Forms Data Controls :: How To Maintain Checkbox State In Paging

Sep 17, 2010

I am using dot net 3.5.

I have a grid in which there are text box and check box as template column.

But when I move from one page to another the value of checked check box is lost.

How to maintain the value through all the pages in grid.

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Similar Messages:

Data Controls :: Maintain State Of Checkbox In DataList Paging

May 7, 2015

I am using pagination on datalist control. It is working fine without any issues. But I am not able to maintain the checkbox state while doing pagination. Looking for appropriate code for maintaining the state of checkbox.

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How To Maintain Selected Checkbox State While Paging

Mar 21, 2010

I have a gridview with paging option. I want to maintain the state of the checkbox column in gridview for each page.

I used coding.

I used the following link for this purpose,


It worked properly.

But when i check all the checkbox of page1 in gridview and click the next page, it shows that all checkbox of page2 is checked.

I know the reason for it. Because the index of the gridview row for each page will start from zero only. This causes the problem.

My requirement: I will check 2 checkbox in page1 of gridview and 1 check box in page2. I want to maintain their individual page state checkbox.

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain Checkbox Value In Repeater When Paging?

Oct 29, 2010

how can i maintain the selected checkbox value in the repeater when i do a paging to a next page? While i go back to the previous page, the checkbox value that i have selected is still remain?

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain Checkbox State On Multiple GridViews With DropDownList?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a multiView control within which I have 3 views as part of building a customer order.

Step 1: Customer is selected from gridView and Customer Name is saved in MultiView Session.

Step 2: Products are chosen from gridView. The grid is re-bound depending on which product category is selected in a dropDownList. The product details are also stored.

Step 3: All of the details required to build the INSERT query are passed to labels on a form to be reviewed before committing to db. The next stage, now that I have managed to select multiple rows, will be to display this data in another gridView.

Everything works fine, except for the paging and dropDownList which is causing the checkbox state to be lost after postBack.

I've read a few articles on this, but I think I have made the task more complicated due to the dropDownList in addition to paging. Essentially the customer will be able to select various product lines, across various bindings of the gridView so I need to persist the checkbox state and retain the data for the INSERT query.

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain Gridview Paging And Radiobuttonlist

Apr 7, 2010

Currently i am developing a quiz using gridview. I provided users with multiple choice question using radibuttonlist. Everything was fine but when i navigate to the second page (Gridview paging) and back again to the first page, previous selection on radiobuttonlist was missing. How do i maintain the radiobuttonlist over gridview paging. I have been searching solution for days:(yet, din manage find a proper solution.

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C# - Maintain The Checkbox State In The Header Rows Across The Page?

Nov 12, 2010

I know how to keep track of the checkbox in a datarow, but I got no idea on keep tracking the checkbox state in the header rows.

For example, assume my gridview have 3 pages, after I check the checkbox in the header rows in 1st page, I click on 2nd or 3rd pages, and click back to my 1st page, my checkbox status in 1st page still remains checked.

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Web Forms :: Maintaining Checkbox State While Repeater Paging In C#

Aug 17, 2010

How to maintain selected CheckBoxes' states in different pages inside the Repeater control and list out the selected checkboxes values.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Maintain Gridview Page (paging) While Webpage Get Redirect

Feb 10, 2011

I have a two webpages,in my first webpage i have gridview with 8 pages(paging) and four coloumns.In fourth coloumn i have a link button to redirect tosecond webpage ,now i am in gridview 4 th page(paging) then i clicked the link button and move to second
second webpage.

second webpage contain one button that will redirect to first webpage.if i come from second webpage to first webpage the gridview paging get reset.but i want to be on gridview 4th page(paging).

View 10 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Maintain Sorting Data During Paging?

Sep 17, 2010

when i sort the grid and it is display in sorted order and when i go to next page it will show data in default order. how to maintain sorting order duing paging

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Persisting Checkbox State While Paging In SPGridView?

Mar 23, 2011

Suppose I have created a spgridview with the following code.


To persist the checkbox states between pagebacks ,currently i am using session states.It has some draw backs.Now how can I persist the checked states,when the user manually checks all the checkboxes,how can i make a check on the header checkbox?

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State Management :: Gridview CheckBox Persist In Paging?

Oct 6, 2010

Related to this thread: Gridview CheckBox Persist in Paging

Is there any other option than ViewState or Session to save the datatable ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain Page State On Postback From Other Webpages?

May 3, 2010

I have a abc.aspx page having some control like (drop downs, text boxes), i am filling a grid based on selected items in the drop downs and date selected from the ajax calender extender control attached to the from data and to date text boxes.

