Forms Data Controls :: Update Gridview Record?
Nov 30, 2010I have a gridview in aspx page.after binding records in gridview.i need to update records.
View 1 RepliesI have a gridview in aspx page.after binding records in gridview.i need to update records.
View 1 RepliesHow can I Edit and update record in Gridview using viserd..
in c#
I am trying to update record via stored procedure, but i got error at very start point. Problem is when i click on Edit link button within the Gridview it produce error.
I can populate values from database fine but its produce error when i click on edit link button. see the code below.
I am populating the gridview on the basis of listbox selection . However, I am setting the datasource in the click event after listbox entry. When i am trying to update any record in the gridview this error gets thrown because the datasourceid from the aspx page has been removed. Code for reference -
protected void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach (object o in ListBox2.Items)
string str2 = null, str, host;
host = Convert.ToString(list[0]);
str2 = " ( SYSTEMNAME like '" + host + "'";
for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++)
host = Convert.ToString(list[i]);
str2 = str2 + " or SYSTEMNAME LIKE'" + host + "'";
str = str1 + str2 + " )";
string connectstring = "Data Source=SRCPA035\ovops;Initial Catalog=reporter;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=ril123";
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectstring);
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(str, connection);
SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
GridView1.DataSource = dt;
GridView1.DataSource = SqlDataSource1;
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex)
string msg = "Fetch Error:";
msg += ex.Message;
throw new Exception(msg);
I'm struck at editing the row which is displayed after search operation being performed. I've a table that has User_ID, Name, Status. I would like to bind data and display in gridview. I've implemented a search box to search fr the name and edit the status of the person. But if I'm trying to implement edit option on the searched entry it is not working as how I needed .
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="Dresses" Runat="Server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
[Code] ....
I am binding repeater control for mega menu, its working fine but i want to repeater do not load every time from database ,it load when any change or add in database ....
View 1 RepliesFor right now, the View Account for an individual user has the following setup on the aspx page.
In the MembershipUserODS file i have the following:
And in the code behind page i have this...
The page posts, when you click the update button, but the data never changes / updates.
insert update delete in gridview using sqldatasource in
View 1 RepliesI am using paging to my gridview (pagesize=4) . now i am in (X) page and i want to get (X+1) page top record or (X-1)page bottom record , how i can get .
View 2 RepliesI want users to select a record in the GridView and then have that record open up in the Detailsview. How would I go about getting these two tools to communicate?
View 4 Repliesi have design a web application having suppliers table using SqlDatasource..
i have a master page in my design and other form are bound to a context menu..
Now i have displayed the records in the gridview..all i wanted is after i select a record in the gridview it will display the selected record in detailview from another aspx form..
i was able to create the link to another aspx form but the data that it display is the first data from the gridview not the data that i select.
I want to update a particular record in the grid. This is wat i am writing
why is the RowUpdating() event not happening...
I want to update a record in a detailsview which contains a decimal value which I would like the field to formatted as currency while editing.
When I try to update the record I get an error about trying to pass a formatted value to an unformatted table column. The ApplyFormatInEditMode is set to true and you are cautioned by intellisense about unformatting befor updating the record. This is databound field.
Is this a simple as x = Val(detailsviewrow(1).tostring) ?
Here the code I am trying :
i am using asp net 2.0 and mysql. I need to implement a datagrid with the possibility to update a record but i am having problems and i don't know why.
this is the code:
the primary key of the table is a composed key fot IdOrdine and IdMezzo.
I'm using SqlDataSource and GridView
="UPDATE [MyTable] SET [Name] = @Name, [Description] = @Description, [CreatedDate] = @CreatedDate WHERE [Id] = @Id;">
when I'm trying update, I get error:"Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'CreatedDate'"
GridView displays all fileds correct includes CreatedDate.
I have a Drop Down List, a GridView and a DetailsView. The Gridview is the master, the details is the records detail view. When we edit a record and click the update button, I want the page to refresh the gridview and detailsview. Right now after clicking the update, nothing happens, it just updates the current details record.
View 3 RepliesI have a web form with a detailsview controlled by a linkbutton in a gridview. When the user clicks the linkbutton, a panel appears with the detailsview inside it. The select statement is created based on the commandargument of the link button. So far, if there is a record associated with the ID passed through the linkbutton, the detailsview displays correctly. However, if the user needs to update this, it jumps to the default record for that detailsview after clicking the standard update link. Without a default ID set, the detailsview does not display at all, as some IDs do not yet have a corresponding record for the detailsview.
How can I get around this issue? Also - is there a way to immediately display an open detailsview for IDs with no record associated yet?
I am using ListView for the first time. I have a requirement that in a listview if I Edit a record and before clicking teh Edit button of tthis record if i click on the "Edit" button in other record, my first record should be saved and second record should open in Edit mode.
View 2 RepliesUsing 2005.I have an inner gridview.The outer gridview is "Authors" and in the inner gridview (GridView1 below) I have to set it up so that the user cannot delete the last book from the inner grid, if they try to delete the last book from that inner grid then I want to show the exception message below.
So I am checking the GridViewRows1.Rows.Count which works great when I have one record (one book) to start with. The problem is when I have 2 books (for example). I am writing out the test statement below and the RowCount is always 2 each time, never decremented, even after I rebind.Editing this now: i realize that my initial logic is faulty because when I rebind my inner gridview I am not specifying which inner gridview so the result is that only the last inner gridview is being re-bound, so I think that I need to get the selected inner gridview and then refresh that...
I want to update multiple rows of gridview (only price field. for that i have added textbox) on click of update button which is outside of gridview.I have done following way
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkUpdate" CssClass="BlueButton" runat="server" OnClick="lnkUpdate_Click">Update</asp:LinkButton>
Up to this its working fine but when no textbox updated then no need to go in for loop so i am looking for confiramtion before updating rows please help me how to do that becausei am less aware with javascript. another problem is textbox value disappear when page index changed how i can retain that values.
Here is the sqldatasource config code: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
View 1 RepliesWhen i try to update a row using the update functionality of Gridview it updates all the rows rather then updating that specific row which is in edit mode.
Is there a good way to add a new gridview row so that it appears at the top of the gridview in edit mode? I've researched a lot of methods but they're mostly adding blank data rows. I'd like to add the new gridview row and then use an insert to add the new record to my linq datasource.
View 2 Replies updating data in the gridview by using AJAX?
Once values are entered into textboxes and saved into Database, then gridview has to update the new changes. And not by using the ajax updatepanel