Forms Data Controls :: How To Create A Bar Graph And Line Graph

Nov 16, 2010

I am creating a bar graph and line graph. I am using 2 dropdown list for the date and category. The user can chose the date and category that he want to view. I also have a upload button for the user to upload the excel file and dispaly the data in girdview.

However i have error whenever i want to view the graphs.. I have upload my code in the attachment. Pls take a look. I do the coding invb.


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The arraylist I mentioned was saved to a session to be used in another page. Is my code right? And how can I create the graph from the values?

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On checking the checkbox, the user will actually be selecting the products that he/she wants. The selected products will be stored in an arraylist by using a foreach loop through the gridview. The arraylist will then be saved to a session before being redirected to another page. (a button will be clicked after the selection of products to proceeed to another page)

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Here is the server control code I am currently using.


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I am trying to find duration of an mp4 file using direct show component of windows using the Dotnet wrapper(directShow-lib 2005). But the method i used was GetDuration of IMediaSeeking interface. But this returns zero as duration.After searching i found the following statement:"It doesn't matter whether it's in a container or not, it only matters whether you have a parser/reader for it. There is no stock DirectShow parser to read raw H.264 files and no third-party one I can think of. Also, whether IMediaSeeking would work with such a raw file is implementation-dependent. Last, most H.264-related filters use MPEG2Video or
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Mar 21, 2011

I am building a web application using sql server reporting services. As part of my application, I present the report onwards to the end user using the report viewer control.

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How can I instruct SSRS to create a bigger image of the graph? Can I specify anything in the underlying querystring?


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Forms Data Controls :: Chart Controls - Point (Scatter) Graph?

Jan 18, 2011

This seems like it should be extremely simple. I have a list of x,y cords in SQL table that I am pulling out into a reader. I am then trying to bind my points to a point (have to use it since I can't find scatter) chart control.

Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.Databind(myReader, "Xpos", "Ypos", "Tooltip=CName")

Where Xpos = the x cord column and Ypos = the y cord column.The chart generates but my problem is that I am getting multiple x values that are the same. For example I have (67, 45) and (67,54).I would think there would be one x value for 67 with the two points on it, at 45 and at 54.Instead I am getting 2 x values listed, both for 67, one with 45 and one with 54.

Just as a test I listed these values in excel (in 2 columns) and did a scatter plot and it generated what I expected (2 items plotted on the same x value, one above the other. Is there a setting I am missing or does the chart control "Point" not have this capability.

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Apr 7, 2010

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C# - How To Persist Graph Data For Website

Nov 1, 2010

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I don't want to hack my own system and have heard of Neo4j. Lots of Java developers seem to recommend it to one another. Obviously I'm on the .Net platform and prefer to not have to switch.

What are the available options, particularly on the .Net platform?

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C# - Facebook Graph API Getting Data When User Not Logged In

Feb 28, 2011

I have this requirement of fetching facebook user information like friends count and other basic information and integrate to our website.

I currently use facebook graph to ask user to authorise, fetch information and store in my database.

When their say, friend count changes how do I update my database without asking user to trigger it manually.

Is there a special permission where i can fetch user data when he/she isnt logged in.

I have seen this somewhere but not sure of the permission.

Or does facebook have any feature of publishing information on subscription ?

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MS Chart - Reading Data From Textfile (separated By Delimiters) And Plotting Out The Graph

Jul 19, 2010

My whole project is about reading data from textfile(the readings is separated by delimiters) and plotting out the graph. But somehow i am meetnig some problems as i think my method is wrong... It's something like this..what should i do?

Private Sub CreateChart()
'Create some dummy data
'Dim random As New Random()
'For pointIndex As Integer = 0 To 9
' Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.AddY(random.[Next](20, 100))
Dim h, g As String
Dim lc As New StreamReader("C:Tempdatalogger" & date1.ToString & "int_ana_" + date1.ToString + ".txt")
Dim ff As String '= Label5.Text & ":00"
'Dim sr As String = lc.ReadToEnd
Dim line6 = lc.ReadLine
Do While Not line6 Is Nothing 'loop until end of file
If IsNumeric(line6.Chars(0)) Then
Dim fields5() = Split(line6, ";")
'Dim fields5() = Split(s.Substring(sr.IndexOf(ff)), ";")
h += fields5(0) + vbCr
g += fields5(3) + vbCr
End If
line6 = lc.ReadLine
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
For pointIndex As Double = 0.0 To 2.0
Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.AddXY(h, g)
'line display chart
Chart1.Series("Series1").ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line
'set the bar width
Chart1.Series("Series1")("PointWidth") = "0.1"
'Show Data points labels
Chart1.Series("Series1").IsValueShownAsLabel = True
'Set data points label style
Chart1.Series("Series1")("BarLabelStyle") = "Center"
'Draw Chart as 3D Cyclinder
Chart1.Series("Series1")("DrawingStyle") = "Cylinder"
End Sub '****End of Graph

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