelectCountMethod = "GetListCount";
ods.StartRowIndexParameterName = "PageIndex";
ods.MaximumRowsParameterName = "PageSize";
ods.EnableViewState = false;
ods.SelectParameters.Add (new Parameter("SearchString",TypeCode.String, SearchString));
ods.SelectParameters.Add(new Parameter("PageIndex", TypeCode.Int32));
ods.SelectParameters.Add(new Parameter("PageSize", TypeCode.Int32, gvSearchResults.PageSize.ToString()));
gvSearchResults.DataSource = ods;

The Gridview declaration:

<asp:GridView ID="gvSearchResults" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowPaging="true" PageIndex="0" PageSize="50" OnPageIndexChanging="gvSearchResults_PageIndexChanging" PagerSettings-Position="TopAndBottom">

Are there any reasons for the Gridview not to render a row and not to report an error? I have examined the data returned for the 6 items and cannot find any distinctive differences between the 2 rows displayed and the 4 rows not displayed.

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