Inside grid there is a link which redirects to bcd.aspx, this page (bcd.aspx) is having a back button to redirect abc.aspx.

Now what i want is, abc.aspx should main its state like grid, drop downs and text boxes should be shown as it was earlier, i.e. all should have same values as it was at the time of redirecting to bcd.aspx.

Yes, there is a way to maintain the state by passing all values from query string and than get all values back and rebind all controls. But i don't want to go this way because i will have pass so many values in query string.

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain The State Of Options Checked In Detailsview?

Apr 16, 2010

in that i am displaying the questions using details view.I am taking 4 options as radiobuttons(Template field).my problem is i will check one option and move to next page in detailsview & so on.if i go to page 1 option i checked is reset,so how to maintain the state of options checked in detailsview.

View 15 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Add Dynamic Rows And Maintain Their State?

Jan 14, 2010

I need the following functionality in gridview1). Dynamic add rows2). facility to delete any row (mainly when add new row a link button shd appear with remove text)3). when we add or delete a row the state of other rows should be maintainedeg:- we have a gridivew with 3 textboxwhen we click add button a new row with three textboxes are generated along with remove link buttonnow after creating 3 4 rows i add text in all textboxes , then again i add or remove the row the textboxes must not get cleared

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox In List View With Paging?

Mar 17, 2011

[URL] i am trying to display one check box that would perform 'selectall/deselect all' . As I have data paging, I assume I do not have the id's of page 2 yet. how would one go about implementing this.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Gridview Selected Checkbox Row While Paging True?

Dec 31, 2010

I have a problam in Gridview paging.

I create a gridview with 2 boundfield and check box in tamplet field. and allow paging True.

I maintaing a Chekcbos status while page index change. Its fine But

I have a button outside gridview to store a data in DB.

Now i want that on button clicking all selected Chekbox rows to stored in DB.

Means Gridview loop like

Each page each row if find checkbox selected pick this row store in DB .

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging, Keeping Checked Values Of Checkbox?

Mar 29, 2010

I got a list of customers That I'm gone show in the gridview. I have added a checkbox infront of every customer so i can select what customers gone be used and passed to the next method. With a little bit of strugle I almost got everything working now except for this thing with keeping the values of checked customers when I page to the next page (2,3,4,5 ect).

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Control Paging Preserving The State?

Aug 31, 2010

I have a question regarding the listview control paging and preserving the state of the items on page change.

I am using listview control and datapager control to achieve paging in the listview control.

I use the listview to display list of questions like with radiobutton list options as answers...

I am unable to preserve the selection of answers between the page changes..

for eg : I If select option1 for the question1 and move to a next page. and If I come back to previous page, the selection goes.

I tried using the view state...but could get this working..

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Data Controls :: Highlight GridView Row When CheckBox Is Checked With Paging

Jun 16, 2015

I am new in Asp.Net Web development..........

I want to highlight the row when checkbox is checked in gridview with paging using javascript only. Without paging I am able to perform but with paging I am not able to solve this issue. 

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain DIVs Open State When Sorting One Open GridView?

Feb 10, 2010

In code below, when I have more than one DIV open and I choose to sort one of the GridViews, all the other Open Div's will close automatically. How can i keep the DIV's in the state they are in when I sort any GridView?


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Data Controls :: Preserving State Of RadioButtonList While Paging In GridView?

Aug 7, 2013


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Web Forms :: Maintain Page Scroll Position When Paging In DataList

Jun 10, 2012

I use pagination for my datalist according to this link [URL].....

this is style of pagination

First 1,2,3,4,5 Last

when i run web site i see my datalist with pagination in webpage my datalist is middle of page when i click on page number 2 or 3 to see other page of datalist it reload page and go to top of page i should scroll until I can see my datalist again.

i want when users click on page number after that they see other page of datalist directly not top of page ..

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Data Controls :: Preserving State Of CheckBoxes While Paging In GridView Control

May 7, 2015

I downloaded the code and when the gridview loads it works; however, when I select the next gridview index page, the gridview is blank.  Don't know why it is not working like it should.

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State Management :: Session Became Null - Maintain Data?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a requirement where i need to download mutiple files as a single zip file.There is linkbutton named HOME as well in the page. when this linkbutton is clicked it should redirect to homepage.aspx. I found a ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll in net and used in my website. Here is the code


With the above code i got the expected result i,e. i can zip the files and save on client system. But the problem is after saving/canceling the zip file if user clicks on linkbutton in the page_load event Session[getdata] became null. there is no data in Session. what might be the problem? Actually it should redirect to homepage.aspx but its going to login.aspx because Session[getdata] is null.

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