Forms Data Controls :: Create Graph After Selection?
Jan 17, 2011
I have a gridview on a web page as shown below
On checking the checkbox, the user will actually be selecting the products that he/she wants. The selected products will be stored in an arraylist by using a foreach loop through the gridview. The arraylist will then be saved to a session before being redirected to another page. (a button will be clicked after the selection of products to proceeed to another page)
On the redirected page, a bar graph needs to be generated based on the products selected previously and also the product sales (this is retrieved from the database).
How can I generate this bar graph without having to code the whole graph out?
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Jan 18, 2011
This seems like it should be extremely simple. I have a list of x,y cords in SQL table that I am pulling out into a reader. I am then trying to bind my points to a point (have to use it since I can't find scatter) chart control.
Chart1.Series("Series1").Points.Databind(myReader, "Xpos", "Ypos", "Tooltip=CName")
Where Xpos = the x cord column and Ypos = the y cord column.The chart generates but my problem is that I am getting multiple x values that are the same. For example I have (67, 45) and (67,54).I would think there would be one x value for 67 with the two points on it, at 45 and at 54.Instead I am getting 2 x values listed, both for 67, one with 45 and one with 54.
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<toolkit:Chart HorizontalAlignment="Left" x:Name="chartLine" Margin="31,35,0,0" Title="Chart for test" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="233" Width="309">
<toolkit:LineSeries IsSelectionEnabled="True" HorizontalAlignment="Left" DependentValuePath="Y" IndependentValuePath="X" [code]....
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mygender = myfatality.gender
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