Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Extra Row Per Record In Gridview

Feb 23, 2011

I have an typical request from my client, where in he wants kind of drill down look in gridview.
When an (+) is clicked it should display child records with links and the (+) should change to (-) and otherway round.

For example:
1. roles are displayed in gridview.
1. Admin
2. Manager
and so on.
2. On click of (+) for admin, it should create extra Row in Gridview to view its child record.
1. Admin
1. Shailesh 18-06-1980 Link
2. Ashok 01-10-1979 Link
2. Manager
5. Kishor 05-08-1985 Link
8. Parag 15-07-1983 Link

and so on This should be trigerred on click of (+), somewhere in row or may be after I click on role name.

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Month Number of Injury Expenses

01-2003 4 $20

02-2003 5 $60

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Month Number of Injury Expenses

01-2003 4 $20

02-2003 5 $60

GrandTotal 9 $80

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Aug 20, 2010

using c#

sql server

i am searching a record from my database and displaying it in gridview now i want the comments should be updated as per the record which is being searched

For E.g if record No.3 is searched then only i can update record no.3 and i don't want rest of data to be shown


now what is happening when i click on edit my whole table is being displayed

this is bcuz i made one method gridfill() which i m calling everytime if i m doing grid row editing,row cancelling and row updating

my code




now the problem is if i don't call my Gridfill method everytime when i click Edit/Update the column which is to be updated next time again becomes blank.

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Head Payment_Date
Advance payment 10/01/2010
25% after completion of the project 20/10/2010

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